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Posts made by Logain
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
(at)finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
(...) so do not summon me again. Thanks.
It's an automatic feature of the forum that is standard when quoting, but sure, I can edit that if you prefer it this way. You're welcome.
(at)finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
(...) A mmorpg is not only pvp!
I fear there has been a misunderstanding, sorry for not expressing myself properly. I didn't intend to imply that PvP would be the only, or the most valuable feature in an MMORPG. I simply tried to raise the question why any generic player would choose to use this feature in an MMORPG, if there are far superior alternatives in other games, unless it has a special edge in an MMORPG, that is not existent in these alternatives. The conclusion would be to either have something that makes the feature worthwhile, or to completely eliminate it and instead focus development time on other functionality.
(at)finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
(...) And I'm already playing both (OW and HOTS). None said that a MMO should be like you wish! I played MMO where you could join pvp easly. Buut I could turn that and asking you why don't you go on EVE or Albion Online?
My statement wasn't meant as a 'personal you', but as a 'generic you', I'm sorry if you felt this was a personal attack at you.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
(...)I prefer people that can jump in battle every 2 mins like an fps arena(...)
Which would beg the question, why not play an FPS/MOBA instead? There has to be some unique selling proposition of the PvP part in a MMORPG, otherwise a FPS/MOBA always has the edge, since they specifically design all their game around that aspect and have vastly superior matchmaking and community numbers.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@logain(...) If you start as beastkin you can move out from Arboreus for some good pvp. You are not forced tostay there as beaskin.
You might want to read my complete posting, not just the first five sentences.
Namely the part where I explain that it directly influences the PvP mechanic, not just my desired playstyle. -
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@vengu said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
One thing I don't understand is, why do so many PvPers here have such a big obession with Arboreus? (...)
Now that is a very good question and maybe part of the back and forth argumentation!
While I certainly can't talk for others, I can try to elaborate my reasons.First from a personal perspective, I intend to play as Udoadra (Wolf-kin beastman), but simple PvE grinding with no challenge is a little too boring for me. I enjoy the 'thrill' that an evil (group of) Demon/Human could try to catch me off guard, which means I'd have to take a run, showing my map awareness and preparation, followed by displaying my community interaction through persuading the request for assistance to my wolf pack. That said, I fully understand this is personal preference and would never ask to have the mechanics just for my own kick.
Now from a PvP perspective, if the three worlds would be fully separate from each other, it wouldn't matter, but they are interconnected. This means, what happens on Arboreus has great impact on the two other worlds as well. MMORPG PvP players, much like PvE players, want a feeling of progress (else they'd simply go with one of the countless MOBAs), which means in a group versus group, guild versus guild and even player versus player scenario, strategic resource management takes the role that levels would in PvE. Having that backup equipment, the potions, the mounts and whatever else can be looted from you and used as an advantage in combat means you can return to the battle right away and that is the target of the opponent, to deplete your ability to return to the battle. If the complete environment is PvP, you can effectively hinder your opponent on regaining these resources, simply through controlling and limiting their access. If there are large parts of non PvP areas, every PvP player/league is suddenly required to run a good number of bots there, because that is an instant and easy ability to refill your resources (it can not be blocked and controlled by your opponent). And you suddenly removed a key element of PvP from the game (and made life more miserable for the PvE player by having them compete with countless bots, followed by the PvE players crying for instanced dungeons, which means there is even less player interaction and the game effectively turns into a 4-player dungeon raid-Diabolo clone).
As an add on, PvP players tend to enjoy the freedom of 'moderating themselves'. Where a PvE player has to complain to a moderator/gamemaster if another person insults them and can not do anything about another player hindering their progress/enjoyment by challenging their 'hunting area', a PvP player can easily tackle the situation alone, simply through force. -
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@specter said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
(...)Due to the popularity of this topic, the next spotlight is going to be about this topic instead of town building.
