Next test phase


    @Farlander said in Next test phase:

    I backed Firefly Online through the Cortex on steam and we are going on like 3 years now with no word that the game was even cancelled lol.

    Omg this sounds interesting.. 😅


    @Pluto said in Next test phase:


    Just to point out, but those projects have much bigger teams. And even then, I’m sure they had months of stale content. Star citizen sure did... 2016 anyone?!

    A project that IS similar in scope to fractured is dual universe. They’ve had some silent periods as they’ve hammered away... but they also found that communication is key 😉

    you do understand that bigger teams means more time to get the information out. Camelot Unchained puts out a nearly monthly email of over 2000 words. I'm sure that takes a while to do.


    @Jetah Yeah, they probably have someone dedicated to just doing that. Collecting progress updates and putting everything together for us. Good point.


    @Pwnstar hmmm we don't have someone like that? odd...


    I have a very mixed metaphor mental image: the devs with their noses to the grindstone trying to get the next test up without any more delay than necessary, while we all are chasing our tails looking for something new to talk about in here.
    Patience never has been a gamer virtue but we're not gonna make anything happen faster by stamping our little feet.



    @PeachMcD I agree even if it hurts that dates are pushed out for testing. In the end what matters is that they do it right instead of rushung everything to satisfy us. Lets keep being patience x-mas is around the corner! 🎅


    @Pwnstar said in Next test phase:

    @Jetah Yeah, they probably have someone dedicated to just doing that. Collecting progress updates and putting everything together for us. Good point.

    DS has someone for that. @Znirf DymStudios - Community Manager. that's the person that should be doing the monthly post to the people!


    @PeachMcD said in Next test phase:

    I have a very mixed metaphor mental image: the devs with their noses to the grindstone trying to get the next test up without any more delay than necessary, while we all are chasing our tails looking for something new to talk about in here.
    Patience never has been a gamer virtue but we're not gonna make anything happen faster by stamping our little feet.


    Partialy agree I dont mind waiting for content, but it takes minutes to keep us updated.

    They have a person just for this job.
    It's not stomping our feet, expecting to be kept in the loop.

    Look at earlier posts other games stop posting content updates, then three years later the game is shutdown never to be finshed

    This happens all the time, with game studios.

    And for this reason in my opinion it's good practice to keep information flowing as it alleviates the stresses towards risking large amounts of money, for the individual backer.

    And more importantly shows a company that truly cares about its community


    @PeachMcD Actually its not a matter of patience. Its a matter of keeping interest in their product, which we are a funding so some degree. Companies always keep their stakeholders updated on what is going on. DS even has a person whose job it is to do this. Judging by the lack of forum activity and the very few (compared to the past) number of folks saying 'hi' I would say interest in waning. It is puzzling that the devs allow this. Oh well.


    @Gibbx said in Next test phase:

    @PeachMcD Actually its not a matter of patience. Its a matter of keeping interest in their product, which we are a funding so some degree. Companies always keep their stakeholders updated on what is going on. DS even has a person whose job it is to do this. Judging by the lack of forum activity and the very few (compared to the past) number of folks saying 'hi' I would say interest in waning. It is puzzling that the devs allow this. Oh well.

    I think they only want to post when they have content updates or actually have news and this spartial os, port is screwing them over.

    I guessing they dont want to post once a month saying yeah still fighting with this pesky bug, or this issue, just wont fix.
    Incase it causes worry in the community.

    Unfortunately radio silence also causes worry
    So they cant win.

    Fingers crossed the cursed OS will be resolved soon, so we can go back to getting regular information updates


    There are some good points on both sides.

    Me personally, I am a fan of constant info no matter how small.


    Firefly had a guy posting on social media that would say something as little as they were still going. In fact, here are the last words posted on the facebook page lol

    "We're still here. We're still flyin'. Game is still in development. Stay tuned. - Mech"

    The problem with their game was Fox dropped it and then some legal battle ensued that blocked it's development. They even already paid a bunch of voice actors from the show and posted the voice bites. I was so sad to see it drop too.

    Game development is a slow process. We just have to wait and be patient. The game at least has been in alpha and from all that I saw from posting was doing well.

  • Moderator

    Well, I can give you an update on a few things:

    • The devs went to Milan Games Week earlier this week and showcased Fractured there. (Hence the influx of Italian members on the forum over the last few days.)
    • I have no update on the porting but a week ago Prometheus told me it was almost done, so it's probably done by now or very close to done.
    • Znirf is currently on vacation, hence the lack of content pills and answers from him.
    • I have no update on the test weekends but I've asked Prometheus for an update.

  • This post is deleted!


    @Specter ooooh! I'd love to have some vid or photos of the Milan event. I had noticed the new Italian forum denizens and wondered what had brought them all at once. Thanks for giving us what you could! The responsiveness of this team is truly impressive.


    @Xzoviac said in Next test phase:

    I think they only want to post when they have content updates or actually have news and this spartial os, port is screwing them over.

    I guessing they dont want to post once a month saying yeah still fighting with this pesky bug, or this issue, just wont fix.
    Incase it causes worry in the community.

    Unfortunately radio silence also causes worry
    So they cant win.

    Fingers crossed the cursed OS will be resolved soon, so we can go back to getting regular information updates

    i liked when GGG posted a problem and how they solved it, it was something that no other dev, that i remember, has posted.
    I like the post of the issues with SpatialOS and the Unity (or whichever the company was) problems and how they were waiting on what resolution would happen. I don't expect fly on the wall level communications but an update on progress or even problems is neat to listen to.

    @Specter said in Next test phase:

    Well, I can give you an update on a few things:

    • The devs went to Milan Games Week earlier this week and showcased Fractured there. (Hence the influx of Italian members on the forum over the last few days.)
    • I have no update on the porting but a week ago Prometheus told me it was almost done, so it's probably done by now or very close to done.
    • Znirf is currently on vacation, hence the lack of content pills and answers from him.
    • I have no update on the test weekends but I've asked Prometheus for an update.

    When the devs go out somewhere, email the backers!

    It would have been nice to have at least 1 pill covered so that when they're on vacation it can be released.

    Honestly, it feels bad when there's no communication, for what feels like 2 weeks. it feels like i should stop dropping by the forums and ignore the development like I have for the other games and just wait for release. but i can't do that because of the Foundation.

    I just looked at the kickstarter updates and last one was 4 months ago. I looked at the comments and for a while it was nothing for 3 months, then 2-3 2 weeks ago. people will start to think they were scammed.



    It’s not unreasonable to assume the updates will be conducted outside of Kickstarter. Many projects start migrating away from the Kickstarter updates, not really sure why.


    @Pluto said in Next test phase:


    It’s not unreasonable to assume the updates will be conducted outside of Kickstarter. Many projects start migrating away from the Kickstarter updates, not really sure why.

    Crowfall, which i backed in 2016 or 2015, last updated on KS was Sept 4, 2019!

    I'd say to use the platform for at least a year or two or the game releases before migrating off it.


    @Jetah said in Next test phase:

    People will start to think they were scammed.

    I don't understand this logic. This is a small team, it will take time for them to do anything with the game. It's best for them to put their heads down and code the game, saving communication for when we have test weekends for maximum impact.


    Oh, thanks for the update Specter. Similar questions to what I had.

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