@Xzait yes clearly that is something I must learn to balance out.
If I'm going for easy stuff I shouldn't bring my best gear, that's clear now.

Posts made by GreatValdus
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
@spoletta the problem is that if you're melee and don't go for metal you have really little options, and while farming goblins you might encounter something nastier which requires a little more than a primitive spear.
Not to mention that copper sword damage is kinda low, considering how hard it is to craft, compared to primitive weapons and how easy it is to craft.
That said, you're probably right and I've overkilled by bringing a sword to a goblin fight, even if I still took a lot to kill enforcers even then. -
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
@Xzait leather is just a trivial problem of curing time, but you can gather tons of leather with nearly no effort at all by killing wolves scattered everywhere, same for wood logs which you can get literally anywhere.
Different kinds of metal require you to travel far, with a cart, meaning a lot of chances to be ganked on the way forth or back, same for coal, so I don't think you can compare at all the difficulty of acquiring full metal gear against leather or wood.@GamerSeuss again we're not playing an historical simulation, we're playing a game containing magic different worlds and races, game mechanics should be balanced around difficulty/reward.
To create even the easiest alloy existing you need an advanced smeltery on Fractured, so it's highly harder to get bronze than it is to get copper, which means that copper, as your starting material, should be at least decend in durability, considering how much you need to get a single longsword. -
RE: Bow crafting
@spoletta really?
And where can you find this kind of informations in game?
Because I don't seem to read anything about it... -
RE: Character vs Account
@Eurav I suppose I will give it a shot trying a mage too then!
RE: Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
@Xzait no problem for me if it becomes a planned feature for the future, no need to rush, but need to be considered.
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
@Xzait that would address only the time, not how many "hard" resources go away compared to the "easy" ones you need for bows, for example.
RE: Doubts on Hide and Leather Armor
@Xzait I see, so escape will be light anyway in the end.
Since I don't have played much yet I don't know where some skills will be, so it's harder for me to tell, so thanks for the insight on that.@GamerSeuss yes, medium is the warrior starting point, but has it an evolution as medium in high tiers or will you be forced to specialize in either light or heavy?
RE: Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
@Xzait yeah but still you can't really control everything everytime, you could be farming mobs somewhere, you could be at war, a log system to check what happened when you weren't there would be good anyway.
RE: Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
@Xzait what you say is correct, or it would be, if you could know WHO takes stuff from public buildings (charcoal pile included).
The game cannot interfere with real life, so you can't pretend that a governor is 24/7 here to place charcoal piles and to check who steals from them.
An action log should be added, or more permission levels to allow trusted people to do certain actions.
Or the ability to build charcoal pilers on personal plots. -
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@Xzait maybe you'll see the two other worlds too...
RE: Metal Gear not so Solid
@Xzait to make a bow you need a couple of logs you can get from a nearby tree and rope from a nearby plant, which means that you can craft around infinite bows with little effort.
To make a copper sword you need 12 smelter-hours, 15 raw copper and 12 charcoal, supposing you can manage to have easy access to those resources.
The fact that in reality copper is soft is ok, the fact that in game balance melee characters have an incredibly high effort to gear up compared to other stuff and their gear breaks down so fast is less ok.
Realism is always subordinate to game balance and mechanics, otherwise you wouldn't have magic, since in the real world it doesn't exist. -
RE: Character vs Account
@Eurav do you mean that a second character can access my main stuff from chests and manage production facility on personal plot too?
That would be nice! -
RE: Can I increase the memory points?
@Laita since they're bound to INT, probably with talents increasing INT.
RE: Game Stuck On Loading World Screen
@thebum I usually can get in after first failure, worst time took 4 iirc.