@grofire said in Mount Questions:
@gothix i hope not, i hate when adding technology in a fantasy games.
I enjoyed the pistols in guild wars 2.
@grofire said in Mount Questions:
@gothix i hope not, i hate when adding technology in a fantasy games.
I enjoyed the pistols in guild wars 2.
@specter said in Mount Questions:
@grofire Humans have access to steampunk technology.
Can I have a steam powered wagon in stead of a horse drawn wagon?
@nightcoder said in Settlements as a Solo Player:
AFAIK it's possible to be the only player in a town but if it's a free town then nothing prevents other players from settling there as well as competing against you for mayor.
When a haunted town area has been cleared, a player can build a house. The town area then becomes a hamlet. There are no rulers/rules in a hamlet. Only houses can be build in a hamlet, no shops. Any other player can also build a house. When there are a number of players who have build a house in the hamlet, an election can be held for a mayor. Then the hamlet becomes a town.
@nightcoder said in Settlements as a Solo Player:
I think it should be possible to create a guild of one and the establish a guild town for yourself.
If you live on your own, you are not part of a town.
More info: https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-7-towns-governors-politics/
It certainly would make the game more immersive. I liked the way my horse wandered of to a through or a meadow, in the witcher 3, but even in that game you could whistle for it to appear.
@gothix said in Mount Questions:
Yes, you always need to take your mount with you, and walk back to it when you leave it somewhere.
In BDO people usually left their mounts near main roads, where they wouldn't be attacked by animals, and then venture of to grind in nearby forest.
It was very immersive to see bunch of horses near the road on popular locations where many people went to harvest goods.
How do you know which horse is yours? What if you forget where you left it?
@gothix said in Mount Questions:
In BDO horses could be killed but this would negatively impact your karma if you did it, so it wasn't worth it. People were able to resurrect their horses, for a price. Public stables existed where you could leave your horse, but you needed to pick it up again when you wanted to go somewhere.
Mount was basically like part of you, you cared it to not die, and always had it with you.
What happens when you tumbled of a cliff with your horse? Does that cost you money?
Try sending a message to @Specter That's the only mod i've seen so far. The game devs (admins) are on holiday.
I've never played a game with permanent mounts. How does that actually work? If you leave your mount somewhere, you have to walk back to it when you want to continue using it? When you visit a tavern, there are always half a dozen horses right in front of the entrance? Does every player need his own stables to stock his other mounts?
@crayola said in Settlements as a Solo Player:
It would be pretty damn amazing if non-guild players could create little hamlets or villages.
On your own you can only claim a 'free area' and build a house, grow crops, put down basic crafting stations, ... You can't have NPCs or shops. But you don't need to be in a guild to be part of a tow. You can join a free town.
See the news item https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-7-towns-governors-politics/ and this thread:
@specter said in One Man "town":
@cinnao Such NPCs are a town thing, not a personal claim feature. Your personal claim can only contain your house, basic crafting stations, your farm, etc.
@therippyone said in Biomes, Terrain & Climate:
there are "basic" roads, and people can improve them so they allow faster motion, or something. Like, if you have 3 towns under a guild, then they could build roads to each other and make trade easier, but if 2 guilds go to war, you have to worry about either tearing up the roads to so the enemy can't use them, or keep them to advance your own forces. Fun stuff.
Yes, that is how they explained it in the Q&A's:
@fibs said in Summary of July 24 stream (INCOMPLETE):
The generated game world has clear "paths" leading between City Zones, so that players can find cities more easily. Roads can be paved along these pathways. Walking on a paved road increases movement speed compared to grass.
@vengu said in Summary of the Crafting & Building Q&A livestream.:
You can build roads and they give movement bonuses.The governor decides where to build them. There are different types of roads with different bonuses.
@therippyone said in Biomes, Terrain & Climate:
charge tolls and contest ownership of different strategic points and bottle-necks?
Roads lead from city zone to city zone. So, by default those places will be haunted until players clear them out:
@vengu said in Summary of the Crafting & Building Q&A livestream.:
Unclaimed city spots are haunted. It will take a group to claim them. (Unless you pledged governor or above).
But once a city spot has been captured by players, I think everyone can pass through without paying taxes. Merchants will have to protect their goods while travelling, from mobs and from 'bandit' players. If they also have to pay taxes in each city they pass...
If you flag yourself as Neutral or Evil then you can attack anyone. If you flag yourself as Evil then anyone can attack you. See https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-6-pvp-alignment-crime/
This is the way I understand it, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
To craft you need recipes, you can gather all recipes for all crafts on one character, there is no limit. See https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/5608/summary-of-the-crafting-building-q-a-livestream/2
There are no classes. You can get all abilities from all 'classes' on one character, there is no limit. See https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-3-knowledge-system/
All crafting and all fighting are influenced by attributes. Those attributes are chosen at creation and can in game be increased by 2 maximum via talents. See https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-5-character-creation-attributes-resting/
If you want to be a warrior and or a blacksmith you need to create a character with a lot of strength. A character with lower strength will be able to use warrior abilities and blacksmithing recipes, but the result won't be as good as that of someone with maxed out strength.
