@MrLillo considerando che il team di sviluppo Γ¨ italiano, potrebbe essere facilmente la seconda lingua piΓΉ probabile, ma mi pare di ricordare che nei post passati sulle news ci fosse una raccolta di statistiche circa le lingue maggiormente parlate dalla popolazione che si sta radunando su Fractured, quindi potrebbero anche decidere di dedicarsi all'internazionalizzazione di quelle lingue prima.
Ancora non mi risultano date per questo, per esperienza posso dirti che internazionalizzare un gioco Γ¨ un bagno di sangue che costringe a fare un sacco di lavoro addizionale per ogni cosa che si fa, una sorta di moltiplicatore su ogni evoluzione o modifica del gioco.
Considerando che siamo ancora estremamente indietro rispetto a quello che dovrebbe essere il prodotto finito, penso sia ancora una cosa fuori discussione.
Posts made by GreatValdus
RE: Traduzione in Italiano?
RE: Good 'monsters'
Killing at random is an evil act, so not neutral.
As a master in D&D i a C/N character should start killing anything at random I would move it to C/E, because that's not neutrality. -
RE: Stealin Carts
@Xirinki big no on being able to steal from carts and wagons in personal plots.
I can't be forced to stay online 24/7 to defend my stored stuff.
To hoard ores you have to go mine them, that's the point where you can be robbed, assaulted and so on, or you can just arrive at the mining site and find they've already been mined.
But stealing while I'm offline?
In the same way you can't destroy other people houses or loot their chests, wagons should be protected too. -
RE: citizenship, but where am I?
@JesseJane in local channel you talk to everyone who's around, enemies, friends, passerbies.
If you have a party chat to coordinate at any distance with your party members.
If you have a guild chat to coordinate at any distance with your guild members.
You should have a city chat to coordinate at any distance with your city member.
I find it simply logic, any social group you simulate should have its separate way of communication. -
RE: Safe zone combat
@Biglulu I agree on that, the defender should be able to do the trick, since he has been attacked, but the attacker is technically a criminal, why would a city accept to protect him?
Unless of course the city is "evil", but in that case noone should be protected in its limits. -
RE: citizenship, but where am I?
@JesseJane it would make sense indeed!
Also it wouldn't be bad a chat channel for citizens, since we have party and we have guild, but we won't assume that every citizen will also be a guild member! -
RE: New topic on the foruns foundation quest
@Nemec welcome to the forum!
RE: Long bow requires less resources than short bow
@yneternum someone already noted it, answer was that short bow is more useful, so it costs more.
I'm still not convinced by that though. -
RE: idea profession
@David353 for what I understand, since almost every single game has a profession system like the one you're proposint, the fact that Fractured has not is not because they didn't think about it, it really looks intentional to remove the focus from the grinding part of crafting mechanics you see elsewhere.
RE: Unrelated Clicking While Fighting
@spoletta ahahah!
I imagine the wolf going all "Wtf! I'm trying to kill you! Stop making arrows!" -
RE: Unrelated Clicking While Fighting
@spoletta imagine the mob's frustration, hitting me and watching me collect plant fiber and craft new bandages while in combat, so I can heal forever and it cannot...
RE: Other Races
@Swan yeah already asked and still no idea about when they'll be available.
If you take a look at alpha status we're probably pretty far still, sadly. -
RE: Young player protection
@Sawahya exactly because it's called "Young Player Protection" and not "Young Character Protection", you're the player, you own many characters, you are protected as young, your characters are protected as long as you are.
RE: Stacking arrows turns poor quality into excellent and vice versa
Yup, noticed that yesterday!
Though I'm not sure that arrow quality has actually impact on anything. -
RE: Change to Syndesia, the true mix of PvE and PvP?
Another thought came up on me about that, since it's right to fear a double Tartaros as much as we can fear a double Arboreus.
What if every city has an actually visible bounduary, making so that sherifs can only act in good cities territory, jailing reds in good cities jails, while red with -10k karma can roam evil cities territory freely?
This way we would move the risk reward system to a more territory based concept, evil territory means a PvE gatherer will have to fear a gank and no sherif coverage, good territory means a PvP ganker will have to fear to be catched by a sherif and be put to jail.
Moreover, bordering cities of different alignment would generate zones where you can "run to safety" and can have a more mixed risk/reward situation.
Not to mention that this would incentivate city war (and we want city war!), because the good guild wants that coal resource nodes to be under a good territory, not a bad one, and vice versa!
What do you thing about this? -
RE: Unrelated Clicking While Fighting
@spoletta not sure of that, I've gathered a lot of plant fiber mid-fight!