Actual Alt Spam, like with games such as Archeage, are usually pretty cancerous and invite botting and people paying others for their services, in my opinion anyway. Definitely not something I'd like to see here.

Posts made by KKillroyV2
RE: Is Alt-Spamming even a bad thing?
RE: Week 131 - Weekly Drawing Winners
"Oh I'm banned for su-OH NEAT I WON SOMETHING"
Thanks for this, I was just starting to slow down on points.
RE: did fireball got super nerf?
Yeah as it stands, too many mage abilities just don't seem to work well, due to "Magic" only counting for pure magic damage and not fire/ice etc, especially considering the dearth of talents that affect any of these schools. I don't see much point in there being mages right now considering how much better life is for Quarterstaff melee etc.
RE: When the Mod sides with trolls...
@Znick I have to somewhat disagree Znick, when the same copy-paste message is spammed on my screen before the last message has even left the chat screen? I'm going to ask them to stop, which is apparently trolling of the highest order these days.
RE: When the Mod sides with trolls...
Honestly at this point? Close the in game chat. Its taking up resources and right now is just going to be a bed of spam and arguing.
Temtem did exactly this and it was 100% the right move as it promoted positive discord activity and as it stands, people arent going to stop spamming or calling out spammers.
RE: Hello New World
Welcome to Fractured @Nareth It sounds like you're going to be a great addition to the community, when I first read the title, I assumed you had come to this website believing it was for Amazon's New World!
RE: Hey there (delilah)!
Well thats one way to get a song stuck in my head..
Welcome to the fractured community. Be sure to check out the dev journals (free foundation points ftw) and don't hesitate to ask any questions here or in the discord.
RE: Which race and why?
I feel like Wolves would make amazing Skalds with the whole charisma support and group buffing.
I'm normally always a fan of Liches and Vampires so Blood Daemon or Lich is my first pick, I'll need to see more but I love the idea of a Redeemed Blood Daemon (If there aren't too many drawbacks)
RE: Hey!
Okay there is my daily enthusiastic moment over, welcome to hell newbie.
RE: Flavour to Lichs/Non-demon evils
Perhaps not the only way but how about the human paying a price so the demon can cross over without many penalties
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
Alrighty so I'm going to narrow it down to my top three interests in any fantasy game / MMO
A great magic system - I'm almost always drawn to the magical aspect in any game, whether this is healing abilities, necromancy or even just roleplay abilities, the less mundane and more arcane I can make my character, the better!
religions - while I don't have to worry too much about gods in Fractured being a thing (as they're absolutely a major game aspect) the ability to take things one step further and really dedicate yourself to the religious arts would be great to me. The idea of becoming a priest of Bibilis or Tyros (spelling) really interests me.
Finally, Naval content - this one is not usually as integral since the base game must be worked on before any real naval systems but, I simply adore sailing in fantasy games whether its exploring, trading or raiding.
Bonus point, developers that are very open and that communicate, I think it is an integral part to current game development using crowdfunding and I can't complain about my interactions with the Fractured community so far.
RE: How Would A Demon Gain Karma?
I hadn't actually seen much about Beastmen and negative karma.
I'd love it if there was a possibility of becoming some form of corrupted beastman, similar to the Daemon > Angel path.
I think that would also help balance out the players who are interested in the whole fall/redemption aspects.
RE: Friendly Swede wishes everyone a great time in Alpha 2 Test 3
Welcome aboard merlin! I will expect many sabaton quotes from you on the battlefields.
British newbie with Daemonic aspirations
Hey Fractured community.
I'm just here to introduce myself and hopefully my clan mates if they get around to signing up finally.
I'm really loving everything I have seen from fractured so far and can't wait to get in on some testing.