I guess I always return to original TSW in discussions such as these, regarding builds and sharing metas online that everyone follows,...
If the game is complex enough (like TSW was back in the day), there is one rule:
The best builds never get shared! that 0.0001% of people that are able to make those, keep them for themselves, and their extremely close circle (clan).
Those "metas" that get shared online, are shared by "little bit above average" players, that want to be popular, that are streaming, writing guides etc. Those players then share builds they found good, in exchange for gaining better popularity.
By no means, those builds shared by those guys, are the best builds around, and often not even close so this generally means, that "metas" are just an above average builds, and lazy players, who can't be arsed to theorycraft themselves then use those metas -- and that's ok.
Why is that OK? Well because if you are skilled player with a brain and not lazy to put in effort, then you don't have to be a clone 12345 because you can just put in an effort, and make your own build that's actually better then metas shared on web.
I can personally vouch for that, because I used to be in a (old TSW) small clan of around 20 players, all superb theorycrafters, and MMO veterans, and we designed and used builds, that "metas on web" couldn't even compare to. And we kept those builds (and their variations) private for us, and never shared them publically.
I myself for example specialized in making solo builds (both PvE and PvP), then I tweaked and tested them for a long time until i perfected them. Then I shared them ONLY with my clan, and showed my clan mates how to use them. In return, I got their knowledge about builds they designed and spent time testing (tanking builds, healing builds, etc...).
I can tell you, those metas on web that everyone and his mother used, were not even close to builds we used.
Point is... "meta builds" aren't a problem. You don't have to be a clone -- you just have to be "not lazy" and put in your own effort into theorycrafting.
If you don't have the time or the will for that... than that's your own problem isn't it?
It's certainly not the problem of a MMO.