Well, I just got a funny idea. How about having 3 different currencies for 3 different races(for each planet) and we can convert these currencies from one to the other with their current value similar to the real world economy?

Best posts made by Clinion
RE: Suggestion: Currency names
What I "DO NOT" want to see in this game
Recently, I have been watching alpha tests and introduction trailers of Albion Online. They have so much in common with Fractured in those early stages. However, Albion changed drastically over time and I did not quite like those changes. Here are a couple of things I do not want to see in Fractured(or change in Fractured)
- Albion has no players cities, only cities with rich people buying all the spots. I do not want to see that happen in Fractured.
- Gathering is very unpopular in Albion as far as I see. Game forces you to hardcore PvP and rewards those who does. Consequently people do not prefer gathering. Instead, they do newly introduced dungeons and hellgates to obtain money and gear.
- Related to previous matter, in a sandbox game, I would love to see gathering&crafting be the backbone of everything and they should be the primary focus.
- Being a sandbox game should not indicate complete freedom. Currently in Albion, they are trying to reduce the power of huge alliances and guilds by applying certain debuffs and so on. Instead, there should be limits for number of players in a guild/alliance for proper control.
Those are my ideas and I would love to see what the community thinks about them.
RE: City Suggestion Megathread?
A rather crazy idea, but it would be fun to at least try it: How about allowing the cities to place outposts/camps outside the city zones but inside the zone of influence of the city? Some remarks and possible features of this system are as follows:
- There should a limited number of buildings placed outside the city zone.
- Buildings should not be placed inside POIs.
- Types of building to be placed will be determined by the tech tree of the city.
- These buildings can be protected by players/NPC guards and neighboring cities are allowed to capture those outposts/camps.
How to "obtain" in-game money
I know the title may sound a bit absurd and stupid, but I really wonder how to obtain silver, gold , denar or whatever it will be called in game. The devs said "Finding a broadsword in the corpse of a rat sounds a little unlikely? ", so I understood that the rat would also not drop any money. How are we going to generate money in game?
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
I need some sort of life stealing warrior build or a paladin build
RE: Spread The Word & Win A Key!
@Specter Whoops, sorry about that, correct link should be this one : https://ibb.co/ckNwdC4
RE: Travelling&Exploration
@Logain For example, I was exploring creeping woods and my home was very close to it. So I could go back and forth to eat and sleep and etc. However, after learning all the skills from there, I decided to go to Goblin Hills and the it took more than 45 mins just to reach there. The journey was not very entertaining and I was very far from my home and my items in the chest. I think this is kinda problematic.
PvE Planet with PvP
As far as I know, Arboreus is a full PvE planet with only limited oppurtunities for controlled PvP. So there will not be random PKing or sieges whatsoever. Furthermore, it is said by the devs that evil aligned players will be heavily punished once they enter the Beastman planet and the planet itself will try to repel them. Is it possible to:
- Beastmen to attack the evil player?
- Evil players to raid towns or kill players with limited oppurtunities?
- Without killing, plundering/stealing/theft?
Would you like to see these kind of actions in the Beastman planet and what are your thoughts?
RE: PvE Planet with PvP
@humerus For the pillaging/stealing part, the devs said it will be hard but not impossible for evil alinged players to enter the beastmen planet. I thought why evil players would want to enter and 3 possible reasons came to my mind:
- They want the resourceses lacking in their own planet
- They want to increase their knowledge
- They want to kill some "good guys" (for roleplaying purposes)
Family System and Account-Based Alignments
The alignment system and its possible consequences/exploits are constantly being discussed both in the forums and on Discord. It is still an issue to be tested multiple times in order to obtain a balanced system. I have suggestion that might ease some of the problems: Family System.
Just like in Black Desert Online(BDO), the characters you create are bound to a "Family" (The family system only applies to human characters, so there might be different applications for beastmen and demon alts). In the current version of the game, your characters share the same guild, but players cannot know who that character belongs to. Furthermore, if that character is not in a guild, there is no way to tell anything about that new character. With the family system, players will know whose alt that character is and they can decide their attitude towards that player directly. One more important thing about this family system is that, now, players' alignment status are Family based. So, an evil player cannot create a good character and reap the benefits of the good alignment and continue his assault on other players with those benefits.
I think this system would reduce the potential exploits and imbalances that comes with creating alt characters and the current alignment system by allowing players to directly see who they are dealing with. I also would love to hear your opinions about the family system
'Recipes are meaningless...
The newly added "recipe system" is not a meaningful progression system. Once you read a recipe, you unlock the corresponding item for crafting and that's it. In my opinion, this system only makes it harder for new players to progress through the game and trying to collect recipes is a tedious task. Furthermore, even though they seem to be extremely valuable at early stages of the game, they are going to worth less than a stick in the future once the market stagnates.
I propose 2 possible solutions to the recipe issue:
- Remove the recipes completely and allow players to craft with materials only. This will also help with new player acquisition.