@esoba said in Larger Crafting Possibilities?:
Personally more freedom in designing said things you outlined. More of a blueprint system. Although I don't expect that right off the bat, but that'd be nice.
I'd like that too. I'm not counting on it though, because they plan on selling blueprints through the ingame store. I just hope there will be a lot of different blueprints for houses and carts. If a lot of ingame things look identical, it makes to world seem fake.
@nubnub117 said in Larger Crafting Possibilities?:
It would be pretty cool if they offered some sort of larger crafting, such as base building or something related to that degree.
We'll be able to craft houses, shops, city walls, defensive towers, horse drawn wagons and magical gates to the other two worlds. What else did you have in mind?
The last one I got was 5 days ago titled "Fractured Is 100% Funded! 24 Hours To Go!"
@truvidien88 said in Whats the game engine?:
I honestly never even heard of Spatial OS until now.
I haven't played any games that use Spatial OS either. It's a rather new thing. I also backed the Chronicles of Elyria kickstarter. They planned on using it, but changed their mind when they realised the hosting would be too expensive for it's huge game world and it's offline players still being active in the world (https://chroniclesofelyria.com/blog/23401/A-Year-of-Foundation).
@truvidien88 said in Whats the game engine?:
But with every game as always I don't count on servers holding up on launch day.
That's only a problem when more people than expected want to play at the same moment or at the same location. With Spatial OS that should be less of a problem, It should be able to scale easy. Spatial OS is also a bit of a showcase for Googles cloud services, so they will probably keep on eye on those servers too.
@axan22 said in Kickstarter Is Over! What's Next?:
Don't think early birds should be offered or maybe at less of a discount
Some people can't back a kickstarter campaign, because they don't have a credit card. So the early birds should still be available for those people. Maybe for a month or so.
@dylann said in Star Citizen:
Anyone played or backed Star Citizen over the years?
I am curious if it will ever actually launch?
I was never any good at the X-wing games, so I didn't back it. I'm impressed with what they have added so far: planets you can visit, huge spaceships, resource mining, ... I might try it out when I can afford it. Apparently, to get a ship that can mine, you need to cash out an extra $150.
@evolgrinz said in Star Citizen:
No Man's Sky is awesome now with the NEXT update, and will improve even more over time.
Bought it on sale, ages ago. I was bored with it after a few hours. A huge universe, that looks so boring, that I don't even want to explore it.
@evolgrinz said in Star Citizen:
Dual Universe is also looking promising, but the fact they are going for a subscription based game might hurt them in the end.
I backed that one. It would be great if they could build a game with hundreds of simultaneous players where everyone can build whatever they want. I've tried a few alpha's a few months ago, and everything that wasn't very close by looked horrible.
@jahlon said in Star Citizen:
$190,000,000 in funding raised and counting and they can't put the game out.
Other games come out with 15% of that funding and they do it in 3 years.
A small company that suddenly gets an enormous amount of money. In stead of making the game they promised, they started adding all kinds of cool features. Features that need to be implemented by a newly created big company.
@myux said in GamesCom Here I Come! And You?:
Let the mans talk with some other professionals.
"We would love to publish your game, because we love it. There's just a few tiny tweaks that we'd recommend."
That is one impressive list.
- Blueprints:
- Founder Cottage (Founder)
- Founder Villa (Patron)
- Founder Palace (Proprietor)
- Founder Manor (Governor)
- Founder Castle (Aristocrat)
A palace is less impressive than a Manor or a Castle?
@prometheus said in GamesCom Here I Come! And You?:
while I'm not busy talking with some publisher and so on.
I understand that making this game requires money and professional help, but please don't let any publisher change your vision for the game. This game doesn't need to be the next generic, caters to all kind, mmorpg. All that matters is that you and your team can make a decent living and can make the game you want to make.
PS: Köln is a three hour drive by car for me, one way, so I won't be joining you.
I hadn't heard of this game, until a week ago. I regularly browse kickstarting video games, but I hadn't noticed Fractured. The 'advertisement' that got me to back the kickstarter campaign, was a video on Youtube by @DeathsProxy. So, in my opinion, if we can get streamers dedicated to mmorpgs to talk about this game, even when they only have a few thousand followers, we'll reach a significant portion potential players. General advertisement seems pointless. This isn't a game for the masses. Computer games are a niche, RPGs are a niche of that and MMORPGs are even a smaller niche.