- Why Gamigo? Many consider them the worst publisher possible. The only reason I can think of is that you ran out of money and this is a last resort.
- What kind of cash shop and play to win features will you add?
- In your announcement you mention that this will bring in more players. Please explain this. A lot of people won't touch this game because of Gamigo.

Best posts made by jozef
RE: Gamigo Publishing Deal Q&A - List Your Questions!
RE: Backers/founder rewards with little very soft slight effect?
Or maybe 0.1% that would hardly be noticeable, right? Even 1% wouldn't be make much difference? Is a 50% boost significant?
Either a game is not pay to win or it is pay to win. Every advantage is an advantage. An advantage that people joining later can't get, wouldn't only make me cancel my pledge but would also scare off all future players.
RE: Search for discussions
@kralith said in Search for discussions:
we still have a very good feature and it is called muker
I knew it, muker is an AI.
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
@blackjacksjc said in [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?:
I learned from the "path of exile" that where there is trade there is a coin. If it is not invented by developers, players use anything to make the trade work. Just as the real economy should be if governments did not have this monopoly.
Governments didn't invent currency. People started trading using rare useless easy to use things, like gold. But even gold was inconvenient for merchants, so they invented I-owe-you papers that later on turned into paper money. Those I-owe-you are only useful if everyone accepts them, that's why governments usually control them. In countries where the government isn't capable of running their own currency, people start using foreign currencies, usually US$.
Having to carry around several player invented currencies seems very difficult in a game where inventory is limited by weight and most items don't stack. Imagine I'm a new player and I want some armor and weapons. First I need to gather money, for instance by killing rabbits. I assume rabbits won't drop swords or gold, but meat and fur. I could sell the meat and fur to players who craft food and leather. If there is no official currency, they would pay me in food and leather. I could sell that leather to a player who pays me back in leather armor. I could then sell that food to a player who has crafted a weapon and needs food. For each of those transactions I would need to find a player (or his NPC at the town market) that needs what I have and that has what I need. If we invent our own currencies, it would have to be something stack-able (most items won't be in this game), something that can fit in players inventory (so no wood or ores), something rare (not something that can easily by harvested to avoid inflation), something durable (food will rot) and something that is otherwise useless (not something you need for crafting). Maybe the devs could add a rare, useless, stack-able, durable, light-weight resource, like gold or sea-shells. But how are we going to pay the NPC guards protecting our towns in sea-shells?
RE: Kickstarter Is Over! What's Next?
@axan22 said in Kickstarter Is Over! What's Next?:
Don't think early birds should be offered or maybe at less of a discount
Some people can't back a kickstarter campaign, because they don't have a credit card. So the early birds should still be available for those people. Maybe for a month or so.
RE: Newsletter
There is a flag you can enable when registering on this site and you can unsubscribe via a link in de newsletter emails. But, I looked all over the site and can't find a way to (re)subscribe to the newsletters either. Maybe a moderator can enable it for you.
RE: Kickstater backers vs Fracturedmmo.com backers
If I remember correctly. All non-early bird packages will be available for purchase after the kickstarter. All monetary stretch goals will continue after the kickstarter, but the number of backers stretch goals won't. So let's hope we get another 92 backers in the next 23 hours, so we'll get the unique spell effects. Don't know where I read that though, I did a search but couldn't find it.
RE: Feature Spotlight #5 - Character Creation, Attributes And Resting
@savvym said in Feature Spotlight #5 - Character Creation, Attributes And Resting:
First, sorry if it was asked/answered before, but can you change race (e.g. by starting over and resetting to level 0) or choose another character with different race after you have created your character hero? Can you also own and play for different characters with different races in one account?
Yes, you can have multiple characters of multiple races on multiple planets.
RE: Suggestion: Disable ability for fresh accounts to post
@kralith said in Suggestion: Disable ability for fresh accounts to post:
Ha, the new Spamengine is working well, when i wanted to change a just posted entry, because of grammar, it was flaging my post as Spam
Same thing here. I don't call that 'working well' though. I'm going to have to learn to proofread.
