@Crowdac In a Q&A it was mentioned that there will be arenas, which also will be especially useful during alpha und beta for combat testing. About 1v1 in open maps, I don´t know anything about.
Posts made by Eurav
RE: Voluntary PVP
RE: 4th planet of angelics: harsh PVE, banned PVP.
@chrightt Well in Fraction the races don´t hate each other. They only hate differences in alignment, so it´s not racism
RE: Spying As a Skill
@boogis Well a demon or human won´t go to raid a beastman...
There are too many defensive systems in place on Alboreus.It is way easier to go raid on Syndria. So that´s why beastman won´t get anything from that
RE: Will the Demons take over the Human world?
@Azraelius I don´t think so, the penalties are based on your alignment. A good Human won´t be penalised on the beastman planet, but a Neutral Human I think will be.
Prometheus once said that the races don´t hate each other, they only hate a difference in alignment.
Yeah, I also think that attributes will play the main role, but still... the possibility of a "Demon" guild on the Human world exists.
RE: Will the Demons take over the Human world?
Well that´s not base stats, those are attribute points you can specialize your character with. I meant stuff like HP, Defence stats, basic attack and so onAlso since Demons get a debuff in the Human world, for a Demon solo player to do something in the Human world they would need to have better base stats. Whether or not this is wanted, who knows.
But yeah, that´s something we will have to wait on.
RE: Spying As a Skill
@boogis said in Spying As a Skill:
PS- espetialy if we implement some system like egregor one when you can lose what you had at once if you got killed, then it will have more sense. you got killed once and you lost everything you got. it can be egregor points or your gear or karma it doesnt matter- you ve lost something after u got killed. thats it.
Even without the Egregor, when you get killed you already lose your equipment and inventory.
@boogis said in Spying As a Skill:
i guess everyone will be interested to become a spy.
Well first of all, I think Beastman gain nothing from it? Unless they go to Syndesia to spy on Humans, which surerly is not suspicious
Also I am sure there are a lot of people who are not intersted in spying on their friends, to risk getting kicked out of the guild even.
So, what I thought had the most sense was the creating of guilds (would be a Human only thing then, I guess Demons as well), which solely focuses on this.
Having double agents... like people joining guilds just to sell them out, will only lead to guilds not recruting people anymore in the worst case scenario. Having a double agent in a guild, might just completely destory the guild, when they start to kick people out of suspicion who did not even do anything e.g..@boogis said in Spying As a Skill:
@eurav said in Spying As a Skill:
Demons most likely with time should be able to collect information like that themselves. Then what is the need for spies?
demons can come for half an hour just for purpouse of spying
Yes, Demons can spy for themselves, so the need for a spy guild will decline with time.
RE: Will the Demons take over the Human world?
@Azraelius You are wrong, as you can listen to here
at about 34:45 a Demon with Neutral Alignment will be able to permanently stay in Syndesia and join a Human guild, even before becoming an angel.Also... I don´t think that anybody knows about the actual base stats of the characters yet, so we don´t know whether or not all races are equally strong. Being able to specialice into one area has potential to already make them stronger.
Will the Demons take over the Human world?
Hey all,
In a Q&A it was said that it is planned, that Demons can join a Human Guild. So if a Demon gains enough Karma to be Neutral, he can go and live in the Human World. Can even join a Guild there.
As the Demon race is the PvP race, and generally Demons are meant to be stronger (not related to Fractured) than Humas, I would expect Demons to have better base combat stats then Humans.
So now... since Demons can just go and live in the Human world, while also having better combat stats, will there be Human Guilds, full of Demons, which win PvP events (sieges) because they are just stronger than Humans? Will we see Demon Guilds, (or Guilds led by one Human, full of Demons) dominate the Human world?
RE: Spying As a Skill
@boogis So you want to have your friends (and specialized spies) sell you out to Demons, so that they can raid you more easily? Sounds pretty good actually
Would also most likely leed to a bigger need of combat guilds in the human world.A few things to consider, which came to mind, would be:
Will enough players be interested in playing as a spy (making it worth to implement)?
Will this make ganking / rading for Demons too easy on the Human planet (might make balancing harder)?
Demons most likely with time should be able to collect information like that themselves. Then what is the need for spies?
RE: What MMO are you coming from??
Hell yeah, I am kinda glad I found that game so late, now I don´t have to wait as long as most of the people here
RE: Trading As a Skill
@boogis don´t worry, I did read that much, I just wanted to clarify that, not that somebody else mistakenly thinks there are tiers of wood and so. What I kind of did not read are your calculations and numbers
But yeah, I think before we start talking about changing it / adding something to it, it would be nice to know how it actually is currently. Obviously we can´t really tell how trading will work out until we play the game, but I think more information on how trading is currently envisioned between cities and guilds would help us a lot in this conversation.
RE: Storyline?
Yes yes, every player should be able to write his own "lore", add it to one library, so future players can read about the accomplishments and adventures of previoues players. Good Idea
RE: Trading As a Skill
First of all I want to admit that I did not 100% read and thought about everything you wrote, but here are my thoughts neverthenless.
@boogis said in Trading As a Skill:
How it work? Say you have 20 teirs of resourses of wood for example.
Resources don´t have any "quality" or "tier" system in Fractured. Resources only are either easy to get or rare to find. Also in crafting there is no tier system. If you craft a longsword with iron, you get a longsword whith properties from iron, if you craft it with wood you get a longsword with properties from wood (the quality or tier or whatever stays the same).
So, as far as I know, trading with other cities / player / guilds whatever is a necessity, but when you want to sell your resources, you sell them do an NPC, which then selles them to another player.
So going with the current system, a Trading skill, could maybe reduce the tax cost, maybe there is a limit on how much you can sell, which would be increased with the Trading skill, maybe something like that is already planned anyways.
I think there currently is not enough information yet on the trading system. I think your idea is very intersting, but wether it is worth considering or not, I think we should wait until it get´s more clear how the trading is currently envisioned in Fractured.
RE: What should you do when your guild has two or more Governor Pledges?
Yes, I also think that this is the most appealing one, because of the different choices you could make.
Going with "A town needs several public buildings to be 100% functional, and there are serious benefits in making it as populated as possible", which is stated in the "ALPHA 1 MAP & PLEDGE INTEGRATION", the question becomes, is it worth it?
If you manage to uphold and get all towns to glory, sure, in the long term having multiple places and resources you can gather should pay off. The correct answer then still depends on how hard it is to keep a town populated, how far you would fall behind to a guild that only has one town, how hardcore the players in your guild are and if the guild actually has enough players to support that.
Another thing you could do is make one town where everyone gathers, to have a better start, and with time, when the town becomes big enough, you could try to get back your old town (since your name and monument from the governor packet stay, you don´t really loose anything).
RE: Hi all!
Nice to have you here and don´t worry, not even Pre - Alpha has startet yet
RE: 4th planet of angelics: harsh PVE, banned PVP.
@Mae Well first of all it´s hard to travell to other planets. Then Demons get a debuff of sorts when they get to the beast planet, and they can only stay for a very short amount of time. So it is extremely unlikely to see any kind of pvp on the beast planet. On top of that, every town can have patrolling guards, which would attack enemy players AND even the monsters would be more aggresive towards Demons.
So yeah, Demons can come and raid you but yeah... probably not gonna happen often.
Sure it is not complete PvP banish, but.. almost.
A Demon can most certainly not ruin the game experience of a beastman. That is not going to happen.