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Posts made by Ostaff
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
Aye. The weekend tests were just the example I through out there as they tended to be filled the entire time, but I agree with both you an LonelyCookie in that the actual tests should last a week. After all, a week tends to be the lifespan of the current alphas anyhow. Also, a week long test will give everyone time to have tested it, and the Devs to do minor adjustments if needed.
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
I think having capes for every aspect of the alpha would be too much. It should instead be... a single Specific Item for testing the alpha period, and then if there is a contest during that alpha, the winners of that contest would be able to have an emblem added to the unique item that defined what contest they won. So if there are 5 different contests, then there would be 5 available emblems to be added to that single unique item and a player could technically have all 5 emblems on it.
RE: Armor Quality needs adjusted
Actually its not what you added. It is only a +4% difference between Poor and Excellent. And that is ridiculously low.
Having a bigger difference between poor and Excellent I think is very much warranted. Especially since making excellent cost so much more.
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
@maze said in New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended:
layers a cosmetic cloak that's tracked thought player test. Each playtest they
Oooooh... I REALLY Like that! Each alpha test comes with something unique that we can actually show off to tell everyone that "I WAS THERE!"
RE: Skill tree: connecting the dots
That's definitely a bug I believe. Good job reporting it
RE: Skill tree: connecting the dots
In order to do the middle trees you have to have progressed the outer trees up to that point. That is the reason that the circle in the middle is only "half" filled when one tree branch has been done. In other words, in order to do the branch between CHA and INT, both CHA and INT have to have been progressed to the +1 stat level.
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
I am not so sure that its too late... there is a TON of CORE mechanics that they don't have implemented yet. Beta should NEVER start until all the core aspects of the game have been implemented, in my opinion.
Also, I do like @LonelyCookie 's suggestion as well... we can use the shorter tests to flush out the majority of the bugs so that when the Main tests open everything is much more streamlined and those should be as wide opened as possible. If the game actually "Works" for the most part it will BRING back those gamers, and it would be our responsibility as backers to report all the bugs we can find to ensure that the main alpha has as little bugs as possible and therefore a "good" impression on the new people.
New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
So, I have participated in every Alpha test that Fractured has had and I've seen the same trend happen each alpha and in some cases they get even worse.
There is not much real content added and the main features that are suppose to be added do not make it to the alpha on time. By the time they do make it, the server has basically already died out. The first three alphas lasted a day to 3 days max before becoming ghost towns, the last two alphas only lasted a week cause we were expecting something that never came. The only people who remain active in alphas are the new people with alpha keys, most the players with packs just do not do alphas anymore cause they get burned out very quickly doing the same repetitive things over and over each new alpha.
So, here is my suggestion. Get rid of the month long alphas were the server is mostly a ghost town for the last 3 weeks. Do alphas like the weekend tests were done, where there is no need to re-build or re-do everything each time. Everything that does not involve the new material to be tested should be provided and not have to be remade. Let us TEST what is actually suppose to be tested not get burnt out on the repetitive like we are doing now. Have shorter tests and more of them. Do not try to implement SO MUCH at one time and miss out on the major parts which only causes entire guilds to quit the game (which has already started) cause of disatisfaction.
I believe this will not only make for more active alpha test but will also bring people back and become more active at whole.
Also, having shorter but more alphas test will allow the Devs to actually see how well their implementations work, unlike this current one that totally blew up in so many ways. They will be able to adjust must faster and get a "working" implementation up faster.
RE: Removal of Open World PvP to Syndesia, Adding of Guild Warfare and Politics
Aye.. but it definitely would be a completely different Gamestyle than the other planets. Which Fractured is suppose to be about. As it is, there really isn't much difference between Tartoros and Syndesia. Even with a crime system, its still the same thing. Open World PvP.
Removal of Open World PvP to Syndesia, Adding of Guild Warfare and Politics
so how about this suggestion. Make Syndesia all about guild politics.
Guild members will only be able to kill members of guilds that they are hostile or neutral towards.
Cities are either Guild owned or Alliance Aligned, and in order to siege a city you must first declare war upon that guild or Alliance.
