

    @Specter Well, that's all, the root of the problem is that humans are a universal race. If the human city will be able to freely walk all races and trade with each other, the only sense to play for another race will be only that it will have unique resources. This mechanics can break the game by the fact that most players will eventually go to play for people, which means that the number of pvp players will decrease in demons, which will lead to the category of two players. The first group of demons will be beginners who are just getting acquainted with the game and after the release of the learning areas they will kill the second group of players who originally had to learn the majority of skills and now just waiting for easy victims. Again, if people have to go into the world of demons, they can begin to worship babilis to get at least some effect on tartaros and just get the same resources. Well, about the planet Beastmen might just go for casual people who like only pve. As a result, people are free to visit Arboreus, enough time is on Tartaros and at the same time be the center of the economy around the world (all the planets) and all. The game is broken, 60-80% of players will play for people, as they will have absolutely everything and all the resources using the same "neutral" cities where each race can buy any resource. That's all she wrote.

  • Moderator

    @ZagZag Whether or not a Demon can visit a Human town will depend on the laws set by the guild ruling over that town. If a good-aligned guild doesn't want evil players in their town, they can order the guards to kill evil players on sight (or whatever mechanic there will be to keep them out). However, if an evil Babilis-worshipping guild wants their town to be open to Demons, they are free to do so. Just like good-aligned Humans can decide to declare war on the evil guild to drive the Demon worshippers off their land.

  • Wiki Editor

    @ZagZag said in Trade:

    @Kralith I will write the last time. DEMONS and PEOPLE are not 10-100 characters and not even 1000. THIS IS A RACE, AND MEANS EVERYTHING! we are not saying that out of 1,000 demons there will be 10. I'm talking about the fact that any fucking demon, at any time can come to the city of people shopping !!! or do you want to say that terrorists are bought in the weapons shop and super markets ???? Stop writing nonsense.

    I don't understand why you are raging about me, do you think it is the right kind of reaction?


    @ZagZag said in Trade:

    Because of the language barrier, we do not understand each other. The question that I asked should be postponed, a little later the information will appear by itself)

    In General, I repeat the words zagzag - discussion does not make sense due to lack of understanding of what is at stake. Over time, we will tell all the developers, so let's not quarrel over nonsense and just wait.


    @Specter FINALLY THEN!) Thanks for the answer, a good choice of mechanics!)


    Stark Industries!

    how will DS prevent RMT? I'm sure you wont answer on a software level but with any trade people will RMT on 3rd party sites to get [better] stuff easier.

  • Moderator

    @Jetah I assume by monitoring trades and banning those who buy goods for real money. I don't see any other way to stop RMT.


    @Specter said in Trade:

    @Jetah I assume by monitoring trades and banning those who buy goods for real money. I don't see any other way to stop RMT.

    How the cops catch people that rent prostitute services? They plant undercover cops as baits. 😉

    Same could be done to catch RMT transgressors, plant a bait (undercover GM). And when voice spreads about undercover GMs planting baits, and part of players get caught, you will see how RMT will reduce by a huge margin. 🙂


    the other way i know to curb RMT is to offer a version of it yourself.

    WoW sells their token that can be exchanged for gold (on a market style UI, this is so no sell and buyer can team up). Warframe can trade Plat (their premium currency) so f2p users can buy everything except Prime packs and Tennogen (3rd party cosmetics via steam workshop). Eve Online has their version too.


    @Jetah this is not good though because it introduces a form of P2W to the game.

    Many players are seeking a game where all accomplishments are done by player effort. What's the point of having your guild put effort, control territories, inserting influence, using tactical play to rob other guilds and keep them down, if other guilds can simply throw $$ and get back on their feet, have gold again?

    This form of P2W simply ruins what competitive guilds are seeking, specially in a sandbox type of game that doesn't have instanced dungeons and raids, and focuses on open world, trading and PvP aspects.


    @Gothix said in Trade:

    @Jetah this is not good though because it introduces a form of P2W to the game.

    Many players are seeking a game where all accomplishments are done by player effort. What's the point of having your guild put effort, control territories, inserting influence, using tactical play to rob other guilds and keep them down, if other guilds can simply throw $$ and get back on their feet, have gold again?

    This form of P2W simply ruins what competitive guilds are seeking, specially in a sandbox type of game that doesn't have instanced dungeons and raids, and focuses on open world, trading and PvP aspects.

    let me help you out.

    the game offers free trading between any person.

    that allows p2w.

    whether you want to believe that or not. it will happen. people will go to gold seller websites, buy whatever they need. it'll be traded in game. there's nothing to prevent this because it's possible to directly trade in game.


    @Jetah said in Trade:

    people will go to gold seller websites

    And eventually get banned.

    Also if it's forbidden and bannable (not to mention risk of your CC info getting stolen by shady sites), only minor part of players will try it.

    And that's a LOT better then majority of players doing it because it's integrated into the game. I'm definitely not ever gonna play a game that offers conversion of $$ to in game gold, nor will any other truly competitive players. I vouch you on that.


    @Jetah and @Gothix I believe this is the third time you guys have argued over this lol.

  • Moderator

    @Crowdac It probably is. Also, it's off-topic so @jetah and @gothix, if you're planning to continue this discussion, I will make a new thread for you and move your posts to it. 😉


    such a naive kid. america did trade with nazi germany, read some books or something
    alt text

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