@Sumting yeah I noticed that too, plus I currently don't see why you would use a short bow instead of a long one...
Posts made by GreatValdus
RE: Bow crafting
Character vs Account
Supposing someone wants to reroll a new character because reasons, will old stuff like home plot, house, chest, items and so on remain bound to the account (thus accessible to the new character) or will he have to restart from scratch for what matters that too?
What about citizenship? Guild? Are they account wide or character bound? -
Metal Gear not so Solid
I've crafted my first copper long sword and I'm so proud of it!
Then proceeded the hack down some goblins with it.
After about 1000 gold farmed (and about 50 wolf meat, since wolves are always in the way), my sword is already at 50% durability.
Ok ok, I'm all good with gear deteriorating so that you always have to replace it, but a copper sword costing 15 raw ores and 12 charcoals is lasting so little while the primitive spear was like eternal?
I don't know what the prices will be in the end for stuff like copper, coal or an already made sword but well, it looks like a bit fast breaking for a metal item.
All considered other equipment categories (non-metal) look easier to obtain in effort terms, and probably have similar if not better durabilities.
Going full metal equip just to see it break down after 2000 gold farmed could be a little too much. -
RE: Can't remove wagons from plot to place house
@Jahlon true, which means that in theory a group of malign users could spam wagons everywhere, preventing every single plot from being used!
RE: Game Stuck On Loading World Screen
@thebum can confirm, had to shut down the application and restart again!
RE: Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
@Xzait it's an issue if you go into your city and find no charcoal piles left, none in stock, and have no permissions to build a new charcoal pile yourself, being not able to put one in your personal plot.
I don't know if you can buy from cities yet, but still there no certainty that charcoal will be on the selling list, especially if a citizen can grab the charcoal and sell it or use it by himself. -
RE: Doubts on Hide and Leather Armor
@Xzait more probable they will be revamped in a later patch, the trinity of light-medium-heavy is too cool to be removed, because it gives a lot more build and role difference potential.
So I expect that there will be an higher tier of medium class armor someday, maybe not today.
As of today, I crafted a Leather version (light) of an armor that I already had in Hide (medium) and its stats are really inferior, so medium class still has its spot if you don't intend to cast but want to be flexible enough with some escape skills that cannot be used in heavy. -
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@GamerSeuss yeah I agree with you, the idea of vertical bands was a demonstration by absurd, to prove that off screen nameplates are better, and combined with camera panning even better!
@Xzait not sure if they sell square screens actually, but on the same way I could buy a mega-big screen and be able to see the whole continent at once, unfair!
Coal, Charcoal and Personal Plots
So coal is like charcoal's smart brother, higher temperature but you gonna go mine it far in the south (or close in the south, if you're in the south), while charcoal can be obtained by burning wood in a pile, but limits your access to higher level alloys.
Up to here it's all good, perfect I'd say, low gear obtainable with easy access resources, high gear obtainable with hard access resources.
The problem now is how to actually get charcoal, for example from the perspective of a solo player: you can't build a charcoal pile in your personal plot, and I'm not sure if this is intended or a mistake.
The problem becomes again the contested resource system inside a city.
If you have charcoal piles in your city, chances are someone more greedy will empty them fast and you'll find nothing, and since you can't do it yourself at home, you could end up starving for charcoal.
If the answer to that is "go get proper coal", then the whole charcoal system (easier to obtain in exchange of temperature limitation) becomes useless for the majority of people (read: those not fast enough to be at the charcoal pile when it's read to loot it before others come). -
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@Shivashanti I've never talked about 3 screens away, I would be content if the vertical field of view could be equal to the horizontal one, without hardware limitations get in the way of game mechanics.
I find it silly that a character cannot in fact see stuff north and south the way it can see east and west, while the hearing is working at the same distance in every direction.
I'm all for the thrill of being hunted, but if you have two directions with half view range compared to the other two it's just not right.
It would be better at this point if they made the viewport square, with black vertical bands left and right, to simulate an equal view field in every direction, at least it would feel right. -
Doubts on Hide and Leather Armor
I'm a little confused on the different levels of non-metallic armors, the way they're obtained and the cost/benefit of crafting them.
You kill an animal and take its hide, ok.
Then you use it on the impaling pole to get processed hide, with which you can craft Hide Armor, which seems to be the top of medium armor you can get, unless I've missed something else in more advanced crafting stations.Then you have the bathtub thingy to put your hides in and wait 16 hours to have leather, and you can finally craft Leather Armor, which falls under light class and is way worse in armor stats than the medium one, of course, medium armor should have higher stats than light one.
