@Auromyst welcome on the forum and welcome back to the game, when next alpha will kick in...

Posts made by GreatValdus
RE: Newbie Here, Sorta
RE: Cities, Permissions, Griefing
@Ostaff yeah that's what I was talking about, a permission system to allow or deny people the use of public stuff in the city, once that's in place it's all fine.
Anyway if you say that smelters and tanning tubs will naturally move to personal parcels because it will be more convenient, so be it...
Thanks for the answers! -
RE: Tech Tree, Marketplace & Money For Dynamight
@Logain but still you could have a situation where every city is taken and full.
Then a big guild arises but can do nothing because it doesn't have a city to launch attacks from, so it can gain nothing. -
RE: Cities, Permissions, Griefing
@Ostaff ok but then who and why would use a public smelter or tanning tub?
The mere fact that someone at random can come and disrupt work in such a workstation makes it useless.
Whenever griefing is easier than preventing, the feature goes unused... -
RE: This idea will kill all games in the world It will make everyone in the world want to play Fractured
@anasfract there are quite some games that tell you that you can make real money in them, but I think that in the end that concept will ruin the idea of gaming, since people will only do content to gather in game money and try to sell for real life money, generating inflation and pulling people away from fun content and towards reward-only content.
All in all I'd say no to that. -
RE: Tech Tree, Marketplace & Money For Dynamight
@Psymantis in fact, self publishing is the safer way to do it, but it's also expensive and can pose limitations on what you can do based on what you earn.
That said I expect the team has made all the needed considerations to mantain the game as it was intended.
Dynamight looks like a group of people developing a game because they want to play their own game, so they'll fight to don't allow third parties to ruin it.@WaterMerchant I agree, it's better if warfare can be performed outside of a starting city too, as you point out.
RE: Tech Tree, Marketplace & Money For Dynamight
@WaterMerchant that's a really good concern, I didn't think about it.
In fact, where would a guild without a city do its stuff in general?
Being the game not instanced you can't have the equivalent of a guild hall somewhere since you can't have it in the real world, so without a city your guild power will be severely limited.
This can though generate some interesting interactions, for example a guild sponsoring another guild by triggering a war to conquer a city for it, or something like that.
Or maybe they'll just implement other ways to wage war. -
RE: Cities, Permissions, Griefing
@Gothix nice intention, but there are a lot of situations where you just can't.
For example a beastmen city, all Good aligned, almost no PvP possible, can't stab people. -
Cities, Permissions, Griefing
I keep hearing about the concept of taking stuff out of a smelter as being an action everyone can perform, thus you could start smelting stuff and 4 hours later someone else gets the ingots.
(We're talking about smelters put in the city, not personal plots)
Does this implicitly apply only to actual citizens of the city, or also to anyone passing by?
Is there a permission system in act to allow for example the governor to decide who can access which kind of building?
Can a player grief by canceling smelting in progress, thus wasting precious resources?
Is everything logged so that one can know who did what in those public structures?
So many questions! -
RE: Tech Tree, Marketplace & Money For Dynamight
@Stacy555 you still need to bring materials TO the marketplace from where you gathered them, so you're still raidable if the trip is long enough.
RE: Tech Tree, Marketplace & Money For Dynamight
"The next time we’ll make sure to avoid mentioning a specific month and indicate a quarter instead."
That's the way, avoid missing deadlines by giving vague dates!
Jokes aside, keep up the good work, you deserve every single success you obtain because your idea and dedication are really good!
And I haven't played the game yet!
RE: The Best heroe
@Ghostkll3r it's kinda soon to tell, during alpha I suppose skills and stats will be tweaked a lot, changing what can rise as a meta day after day.
Plus, a good game should avoid having a "best hero", because if you have a combination that is objectively better, everyone will end up using that, wasting all the implementation made to allow you multiple choices. -
RE: Do we have any idea of sever localisations?
@FluffKugel I agree that Albion, while lagging for EU players, wasn't as bad as other games in the same situation.
And I agree that the idea of a single mega-server is super fun, but in fact probably the division in EU and US is the best choice.
I doubt that two server will feel so empty after all... -
RE: Feb Playtest?? Lesssgoooooo...
@Logain on that I agree, communication is fundamental everytime you need you player base to be compact and supportive.
People can endure hard times if there is good communication, Steam reviews on a lot of early access games prove how good a feeling is for players to be dealing with active and open devs, and on the contrary how damaging silence can be. -
RE: Do we have any idea of sever localisations?
@David353 the point is that Albion is not exactly doing great, since in Europe you have a solid 150ms ping, which can be brutal in some fast paced contents.
There is little you can do, over that distance you will end up with some lag, and if the game requires quick action and quick reaction you will be subpar if you connect from the othe side of the world.
While I agree that a single server in which we can all play together would be awesome, reality is that it cannot be done without losing performances for those located too far.
That said there might be other solutions, for example localized servers with the ability for a player to hop on the desired one at any time with no costs. -
RE: Guild Friendly Fire
@Farlander in fact the idea of an additional sparring flag could be nice, in the future, or maybe an arena where you cannot die and don't lose karma when hitting other players, no matter the alignment.
But probably right now the devs have other things to do to keep on par with deadlines, so it might stay as an idea for the future, for a more stable and complete version.
Right now you can go with the slight karma penalty, if you don't go for the killing it shouldn't hit you much anyway, nothing you can't recover with a little PvE against evil creatures, I suppose. -
RE: Feb Playtest?? Lesssgoooooo...
@DanThaManTV it's like water in a pot, as long as you watch it, it never boils...
RE: Feb Playtest?? Lesssgoooooo...
@Bierbaron no news about it as far as I could see, and trying to log into the client today still says "Late February 2021".
I can understand delays and the impossibility to give a certain new date for alpha start tho.