@Ganstreal welcome aboard then!

Posts made by GreatValdus
RE: Can Good Characters Party With Evils?
@GamerSeuss I like the idea, friendly fire adds a whole new level of tactics and need of coordination in PvP context, which is good in my opinion.
Do you know something about karma loss when hitting other Good characters with unintentional AoE effects? -
RE: Can Good Characters Party With Evils?
Wait, that opens a new question, or better a clarifications.
When saying that with PvP mode is on you start getting hit by EVERY AoE that will be cast does it mean that Good players will start damaging Good players too?
That would be harmful, since a party of Good players doing PvE with lots of AoE could be attacked by surprise, flagged, and start damaging each other suddenly!
Or do the basic rule of no Good to Good damage still applies?
Because if they can damage each other I suppose they would also lose karma for harming that way. -
RE: Can Good Characters Party With Evils?
@Specter ah I was so close!
Last night I gave up at 3am trying to catch up with past blog articles and I was almost at the one you pointed out!
Well thanks for the dig, that clarifies a lot about PvP flagging and AoE friendly fire.
Just to be sure, beneficial AoE, such as buffs or healing, will work without PvP flagging, I suppose, right?
In that case I understand it will anyway work only with party members, I don't know about guild members outside the party. -
RE: Guild Friendly Fire
@Ostaff that's interesting, but when you say that friendly fire affects EVERYONE with PvP status on, do you also mean party members? Or are they spared from friendly fire even with PvP status on?
Anyway I think I understand that guild members not in the same party and all with PvP status on will inflict friendly fire one another, is that correct too? -
RE: Guild Friendly Fire
@Ostaff and do guild members benefit the protection from friendly fire even if some are Good and some Bad?
Because in that case in would be like being in a party with both alignments. -
RE: Can Good Characters Party With Evils?
@Ostaff well this pretty much solves everything in this case, many thanks for your answer...
RE: Can an Evil Neutral Party Work Well?
@Ostaff ok thanks for the confirmation, so it's currently known and "intended".
Did the discussion lead to a will of avoiding this kind of behaviour or will it be part of the game?
(I'm not asking for a direction or another, just wondering what the final state will be, if known) -
Guild Friendly Fire
I've just read the article about parties and guilds.
Now parties clearly allow for good AoE to target party members and stop bad AoE to be inflicted on them.
All perfect so far.
What about guild membership?
In some games being in the same guild grants the same benefits as being in the same party and I was wondering if it will be the same here or if guild members will have to also form parties to be able to heal and buff each other and to avoid friendly fire (always considering that Good characters will not inflict friendly fire anyway except on Evil ones).Now since I feel the need to point out possibile exploits, if guild membership allows for mutual immunity between members an awkward situation can arise (thanks Albion Online for my traumas).
Player from guild A parties with player from guild B.
The player from guild B starts killing another guild A member, while the former guild A player heals and buffs the player from guild B.
You do see where I'm going, right? -
Can Good Characters Party With Evils?
The situation is simple again, and by the way sorry if I sound tedious about possible mechanics exploits but I've played a lot of mmorpgs (as other here will have) and I've seen a lot of strange things happening to circumvent rules and mechanics in a legit way.
Take a bunch of Good aligned healers and supports and put them in a party with an Evil one willing to do the killing and then sharing the loot.
Will this be possibile?
If so, such a party could go around killing other Good people without the supports being targettable since they are also Good.
Maybe an interesting mechanic, unless something like this is already planned, should be that healing an Evil character is an evil action, thus a Good character healing (or supporting) an Evil one would lose some karma.
Moreover being in party with an Evil character could make the Good one lose karma over time as bad company. -
RE: Can an Evil Neutral Party Work Well?
What I'm trying to point to is the ability for Neutral players to access full loot from other players by using a single Evil player to do the dirty job (the actual killing and looting).
Can an Evil Neutral Party Work Well?
We all know a Neutral player can attack at will becoming Aggressive but without losing too much karma nor being forced to an Evil alignment.
We also know that only the final blow forces you alignment to Evil as Murderer.
What if a party is composed of X Neutral players which attack people and hurt them really bad and the last 1 Evil mate finishes them all off, sharing the resulting loot after doing the loot action himself so that the Neutral guys don't get the Thief status?
Is that viable?
Is that intended?
Somewhere I think I read about friendly fire for non Good players, does it apply to party members too?
Is there a party feature?
I think I have a lot more to read from the blog to catch up! -
RE: Adding Fractured To Steam In Alpha
I agree with Farlander, Steam community can be unforgiven and being plagued by a lot of bad games it can become hostile to a good one which is not polished yet.
Recovering for a bad start on Steam can be hard, better wait for better times and do a better job at being better... -
RE: About This Forum Engine
@PeachMcD thanks for the welcoming post!
I was actually talking about the forum engine itself, but as you point out the forum is actually really cool also for what matters people posting in it...
In my opinion a healthy and respectful community is crucial in keeping a game enjoyable for long.
The business model looks good for now, P2W is always a bad decision on the long run if you want quality, and cosmetic and little QoL paid items are ok, even more if there is a way to aquire them from other players with in game currency, which still generates money for the company and doesn't cut off people completely from stuff.
For what matters guilds, since I bought the game recently I haven't played a single alpha yet, so I don't know, I think I'll spend the very first time as I always do: messing around and finding out stuff, then I'll think about it... -
RE: Do we have any idea of sever localisations?
Depending on the pacing required by combat it could be viable even with a single server.
As an european I experienced Albion Online which has the server in the USA and the latency was stable around 150ms, but the pacing wasn't frenetic like, say, League of Legends or an FPS, so it was acceptable anyway.
With good networking implementation a single server can be a good start anyway, and if the game takes of for real (which I strongly hope) the company will be in the position to afford multiple servers in different parts of the world.
But still, a single starting server if the pacing is not too fast will be ok anyway. -
RE: About This Forum Engine
@Specter NodeBB, good to know, I must be really out of date about forum engines, thanks for the info!
About This Forum Engine
With the rise of social networks it's been a while since last time I've been active on a forum, so I clearly missed the improvements in forum engines.
In fact, this forum rocks!
Is this a new famous forum engine or did the developing team write this one too?
(For reference I remember stuff like Invision Power Board, PHPBB, Forumfree and stuff like that, and they are light years back away from this one!) -
RE: City / Town Plots Removal
And don't forget that some kind of players will try to grief whatever is possible, included via bad town planning on purpose.
So I find the choice of plot removal possibility a good one. -
New Guy Reporting!
I lately discovered this hidden gem thanks to youtube videos and out of curiosity I started gathering informations about this game.
I see huge potential and can't wait for the next alpha to start!
(Plus this will complete my new post on the forum quest, right? Right?)