Slack a lot as in every MMO i play.
Alongside that.. there will be a mix of everything else.
Having a house and decorating is with such skillz that all my neighbours will be jelly.
Some PvE, some PvP.
More slacking...
Slack a lot as in every MMO i play.
Alongside that.. there will be a mix of everything else.
Having a house and decorating is with such skillz that all my neighbours will be jelly.
Some PvE, some PvP.
More slacking...
@PeachMcD said in fun or no im asking:
Yeah it's a big job.
I would personally like that building effort is larger, and that it takes even more materials, brought from far away to be able to build your house.
This gives sense of bigger accomplishment when its finally done.
However, on the other hand, I would like upkeep to be a lot smaller.
Upkeep is generally tedious job that noone likes, and any sort of upkeep really pushes you away from playing.
Im kinda hoping consequences dont activate until you have actually taken an item.
So if you misclick a corpse (you see name on loot bag) you just close this bag, without looting, and nothing happens.
Some MMOs sell cosmetic pets that do not engage in battle, but after you have killed something they would collect loot from the corpse for you removing the necessity for you to manually click every single corpse to loot it.
And thats fine in most pve mmos.
In this MMO IF such feature would be implemented to cosmetic pets, there would be a need to code several configurable filters where you would need to pre choose who exactly would your pet loot...
Only mobs you killed, mobs others killed (where you will be marked as thief), all players, all players except... guildies... friend list..? Good players, evil players, anything that doesnt detract your karma or mark you negatively...?
Simple "looting pets" arent possible in this MMO.
It would be either super complex looting pets or nothing at all.
I would just like to make a small note here.
If you are the governor workbenches aren't "yours", nothing in city is "your".
All citiy resources are public property and belong to every citizen. You are just city employee, hired to manage the city and as such you can also be replaced.
You do have some tools to tweak the rules as governor, but do not mistake ownership of things. Things belong to the public and if you "generate rage" you might get replaced if people arent happy.
Starting role as governor isnt in any way permanenet and 100% secure. That would be pay to win. You just bought into "starting position". Have in mind things can change if you will do a poorjob as governor.
@dallonz88 said in What exactly is the purpose and principle of cities and personal lands?:
but if you play an MMO and after a year of loot you loose everything, the first thing you think about is to rage-quit the game...
Then you are playing the wrong game from beginning.
Alos remember, if you are that terrified of loosing your stuff, you can play on Arboreus and be "safe". Occasionally take adventures on other worlds, and even if you are killed there, you still return to Arboreus after, where your home is waiting for you, safe.
@Nemtor said in Why don't you open a test server for the packs:
Why don't you open a test server for the packs
I'm sorry but we are not packs... we are people.
Can this chicken grill itself?
There is a huge issue with the overal mechanics here.
The more protected the citizens are, the LESS they are incentivized to participate in defending the city when siege happens.
This is not only bad for the city as it will surely be taken over if there is no defense. IT is also bad for any attacker, having no fun in the siege event whatsoever.
Residents of the city SHOULDN'T be protected in the first place, they should have the RISK of loosing what they have in the city, to incentivize them to provide city defense in siege events, actually making those events possible.
No, don't be mistaken, providing some other rewards for city defense will not help a lot most people will NOT defend for those rewards, they will NOT defend if they aren't at risk of loosing stuff, they simply won't.
People need to be a risk of loosing everything. This is why "saferesidential area" is, in my opinion ofcourse, not the best choice.
IF people want safe residence, they should settle outside of city.
Out ofcity plot = ADVANTAGE no risk of loosing it during a siege, DISADVANTAGE not having all benefits that city residents have.
Balance has to be made somehow.
Please don't make city residents property safe through sieges!
I would love to suggest a possibility to create a hidden caches (with a limit ofc).
Dig a small hole ans hide few things so you dont have to drag them around while grinding in woods.
Only you would know where your caches are, but there could also be a profession involved... both to hide things and to find them. So you could find someone elses cache as well but it wouldmt be easy.
It would still be a risk to hide your thimgs, same like its a risk to carry them.
This could also be a fun way for people to make a RP treasure hunt events.
Armor stats are bound to get tweaked around between now and game release.
In my personal opinion, "cloth users" should have more various magic type resistance, and "heavy armored" characters more melee protection. Leather should be a bit of both. It's how it was usually done in some MMOs.