Meridian is not, strictly speaking, a guild in the conventional sense.
First and foremost, Meridian is an experiment.
Known formally as the Kingdom of Meridian, we are a Fractured nation based on Syndesia, headquartered in our capital Zenith, and designed to work like a real-world nation-state.
Most guilds in most games are merely social clubs for players, existing only for folks to group together to grind mobs and gank noobs. Meridian strives to be something very different – an enterprise that takes full advantage of Fractured’s diverse features and the developers’ ambitious vision.
We're a nation comprised of solo players, small groups, and guilds. Our purpose is to be creative builders in Fractured’s unique sandbox, creators of in-game content determined by a nuanced vision and fulfilled by a thriving community.
Come play your own game of thrones with us.
What are Meridian’s goals?
As established by our founder and leader, Beradus Valarn, Meridian is defined by two primary goals.
First, we work diligently to be creators of in-game content.
How many of you have tried to recapture the epic sandbox moments of your past, eager to relive the glory days of Ultima Online, Tibia, EverQuest, and the like? Or what about those of you who never played those games first hand nor experienced those moments directly but have sought them out anyway, only to be disappointed when you step into a litter box that pretends to be a sandbox?
We know your pain, trust me. For games like these to succeed, it’s imperative that like-minded players find each other, organize, and fulfill Fractured’s potential for unparalleled fun together. Therefore, Meridian is mobilized to do its part to create in-game content for its members, its allies, and even its enemies.
Second, Meridian strives to make its regions the most nuanced and successful on Syndesia.
We intend to bury our hands deep in Fractured’s sandbox to build an empire. Military alliances shall be established for mutual protection; trade agreements with viable partners must be negotiated for mutual prosperity; mercenary services may be employed for additional security.
Meridian intends to be both host and facilitator for as many of these niche entities and organizations as possible, doing our part to vigorously promote a politically-dynamic environment where all can succeed.
Is Meridian a roleplay guild?
Not really.
While Meridian is unapologetically ambitious and stylized, we aren’t a strict roleplaying guild. You’re more likely to find our members comparing Netflix queues and bemoaning about the state of modern games than channeling their inner thespian.
That said, Fractured is still a video game and, by definition, everyone who plays is some type of nerd – so Meridian proudly flaunts its pageantry.
How does Meridian’s government work?

Because Fractured requires players to actively manage the territory they claim, Meridian is structured like a real-world government. Authority and responsibility are invested in many officers who collaborate to achieve the vision of a single leader: the Meridian King.
As Meridian’s head of state, the king decides our goals, traditions, and values. As head of government, he ratifies, rejects, or repeals our laws and treaties, alliances and war declarations. The king may overrule any officer at will and has the exclusive right to surrender or disband the kingdom.
The king’s agenda is enforced by the royal court. This includes Governors, local executives who each command an assigned region in the king’s name, and the High Council, advisors who draft royal policy and manage unique portfolios. All are appointed by the king and serve at his pleasure.
The court is led by the king’s deputy, the Hand of the Crown. The Hand oversees Governors and general government operations. The Hand also chairs the High Council, organizing meetings, proposals, and updates for the king’s review. Except the king, the Hand may overrule any officer at will.
What are Meridian’s rules?
- Join Meridian’s official Guilded server. Guilded is a promising alternative to Discord currently in development and it is optimized for gaming guilds. Its features include integrated event calendars, a gameplay scheduling tool, document sections, message boards/forums, polls and forms, text and voice channels, and more. It is the hub of Meridian’s community.
- Stay informed. Don’t be lazy – Meridian officials shouldn’t have to track down individual members to give them updates that are easily found on our Guilded server.
- Maintain a healthy sense of humor. Life is hard and Fractured, like all games, is meant to be an escape from your daily troubles. In this community, the ability to be a bit silly and make/receive jokes is vital.
- Keep a good attitude. There’s a difference between smartass and asshole, honest and rude, cracking jokes in good fun and being an intolerable edgelord-memer. Don’t be a Chad: know the differences and behave accordingly.
- Get involved. We don’t (and refuse) to have a hard quota for participation and we don’t expect you to live in-game or on Guilded. But Meridian is a community: don’t be a stranger. Members who don’t engage at all and simply take up space in our server and towns will be removed.
- Show common courtesy. Going on an extended vacation? Give us a heads up. Taking a much-deserved break from Fractured? Give us a shout. Don’t be inconsiderate – it takes all of 30 seconds to fire up your mobile Guilded app and notify a Meridian officer of your absence or departure.
- Respect the chain of command. In Fractured, there are dire consequences for a community in chaos. The chain of command is essential for structure and long-term success. Obey accordingly.
What can you expect?
Someone wise once asserted that the key to happiness is shrewd expectation management. We in Meridian couldn’t agree more. Here’s what you can expect from us:
Real life comes first. Exactly what it says on the tin. Don’t let games or guilds contribute to a divorce or unemployment or friendlessness.
You can expect organization. The chain of command is forged with links of purpose. Every role has a unique responsibility. We strive for cohesive excellence.
You can expect ambition. Every great power starts from humble origins. We’ll never rule the real world, but here we can create our own realm. Let’s co-author Fractured’s greatest success story together.
You can expect creativity. Fractured promises to provide the tools, but this is ultimately a sandbox. We’ll need to build the castles ourselves.
You can expect opportunity. Despite our best efforts, we’re far from perfect. Meridian offers its citizens the chance and platform to make us better. Identify a problem and contribute to the solution.
You can expect community. This is at the heart of our culture. Meridian is a quilt of cooperation weaved from a patchwork of misfits, malcontents, and misanthropes. Be part of it; get involved.
What are we looking for?
We’re not a cookie-cutter group and we don’t spam generic invitations.
Meridian is proud of its discerning tastes. In an era where gamers are often antisocial, indifferent, and noncommittal, we seek members who are active, dedicated, and loyal. Anything less isn’t worth our time.
Other guilds in other games prioritize stats over substance, exploit drones, and tolerate toxicity. Meanwhile, Fractured is committed to horizontal progression and emergent gameplay. In such an environment, Meridian recognizes the most important attribute is a good attitude.
Assholes and edgelords need not apply.
Sound interesting?
Nope. Thanks, but no thanks!
Fair enough.
We completely understand and would prefer not to waste your time or ours with an obvious mismatch.
The good news is, even this early in Fractured’s development cycle, there already are great guilds out there you may prefer….
Vandiir is a prominent gaming community that’s found its way to Fractured. If you’re seeking strong fellowship but aren’t enticed by Meridian’s flavor, Vandiir’s lively and supportive culture may be just for you.
But perhaps you favor more imperialization and conquest than Meridian intends to offer. In which case, we recommend taking a gander at Fractured’s most ambitious enterprise: The Shadow Empire, led by Vyr Vandalous.
Or maybe you’re seeking a cerebral, actively roleplaying guild and have no idea where to start looking? Consider stately House Pythias, led by Tirinith Uundol Pythias.
Additionally, you may consider the rapacious Horde of Tartaros, led by the blunt and uncompromising Rekington, if you seek to commit your prodigious bloodlust to an ambitious cause.
Hell yes! Where do I sign up?
Meridian prefers a more personal approach: Apply on our Guilded server or hit myself or @Bardikens up via direct message here on the Fractured forums and let’s chat one-on-one.