Websockets and Webtransfer

Posts made by Logain
RE: Daily Message posting
@Fortie said in Daily Message posting:
Almost no one is spamming here
People are more active in the Discord (sadly).
RE: Daily Message posting
@Junkie said in Daily Message posting:
@Logain GET LOUD!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT
Not until the update gets live and disappoints me
RE: The Data Transfer Is Here!
@Kralith said in The Data Transfer Is Here!:
@StormBug said in The Data Transfer Is Here!:
@Cellticlink How is that not a good sign? That is the best thing to ever happen to this game!
There are consequences to this that people tend to forget.
Monetary support has stopped, promotion of the game has ceased, deals are going to have worse conditions (e.g. payment providers taking a higher margin),...
I can see why somebody could be worried by this.
And no, unlike plenty of others (including you two :P) I was skeptical on the Gamigo move from day 1. But that doesn't mean I don't see negative effects from parting either. -
RE: A few spoilers
@spoletta said in A few spoilers:
(...)I thought that it was a compromise compared to the initial idea of the game(...)
My perception is different. The more time passed, the more the actual release date diverted from the initially planned Q3 2021, the more 'short cuts' had to be used in development, since money is starting to be more and more of an issue. I don't blame Dynamight Studios for that, it's normal and happens frequently. That said, I don't have to like it.
The 'original pitch' used to be horizontal instead of the standard vertical progression, gaining more versatility in combat instead of more raw power. That requires a lot of work, abilities and creatures have to be balanced and placed carefully.
As far as I recall, talents were planned initially, but you're right, they were/are far too strong in every implementation.As for the new system 'fixing' the issue of beginners spending their KP 'wrong', yes, that's correct. But at the same time, it does remove the possibility of meaningful decisions as well. Now everybody is simply the same (and has to grind far, far more, because you require double the KP to reach the same stage as before). I strongly disagree that this is the closest to a horizontal system that adds versatility instead of power. The original pitch always included spending your KP, having choice, not being 'just all the same' and grind day out day in.
As for the orbs, sure, I'm going to withhold my final judgement until I see the implementation. What I predict is one of two possibilities, either Legendaries are going to drop them (the very simple solution), or each type of creature is getting a new version (e.g. Elder Mountain Troll could be reused) with slightly adjusted values, that either has a fixed spawn or that is random part of chest events (like it was done with crystals).
I hope they prove me wrong, but I won't bet on that. -
RE: A few spoilers
With each update they divert more and more from the original pitch.
Instead of an exploration and achievement rewarding ability leveling, you now have a hamster wheel grind system. Instead of having a choice and the possibility to play smart, you are now forced to grind longer to be the same as everybody else.Thanks for the spoilers though, I'm going to play and test, but I wish Fractured would head less towards the dime a dozen MMORPG.
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
@Mudz said in So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?:
Unarmed all the way
Interesting! I was planning to do the say. May I ask what attributes you're going to focus on? I am considering Dex, Int, Con.