Only the guilds/alliances involved are able to attack or defend.Unguilded players can either be free for all or untouchable depending on how the community thinks they should be treated.
RE: Armor Quality needs adjusted
@Xzait said in Armor Quality needs adjusted:
That can all be adjusted.. currently Metal Armor has a HUGE difference than Light armor... therefore there is a HUGE gap of divergence available. What this means is that there is room for growth even with the current system. If they do not want to go above a certain threshold, then reduce the first tier's armor stats for each armor set but create a bigger gap between bottom and top quality tiers for that armor set. I also don't see if being aweful for a Top Quality Tier set of light armor being very close to a Poor Quality tier of Hide Armor as there was a lot of work put into making that Top Quality Leather and no work put into the Poor Quality of the Hide.
So.. what I am saying is simply... make Quality Matter! Currently.. it doesn't matter at will when it comes to Armor.
Armor Quality needs adjusted
So currently increasing the quality of Armor only provide +1% on two stats and +2% or +1% on the main stat. This should change and be like weapons where increasing the quality raises the damage by 10 to 8 points.
Each quality tier should raise it 10% to make it actually worth while and matter.
RE: City Management Feedback Thread
The reason it should be free is for the sole purpose that the devs want "trading between cities", if that is what they want.. then it needs to be free. If that is not what they want.. then they can feel free to put whatever cost they want on it.
Personally, I would have the market place be free and then a tech option could be added that increases the efficiency of the market so that the city receives more money from each sale. That way you do not restrict the players from selling their gear and it benefits the city to actually invest research points into it.
As it stands, there really isn't much reason to add it except as an add-on cause you have nothing left to spend the points on (if we ever get that far)
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
That would definitely cut down on "ganking"
However, it would also make fishing poles sky rocket in cost and jolly ranchers will be out of stock a lot.
RE: Unable to enchant any mage staff
Aye.. sadly the just plain broke sooo much stuff in this alpha
RE: "Town controlled area" doesn't exist - how will that work in future?
That's actually a good idea. Kinda like the node system in AoC. All unpurchased Cities will have "boss mobs" and their minions which will need to be defeated before making a city there
And once a city is purchased THEN show all the residential areas and etc for the area.
RE: "Town controlled area" doesn't exist - how will that work in future?
Answer, you will see a lot less governors cause its actually not worth running a town at all and more advantageous to just "use" someone elses town.
RE: City Management Feedback Thread
Or just make it so that the Market Place does not take any Research points at all. Which is shouldn't
RE: Let's talk business! (And the lack of it)
@Kralith said in Let's talk business! (And the lack of it):
place at all behind a Research wall, since Trading is a key eleme
The thing is. I am quite sure (with the exception of the bank) EVERY city's Tech Tree looks identical to yours!
Cities are going to want to have all the armor and weapon techs open for their citizens, after all we need residents. There is just really no reason to do any of the others until LAST when you have the musts already taken.
I think they seriously need to rethink the tech tree over again. And again, give actual "Tech" that isn't available to other planets which means instead of "advanced weapons", Leather, and plate... maybe split them all up and have tech dealing with specifics while the lower ones are available without tech. Ie. Plate Armor..plate armor should not require tech but making the non-basic Materials should use Tech. The basics are not needed as they are just smelted straight from the ores, but the mixed alloys need research points for groups.. Ie. Blood Iron and Mithril in one group which needs Tech points, White Gold and Orithium in another groups, etc. The better the metal the high the point cost. In this respect, Blacksmithing would open the use of Advanced Smelters since that is needed to make any mixed alloy metals.
Alchemy is a definite Tech Tree option which should have Powders, Potions and Poisons as branches.
Also break the Craftmanship up. in stead of a blanket Tier3 and Tier 4 usage... have it so that you have to open Leather Tier3, Leather Tier 4, Fiber Tier3 and Fiber Tier 4. Hence make research about the materials not the actual armor or weapon. Jewels can be the same way, break them up... THIS will develop diversity in city tech trees and give everyone the ability to have what they need.
Jewelry either would have "Rings", "Belts", "Capes" as branches or Gem Cutting and Styling as branches.