But at this point my confusion kicks in, why should you work 16 hours more to obtain an armor with lower stats?
The only answer I can give is: Leather Armor is an improvement for characters in need for a light armor class, compared to the simple one you can craft from fibers.
So yes, you're taking the raw material used for medium class and converting it to light class, it's the only reason I can find out, unless of course there is more in the medium armor class branch that you can obtain with processed leather.
So again, if you are interested in medium armor just don't waste time bathing your hides in the tub, just craft the Hide Armor right away and be done with it, am I right? -
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@GamerSeuss camera panning could be good too, but still your vertical vision is limited, while it's supposed that your character is seing stuff equally in every direction.
So when you talk about vision and hearing distance based on character's perception you're also including off screen nameplates, right? -
RE: Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
@Shivashanti so you do prefer that north/south field of view is half compared to east/west one and to have no visual notice of people coming on you while you can be heard fighting more than a screen far?
Could you please motivate your answer so that I can understand if it's just a "I want to gank without the victim being able to react" or there is some reasoning behind your preference? -
Character Field of View: Out of Screen Nameplates
Currently you can only see other characters and their names when they pop into your screen view, while you can hear off screen sounds like combat or rabbit walking (how can be rabbits so noisy???).
This rises a red flag to me: first of all, your character field of view is actually tied to your hardware, your monitor.
A character in a 4:3 monitor sees differently from a character in a 16:9, which is a problem, since you shouldn't tie a game mechanic (field of view) to a part of hardware (the monitor).If there is something Albion Online did really well, it was the out of screen nameplate fading, which addresses two main problems:
- It makes the character field of view circular and larger than the actual screen, so that it can match for example the hearing radius, allowing to use attributes as perception to increase or decrease this field of view.
- Gives a little anticipation about who is about to come in contact with you, allowing to chose to run away from gankers, for example, or to detect a players you're farming with when he gets a pixel out of your screen.
Why is this important?
I think issues, when found, should be addressed before they become real game breaking problems, and so far the ganking system seems unfair, since a ganker can walk around listening to someone farming (fight sounds can be heard way before characters can be seen) and can then come from north or south, giving unreasonably little time to react to the gank, since in 16:9 monitors (the majority now, I suppose) your vertical field of view is almost half compared to horizontal one.Now I know it's not something that should go over red bug fixing and stuff like that, but it's not only QoL either, this is an important piece of game mechanic, aimed at making the interaction between gankers and farmers more balanced (works the other way around too, when bounty hunters will be ganking evildoer).
To prevent some of the more obvious/toxic responses to this:
- No, I'm not ranting because I've been gaked, I'm still under new player protection, but while farming I've noticed how little warning I had when red players came into my field of view, while they were guided by the sound of fight.
- No, "git gud" is not a solution, there will always be someone better skilld or better geared, and unless you want the game to become a wild PvP experience (making new players just stay away), you'll want to address the issue.
- No, go in group is not totally a solution, for two reasons: one is because gankers can move in groups too, two because the game is said to be build around the possibility for solo players to actually play.
- No, play beastman is not a solution either, because if you reason that way you'll end up with two full PvP worlds and one full PvE one, no nice balanced world in the middle.
That said, let's discuss!
RE: Personal Plot Smelter bug, unable to retrieve ingot(s)
@fr4me01 differently from looting, you can't get them via right click, but I managed to retrieve the ingot by click and drag...
RE: trees bugged to close to house plot
@CoachFubar happened to me too, I just thought I was trying to cut a tree type I couldn't yet with my currently axe, but now that you mention it, it was really close to a plot!
RE: Claim permissions incorrect
Isn't that because who places the building owns the building even if the plot belongs to someone else?
I might be wrong but it could make sense somehow.
Otherwise it's just a bug. -
RE: [QoL] Dead bodys don't need "this body has no loot" and bodys that do have loot need to be highlighted when hovered
@luminos77 I agree with @GamerSeuss on the loot all capability.
Loot all makes sense when loot is assigned to a specific player, but when the loot is contested it's way better to have to click on the items, so that you make that little more competition on loot.
If you switch to assigned loot, then loot all can be good to avoid time wasting on a now trivial action. -
RE: reset the attributes?
@Laita I thought attributes were the only permanent thing for a character, not sure they'll actually implement a reset at all on them.