I want to add some screenshots about it, since we talk about same town where we experience them.
-> Environment that respawns after removing a Dirt Road is not interactable (gatherable resources, stones, strees ...)
Confirmed, even a relog doesn't work.
But i can pick up a small stone at this area, that appeared after removing the Road.
-> Can't place Blueprints because "Terrain not flat enough to place this blueprint" even though it definitely is, which in every City Plot I have seen so far, leads to a lot of unbuildable terrain for no reason.
Per example all along this Road Edge (Position -1762 W -725 N) for a space of 3 Roadplots.
-> Most buildings have a size of uneven numbers, but the roads are always 2x2, which leads to a lot of space that can't be used.
Yes, per example the Stockpile Buildings, they are a bit bigger than a Roadplot, so you aren't able to set 2 Storages directly to each other, because they overlap a tiny bit.
Per example this Stone Stockpile, you can set a road directly next to it:
But you can't place another stockpile (Screenshot is made with the road under it, but it is same without the road):
Would be maybe important for small cities to be able to place them to each other, since the space is very limited.
-> Sometimes Blueprints show as buildable but when you want to place them, nothing happens.
This behaviour i had in previous tests, it shows a valid blueprint but you can't place.
Do you have an example to screenshot it @Eurav ?
-> Can't remove Dirt Roads that are next to a building, even if that building would still be connected to the street without it.
Per example a Dirt road behind my own parcel, it is connected to a road to the other side, so it should be possible, to remove the "wrongly" places road on the back side:
Position for road to remove: -1722 W -754 N
Position for road that gives the Plot valid build position: -1725 W -725 N
-> Can't remove placed Land Parcels, built Paved Roads, built Buildings.
I remember, that @Prometheus said, he want to give us an option to do that.
I think it is important to be able to remove personal plots, that are unclaimed, for reason to free the place for other stuff, especially, if you accidential placed the plot on a wrong place.
Especially for small cities it is very important, since the space is very limited.