I've asked on Discord so many times that practically all the vets there know what my question will be each update.

Posts made by Xulu
RE: Founder palace blueprint
RE: Season One Overview
Uh hem, are we getting palaces this patch? (Sorry, had to ask...........again)
RE: Fall 2024 Development Roadmap
Sorry, beating that dead horse here, but what about the housing changes? We were told that was to be the first big upgrade. When will we see that? -
RE: QOL & Engine Update & More Free Play
@Prometheus Will this update include the housing changes? The new blueprints?
RE: Free Play Extended & Summer Roadmap
@Prometheus Any clue when the larger homes are released if we will be able to place "outside" items on the inside of the home? It's going to suck to own a "palace" that you can't craft in because you don't have enough land.
RE: Governors and City Housing Question
Still no confirmed anything on this topic. I saw a bunch of people really pissed off in chat last night because some governor or other deleted someone's house. That's not right, for either planet or regardless of your status. A house plot is something that shouldn't be messed with unless there is some sort of notice from a governor or something. Like everyone else here, I believe there should be an "eviction" notice or something.
RE: Question was answered.
@Fi So I went back and looked, most of what I was referring to, was actually in 2018 because it was discussed back then. You are right though, so I admit it.
So, HOLY CRAP, what about the people who have Governor packages that guarantee them a city? My buddy bought the Duke Of Syndesia package for 2,500. Now, he can't even claim a city either, lol. Gonna be some pissed off people if they decide to come into the game from this moment.
€450• Start the game as Governor of one of the towns of any planet
• Name the town you’re governing
• Permanent stone statue placed in the center of the town commemorating you -
RE: Question was answered.
@Fi I didn't see the response from him. However, I'm only going off of things said from long before. I would be more than happy for no more wipes EVER. Who wants to start over again? But I remember this from well before those statements made a month ago. I didn't just pull this shit outta thin air for troll purposes. I'm glad there is no wipe, so there it is then.
So just why does plate suck now?
The whole patch thing I get, etc...but honestly plate hugs balls. There is NO reason at all to use slayer when I've personally tested both Rogue and Hunter and they both outshine plate by a large mile. So, what is the point? It weighs a ton, it's worthless and what was the logic? Even better...how about trying this:
Put a piece of cloth on a table
Put a piece of leather on a table
Put a piece of steel on a tableNow, take out a nice dagger...stab each one. You tell me what happens when your dagger hits that steel. It's possible you only bruise a few knuckles and more likely that the grip slips, your hand flies off the dagger and you lose a couple of tendons in your hand/fingers.
Deleting Loot as you get ganked...Bug?
Honestly, I'm tired of seeing this all over the discord. Can we get an official from a GM or someone that says "You are absolutely not allowed to delete your loot when you get ganked during anytime of the fight, before or after" -OR- "You can delete your loot whenever the hell you feel like it, before being executed, during a gank fest, at your mama's house, etc".
Seriously, I don't care either way, it's just something people have been whining about constantly on Discord. Let's just get an answer already and be done with it.
Great Axe and Armor Testing
So since the patch, I've tried just about every combo except using chainmail. What it boils down to for me is Slayer (still) or Hunter armor. With the updated patch, great axe feels better but it doesn't seem like it was pre-patch, however it's workable now. In Slayer, I don't seem to kill as fast as Hunter armor, however, I think I kill a bit faster with Hunter armor on so there's the trade. Either armor works for solo play, it's more preference than anything. Do you want to kill a bit faster OR do you want to take less damage. Now, this was only testing done vs. ogres. Bandits/grokotans/etc. do not count because you can kill those easily with just about any build. It did seem that elementals are best killed in slayer though for some reason. They don't do much damage vs. plate armor.
I'd like to know if anyone has tested out cleric and battlemage armor, I'd like to hear thoughts on that for my mage.
RE: Patch Log - b.1.0h - Revert & Rebalance
@Prometheus said in Patch Log - b.1.0h - Revert & Rebalance:
Last but not least, Axe Fighting and Swordsmanship abilities that apply Bleed stacks do it again scaling on STR, the main attribute of the school, instead of DEX.
The ability in the axe tree, Strike Down, is that being changed back to STR instead of PER??
RE: New Resource for Martial Abilities: Stamina
@Fi said in New Resource for Martial Abilities: Stamina:
Stamina regeneration could be completely independent from those attributes in a way that it could regenerate faster on its own and much faster out of combat as fixed values—possibly altered by abilities (such as buffs), talents, equipment, and enchantments/imbuements.
Constitution would be more of a stamina thing than anything IMO. How "quick" and evasive you are is nothing if you can't hold out long enough (CON). Stamina and CON should go hand in hand.
RE: Governors and City Housing Question
@spoletta said in Governors and City Housing Question:
even though I'm not sure if that one is actually a bug or not.
You mean, delete the house? Or delete all stuff in/around it?
Governors and City Housing Question
I've heard a few things from both sides, but I'd like some clarification on this topic. In Terra, can a Governor or Vice Governor just willy nilly delete a persons house? Is this something that can happen? In Raven's Rest, there was a big controversy over someone deleting a few of the people's houses and they didn't know who. It made a few of those people just leave the game as a matter of fact. So, what's the real scoop? Can this happen? And if so, why? How would it be possible for a Governor to just get mad one day and delete everything from the town?
RE: Current Patch Please revert
@FULLAGGRO said in Current Patch Please revert:
You now need 5/6 attributes only not being INT just to see scaling with 2H axe and the dmg output does less then a cotton bandage would over time.
You sir...are correct!