Right now, on the bottom of my screen there is a red text-balloon going round and round. It drives me crazy!
RE: Star Citizen
@dylann said in Star Citizen:
Anyone played or backed Star Citizen over the years?
I am curious if it will ever actually launch?
I was never any good at the X-wing games, so I didn't back it. I'm impressed with what they have added so far: planets you can visit, huge spaceships, resource mining, ... I might try it out when I can afford it. Apparently, to get a ship that can mine, you need to cash out an extra $150.@evolgrinz said in Star Citizen:
No Man's Sky is awesome now with the NEXT update, and will improve even more over time.
Bought it on sale, ages ago. I was bored with it after a few hours. A huge universe, that looks so boring, that I don't even want to explore it.@evolgrinz said in Star Citizen:
Dual Universe is also looking promising, but the fact they are going for a subscription based game might hurt them in the end.
I backed that one. It would be great if they could build a game with hundreds of simultaneous players where everyone can build whatever they want. I've tried a few alpha's a few months ago, and everything that wasn't very close by looked horrible.@jahlon said in Star Citizen:
$190,000,000 in funding raised and counting and they can't put the game out.
Other games come out with 15% of that funding and they do it in 3 years.
A small company that suddenly gets an enormous amount of money. In stead of making the game they promised, they started adding all kinds of cool features. Features that need to be implemented by a newly created big company. -
RE: Where is Fractured advertised?
I hadn't heard of this game, until a week ago. I regularly browse kickstarting video games, but I hadn't noticed Fractured. The 'advertisement' that got me to back the kickstarter campaign, was a video on Youtube by @DeathsProxy. So, in my opinion, if we can get streamers dedicated to mmorpgs to talk about this game, even when they only have a few thousand followers, we'll reach a significant portion potential players. General advertisement seems pointless. This isn't a game for the masses. Computer games are a niche, RPGs are a niche of that and MMORPGs are even a smaller niche.
RE: Just for to clarify the pledges
That is one impressive list.
- Blueprints:
- Founder Cottage (Founder)
- Founder Villa (Patron)
- Founder Palace (Proprietor)
- Founder Manor (Governor)
- Founder Castle (Aristocrat)
A palace is less impressive than a Manor or a Castle?
- Blueprints:
RE: How to contact moderators/admins?
Try sending a message to @Specter That's the only mod i've seen so far. The game devs (admins) are on holiday.
RE: what do you like to see next from the developers?
Some more videos showing off what they already have.
RE: There is some limit to the power of a character?
This is the way I understand it, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
To craft you need recipes, you can gather all recipes for all crafts on one character, there is no limit. See https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/5608/summary-of-the-crafting-building-q-a-livestream/2
There are no classes. You can get all abilities from all 'classes' on one character, there is no limit. See https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-3-knowledge-system/
All crafting and all fighting are influenced by attributes. Those attributes are chosen at creation and can in game be increased by 2 maximum via talents. See https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-5-character-creation-attributes-resting/
If you want to be a warrior and or a blacksmith you need to create a character with a lot of strength. A character with lower strength will be able to use warrior abilities and blacksmithing recipes, but the result won't be as good as that of someone with maxed out strength.
RE: Cross-gender playing
I prefer a character that looks a bit like me, because it's me in the game world. So in most games I've played a human male.
RE: Guild and pvp questions
If you flag yourself as Neutral or Evil then you can attack anyone. If you flag yourself as Evil then anyone can attack you. See https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-6-pvp-alignment-crime/
RE: Discord store announced
@benseine said in Discord store announced:
the Discord store
Yet another installer? I don't mind paying a few € more when I can get a game in my steam library.
RE: Multiple Characters?
yes, you'll be able to make more than one character
RE: Player Shop In Fractured
@ladyrowan said in Player Shop In Fractured:
I think the NPC shop has the benefit of being able to sell things without spending your playing time spamming chat channels with your goods. It will be interesting to see how that plays out across different cities or worlds.
People spamming global chat channels, asking where they can buy item X for price Y?