Well, I just got a funny idea. How about having 3 different currencies for 3 different races(for each planet) and we can convert these currencies from one to the other with their current value similar to the real world economy?

Best posts made by Clinion
RE: Suggestion: Currency names
What I "DO NOT" want to see in this game
Recently, I have been watching alpha tests and introduction trailers of Albion Online. They have so much in common with Fractured in those early stages. However, Albion changed drastically over time and I did not quite like those changes. Here are a couple of things I do not want to see in Fractured(or change in Fractured)
- Albion has no players cities, only cities with rich people buying all the spots. I do not want to see that happen in Fractured.
- Gathering is very unpopular in Albion as far as I see. Game forces you to hardcore PvP and rewards those who does. Consequently people do not prefer gathering. Instead, they do newly introduced dungeons and hellgates to obtain money and gear.
- Related to previous matter, in a sandbox game, I would love to see gathering&crafting be the backbone of everything and they should be the primary focus.
- Being a sandbox game should not indicate complete freedom. Currently in Albion, they are trying to reduce the power of huge alliances and guilds by applying certain debuffs and so on. Instead, there should be limits for number of players in a guild/alliance for proper control.
Those are my ideas and I would love to see what the community thinks about them.
RE: City Suggestion Megathread?
A rather crazy idea, but it would be fun to at least try it: How about allowing the cities to place outposts/camps outside the city zones but inside the zone of influence of the city? Some remarks and possible features of this system are as follows:
- There should a limited number of buildings placed outside the city zone.
- Buildings should not be placed inside POIs.
- Types of building to be placed will be determined by the tech tree of the city.
- These buildings can be protected by players/NPC guards and neighboring cities are allowed to capture those outposts/camps.
How to "obtain" in-game money
I know the title may sound a bit absurd and stupid, but I really wonder how to obtain silver, gold , denar or whatever it will be called in game. The devs said "Finding a broadsword in the corpse of a rat sounds a little unlikely? ", so I understood that the rat would also not drop any money. How are we going to generate money in game?
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
I need some sort of life stealing warrior build or a paladin build
RE: Spread The Word & Win A Key!
@Specter Whoops, sorry about that, correct link should be this one : https://ibb.co/ckNwdC4
RE: Travelling&Exploration
@Logain For example, I was exploring creeping woods and my home was very close to it. So I could go back and forth to eat and sleep and etc. However, after learning all the skills from there, I decided to go to Goblin Hills and the it took more than 45 mins just to reach there. The journey was not very entertaining and I was very far from my home and my items in the chest. I think this is kinda problematic.
PvE Planet with PvP
As far as I know, Arboreus is a full PvE planet with only limited oppurtunities for controlled PvP. So there will not be random PKing or sieges whatsoever. Furthermore, it is said by the devs that evil aligned players will be heavily punished once they enter the Beastman planet and the planet itself will try to repel them. Is it possible to:
- Beastmen to attack the evil player?
- Evil players to raid towns or kill players with limited oppurtunities?
- Without killing, plundering/stealing/theft?
Would you like to see these kind of actions in the Beastman planet and what are your thoughts?
RE: PvE Planet with PvP
@humerus For the pillaging/stealing part, the devs said it will be hard but not impossible for evil alinged players to enter the beastmen planet. I thought why evil players would want to enter and 3 possible reasons came to my mind:
- They want the resourceses lacking in their own planet
- They want to increase their knowledge
- They want to kill some "good guys" (for roleplaying purposes)
Latest posts made by Clinion
Leash problem using Totems
It is come to my observation that mobs are not moving correctly while I am fighting with any of my totems. They either completely ignore the totem or they just simply losose the leash and go back to their original position to heal back fully. It is especially annoying when I try to kill jotuns or other high health mobs as fight takes ages. I hope this issue get solved quickly and if anyone else have similar issues, you can post them below
RE: Some ideas about crafting.
@spoletta said in Some ideas about crafting.:
- Each player has 100 crafting points.
I fully agree that we need some sort of a system to allow new players/non-guild crafters to exist in the game. Unless we have any such constraint, it becomes just a few characters to do all the crafting in the game.
Bu I also agree that we need more tiers/depth in terms of crafting. Maybe as the game progress, we will see more tiers of equipment and also we may have city tech based crafting bonuses to armor/weapon stats to encourage crafters visit other towns
RE: Argument for meaningful choice in crafting with time gates for a diverse economy.
I dont think restricting players is a good idea. I see 2 possible ways to solve this problem:
1- Make recipes consumable and increase their drop rate significantly. This would make sure that recipes do not flood the market after 1 month and become worthless/meaningless.
2- Remove recipes completely. I think this is the easiest solution but then, we might need new progression systems to keep crafters interested.
I do not like the current crafting system where one needs to craft primitive items to level up that tree so that T2 weapons can be crafted with higher quality. I believe Albion has a good crafting system where all crafted items are relevant and contributes to the economy. You can sell your crafted items in the market, you craft and study the items for improved crafting experience or you can salvage those items to obtain some ofthe materials. I think this system would be nice to see in Fractured but devs seem to not go for salvage/study paths mentioned before.
RE: Ability Attributes and "Mana"
I remember devs mentioning that they do not want ZergvsZerg PvP but rather more small to medium size PvP. Thus, they implemented the friendly fire system and the "tank" archetype which can focus on survivability and CC should have some place even in Syndesia
RE: Additional Zoom-Out when riding horse
I also agree with the zoom-out because I feel that when riding a horse, once you see a mob, it is too late to react since it has already aggroed you. Aggro distance and shown camera distance need to be adjusted such that not every mob in my camera(almost) aggroes me
RE: Use item trashing in PvP instead of decay to power economy
I think another problem is selling used items in the marketplace. I can imagine scenarios where (especially new players) complainig that they buy items with very low durability from the market since we can put those items there. We never see how durability plays within trading aspect due to limited time and player numbers. But I believe this should be addressed
RE: Let's talk about recipes
I think one way to solve this issue is to introduce more levels of items (which a bit contradicts with their horizontal view, but one can never achieve full horizontal progression anyways). Just like t2 armors, we need t2 weapons and after introducing them, we can remove the recipe requirement from current t1 weapons (2h axe, sword, etc.) For the general problem with recipes(problem 2), we might use a system where one improves their crafting profiency by comsuming recipes. Those are my two cents.
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
I need some sort of life stealing warrior build or a paladin build