Great news, thank you! I hope that details on the 'severe restrictions', the size/resources of the 'PvE only' zones for Arboreus and the goals/design philosophy behind Demons with their invasions (the spotlight on races claims that Demons spread chaos and death on Arboreus, but if most the planet is PvE, that is a bit of a ... misconception/miscommunication) are going to be included, since these seem to be the most debated topics?
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@logain You missed this:
No, I pointed out that there's a vast difference between 'restricted' and impossible.
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
If we are going to lose players because they will not be allowed to kill where and what they want on Arboreus I will be happy! That's the worst part of a community and luckly the smallest "niche".
Great, I'm happy you're going to enjoy this. See, I'd say people buying their way up in the game with real life money and forum worries that try to get others banned, while happily dissing others from their save spot aren't the top of the cream either. To each his own.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
We are going to have a fully planet for pve without limitations and spare pvp on really few zone high restricted. No demon events will happen on arboreus this means that they can't invede to destry something.
You misread the effect of an 'eclipse', it is not that people can ONLY travel during an eclipse, but that an eclipse reduces some of the penalties usually applied. Demons are still able to invade Arboreus.
The exact quote is: 'Thanks to the aura, demons don’t suffer the usual penalties when walking the grounds of Syndesia, retaining all the powers they have on Tartaros, and being able to haunt humans until the eclipse is over.' (...)
'Stargates require a great deal of group effort to be summoned and don’t last for long. After crossing one, the time you’re allowed to stay on the new planet is limited and varies according to your race, your alignment and your destination. Demons are a notable exception to this rule, having been gifted by Babilis the ability to travel to other worlds more easily to bring terror to the other much hated races. However, the penalties they’ll be subject to are no smaller than those suffered by the other races… and sometimes, actually worse.'And demons are described as 'Babilis gave its progeny the ability to travel to other planets way more easily than humans and beastmen can do, allowing them to spread death and chaos to Syndesia and Arboreus.'
Since these have been one of the first (forth and sixth) news we got about the game, it naturally attracted some people who are into these kind of activities. And that is why these people are trying to keep you from rallying for a change of this vision, since that would mean they'd lose interest in the game. I, for my part, am simply going to wait for Prometheus to post his announced justice/PvP spotlight, hoping that he's going to make it clear how much Demons can actually do as they are described and cause chaos to Arboreus, or if they end up being a laughing stock and then decide if I still have interest in the game.
RE: what have i do???
Could it be that there's somebody else in your household/on the same IP-address posting on Fractured as well? It looks more like the algorithm flagged you as an alternate account to me. Maybe @Specter could shed some light on this, otherwise you might have to contact support.
RE: Will we have a kill count in pvp?
@finland said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
You can't have an MMR system for an openworld PvP
You don't need one for an adjusted ELO system to work.
@finland said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
Anyway how would you judge individually the player who is strong and who is weak in a a zerg fight 50vs50?
Same as you do in a 5 vs 5 MOBA battle?
@finland said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
Or in a gank 1vs10? You will be killed by they could have been weaker than you!
I know you don't like and don't want to hear that, but if players puts themselves in a situation where they can be tag-teamed, the blame is on them. Map-awareness, strategical positioning, communication (and social interaction), preparation, all that is part of PvP and should be rated accordingly.
Keep on your toes, know when you can go where you plan to go, know when you have what amount of support and how fast it can get to your position, have an escape plan and set your gear/skills according to the situation, but as well to expected PvP and you can limit the amount of times when you find yourself in such a situation.
That said, you can track, weight and evaluate individual contribution to a battle (A healed B, A hit B,...) so you can easily apply Fuzzy Logic here. -
RE: Will we have a kill count in pvp?
@finland said in Will we have a kill count in pvp?:
@chrightt noobs are weeker but you can't develop a system to recognize them ;).
If you define the term 'noobs' by 'newbie' and thus 'newcomer/beginner', then you can easily use time played. If you define the term 'noobs' as in people with a bad skill in PvP, then there's always the possibility of an ELO ranking.