Demon Redemption
You're incapable of doing evil things when your alignment is set to good.
@EvolGrinZ @Esoba
Angles may not be able to do bad things.
@esoba good can't attack or steal from good or neutral, so they can't do nasty things....
I guess you could be socially evil as an angel but you can't actually do bad things since the good alignment actually restricts you from doing them (see Feature Spotlight #6). Since good aligned players cannot commit evil at all people will be safe around them and thus would trust them.
@rockarmy trust might be a bit too much
you can feel safe around them if you're good or neutral (as long as you don't do bad things).
@tulukaruk Good players can't loot from good players so I think you can trust them
@rockarmy Now I wonder where paying for services (larceny, threats, electorial manipulations, espionage, treason, murder, and other "grey" deeds frowned upon by societal standards) rendered by cloaked figures would fall along the lines of good & evil? Asking for a friend
@rockarmy they won't necessary watch your back or help you when you're attacked - that's all I meant
@rockarmy said in Demon Redemption:
Good players can't loot from good players so I think you can trust them
Still watch out if good aligned player goes to rest phase when close to you. Under many conditions, he could switch his alignment during his rest phase to neutral and then attack you.
- only good aligned beast men (while on Arboreus) are prevented from switching away from good alignment.
- humans can switch to neutral and then commit a crime
- good aligned beast men (on Syndesia and Tartaros) can switch to neutral and then commit a crime
@gothix this is not true, from good to neutral it take some time, and need to pay to evil god's, so it's not fast like you think.
@gothix said in Demon Redemption:
only good aligned beast men (while on Arboreus) are prevented from switching away from good alignment.
humans can switch to neutral and then commit a crimeIIRC from one of the Q&As, the restricted areas on Arboreus are good alignment only and alignment changing isn't possible while inside.
@grofire You choose your alignment when you rest. The available choices are determined by your karma and location.
@target karma can't be change quickly.
@grofire I'm pretty sure you can just switch to neutral right away.
From spotlight #6
Beastmen are born with a highly positive Karma. When resting on Arboreus, you can only choose a Good alignment for your Beastman character. When resting on a different planet, you can instead pick Neutral too.
and also:
If your character’s Karma is below -2,500, you can only choose an Evil alignment. Below 0, you can pick only Neutral or Evil. Above 0, all the three options are open.
Which probably isn't exactly accurate as it says beastkin can only pick neutral...
@tulukaruk true, but it all take time, building a rest place take time too, it's not something that take 10 sec like some think it is.
@tulukaruk said in Demon Redemption:
@grofire I'm pretty sure you can just switch to neutral right away.
Which probably isn't exactly accurate as it says beastkin can only pick neutral...
It's location dependent.
Best kin can pick:
- only good inside safe zone on Arboreus
- good and neutral, outside of safe zone on Arboreus
- good, neutral and evil on Syndesia and Tartaros
(neutral is enough that you can attack other person, so outside of safe zone on Arboreus, they could switch in rest phase to neutral and then attack other beast kin)
Humans can pick anything anywhere (except safe area on Arboreus where they can only be good, but outside of it they can be whatever they want, with ofc. considering consequences they will get for it).
Demons can be only evil for a while, until they buff their karma up, but this will take time.
@gothix i do not think what you wrote is true, @Specter @Prometheus what you say ?
Beastkin can only choose good on Arboreus. They can pick good and neutral on the other planets.
Humans can only choose good in the Arboreus safe zones. They can also choose neutral and evil elsewhere.
Demons can only choose evil on Tartaros. They can pick evil and neutral on the other planets but they can't enter the Arboreus safe zones unless they're good.Now obviously a redeemed Demon can choose good and a fallen Beastmen can choose evil. Gothix was mostly right, but Beastmen can't choose neutral on Arboreus even when they're outside of the safe zones.
Ah so beast kin can't switch to neutral on Arboreus (outside of safe zone). Ok, I guess I misunderstood that part then.
@specter great, thanks for the answer
can you please explain how the karma change the way you can pick ?
@grofire This spotlight answers your question.
What is Karma? Simply put, it’s an indicator of where your character stands between Good and Evil. It ranges from -10,000 (Diabolic) and +10,000 (Holy), and changes according to your behavior in game – how you interact with other players and the environment, which Gods you worship, and more.
If your character’s Karma is below -2,500, you can only choose an Evil alignment. Below 0, you can pick only Neutral or Evil. Above 0, all the three options are open.
Speaking of race, the following limitations apply:
Humans are born with slightly positive Karma, and can choose any alignment.
Beastmen are born with a highly positive Karma. When resting on Arboreus, you can only choose a Good alignment for your Beastman character. When resting on a different planet, you can instead pick Neutral too. By doing so, you are allowed to commit criminal actions that could lower your Karma to the point your home planet and race will start rejecting you, walking the frightening journey that end with the transformation of the Beastman into an Abomination.
Demons are born with a strongly negative Karma – and they can’t make it better on their home planet. Therefore, as you create a new Demon, you’re restricted to an Evil alignment. When resting on other planets instead, you can gain Karma to the point you can set your character as Neutral too. Eventually, once your Karma is sufficiently high, you can start walking the path that will lead your Demon to reach its Redeemed form – the Angel.