Enchantment Finder System, City Planner and Character Planner
The enchantment finder at http://theshadowempire.net/public_enchantments.php has now been updated with the full list of Enchantments and Enchantment Combinations. We have added the ability to load/show only specific Tiers and hovering over the Total column will now show what Matches where found and what tiers they were matched at.
Note: Tier 1s may be a bit slow as they will now show the first 400 matches and not just the fist 10.
(Of special note: There are more than 1.3 million possible combinations available with all but 2024 combinations being Tier 1s. This is why Tier 1s will take longer to load
This is fantastic, thank-you!
Cuddo's to those who made this !!
This is awesome! Pinned and moved to the Alpha 2 section
You are the man.
Just to remind people where this is... also.. there are several new reagents that have been added this go around... we will have them available for the winter alpha if not before the end of this weekend.
We have just added a Character Planner to the mix of free tools. It's still being flushed out in some places (ie, the ability kp and memory costs, along with the newest abilities that were added the last 3 day weekend event that are not on the Wiki) however it should be mostly functional and accurate at present. Let me know what you think, suggestions for easier use, and corrections that need it. Also, the public version is setup for a final screenshot of the character profile at the end. It can not be saved.
@Ostaff nice already trying it well done.