- Make recipes limited use only. What that means is that, for example, you read a greatsword recipe and now you are allowed to craft 20 greatswords. After that, you again need to read the same recipe to continue crafting. This will actually create a demand for the recipes in the future.
I also would like to hear your thoughts on the current recipe system.
RE: AMA Feedback
@Rife said in AMA Feedback:
Bonus - It would be nice if we can have an actual active player have discussions with the developers during the AMA, someone like Spoletta for example.
I think this should be the main objective of AMAs. Otherwise, they could have just prepared a video recording answering all the questions or simply a blog post. What I would like to see is somewhat a discussion with a selected member of the community(I think our Mods are very suitable for this task) and the Devs(most probably Jacopo). This way, we can actually voice our concerns better and get clearer answers.
RE: City Suggestion Megathread?
As many people discussed in some other threads, the testing plan was not optimal and usually unnecessarily long with limited amount of content. Also the available content was not appealing to everybody, so people got bored very quickly and the world became empty in a very short time. Some people suggested shorter test intervals which provides all previous content directly to tester and leaves only the newly added parts for tester to test. This is a possible and a good solution in my opinion. However, some people like me might want long test periods as we like to play the game for a longer period of time while testing all possible aspects. The main demotivator here is the lack of "continuous" content.
Long story short, I have a proposal for future tests that might attract different types of players while providing relatively more "continuous" content.
This new magical idea is not my own but from a game called Ashes of Creation(AoC). The system in that game is called "caravan system" and I think, if implemented with slight variations, it would be a very nice addition to Fractured. Here is how it goes:
- Citizens within cities which have researched a trading tech has the option to create a "city caravan".
- City caravan is a bigger version of the normal wagon and has the ability to carry both heavy and normal materials in large amounts.
- City caravan should be either directly rentable by gold or a craftable tool like wagon.
(So far this is a system for trading, crafting and maybe mob grinding oriented(PvE) players; but here comes the twist) - The city caravan can only be driven by Neutral players.
- The caravan also has a health pool(like a horse) and when destroyed, all the items inside will be lootable by everyone.
I believe this system will attract both PvE and PvP oriented players while providing a continuous content. I also would like to hear your opinions
Reduce the Tediousness of Processing
I know this might not be a top priority in the current state of Beta testing, but I would like to see some improvement on the tediousness of processing and gathering. I am not against the time sinks and I believe they should exists in the game. However, some of these time sinks are actually tedious tasks which do not have a meaning. To be more exact, here is a list of tedious tasks:
- Picking up stones/ores/logs 1 by 1 from ground/cart/wagon
- Placing stones/ores/logs 1 by 1 from ground/cart/wagon
- Clicking and dragging leather into the exact squares inside the tanning tub 1 by 1
- Filling up smelters in general(If I am not wrong, it takes 28 mouse clicks to load one smelter)
In the Kickstarter video of Fractured, it was shown that we can pick up and place multiple logs instead of single ones. I think that would be a nice fix to the current tediousness. Furthermore, I would also appreciate a more user friendly system to operate our processing units(smelters, tanning tubs, etc.). I do not mind the time it takes, but we can eliminate the tediousness by making it more automated while keeping the time required same.
RE: Neutral alignment needs a change
@GamerSeuss Currently, the game is presented as a "Beta" version of the real game and we have less than a year until full release. Thus, this game needs to attract more and more players each day so that it can have a healthy population. So far, we have seen that the game becomes more and more empty each day due to lack of dynamic and challenging content. I think people would like to see an increase in PvP action(myself included) because it actually creates dynamism and keeps things alive such as economy, politics, PvE actions like gathering and crafting etc.
Until now, the planet we observed, called "Syndesia", is almost identical to what we expect from Arboreus due to the lack of any PvP action and we can see how well that went. Once Arboreus comes up, sure there will be huge increase in the population due to a major content update, but I do not think it will be enough to keep players engaged more than a month (just like how it happened in this test). The reason is simple: people need dynamic content. PvP actions are inherently dynamic as they are determined by player's actions. However, PvE is usually static (unless there exists a system which continuously generate new encounters and events, one can refer to Ashes of Creation's event system) and it does not provide any long term gameplay.
When you give your examples, you usually refer to ganking or senseless killing. These are the things what drives people away, I agree on that. However, what we would like to see is a meaningful and lawful PvP environment which will not only attract PvP oriented players but also increase the PvE oriented population due to the dynamism created(the need for more materials, more reagents, more crafted items and so on).
RE: Some ideas about crafting.
@spoletta said in Some ideas about crafting.:
- Each player has 100 crafting points.
I fully agree that we need some sort of a system to allow new players/non-guild crafters to exist in the game. Unless we have any such constraint, it becomes just a few characters to do all the crafting in the game.
Bu I also agree that we need more tiers/depth in terms of crafting. Maybe as the game progress, we will see more tiers of equipment and also we may have city tech based crafting bonuses to armor/weapon stats to encourage crafters visit other towns