Or you could type quickly, the bear will be frightened by your typing ability.

Best posts made by ROCKARMY
RE: Communication between the worlds
RE: What kind of a playstyle will your first character have?
I'm going to make my first character a demon and then start walking the path of redemption to become an angel. I will try building my character in a way so that it counters evil.
RE: The large number of "Hello" posts
I thank everyone for the warm welcome, but I was just asking a question. I now know it is for the daily foundation points, so uh, thanks for the help.
RE: What will be you main intention in the game ?
My main intention will be to get my demons to angel and my beastmen to abominations because I find that fun.
RE: Greetings
Greetings! Welcome to the community. If you wish to learn more about the game you should read this post.
Latest posts made by ROCKARMY
RE: [QoL] Dead bodys don't need "this body has no loot" and bodys that do have loot need to be highlighted when hovered
I agree with this, there should be atleast some indication to which bodies can be looted and which bodies can't without having to check them all manually.
RE: Greetings
Greetings! Welcome to the community. If you wish to learn more about the game you should read this post.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1612/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured -
RE: Communication between the worlds
Or you could type quickly, the bear will be frightened by your typing ability.
Magic tied to races
Will certain races have magic tied to them? To clarify, will certain races get magic that only that race will be able to use such as special blood magic for a Blood Demons.
Communication between the worlds
Will there or should there be communication between the different worlds, without actually travelling between them of course. What if you and your friend are on different worlds and wish to communicate with one another?
Necromancy and alignment
Do you think necromancy will or even should be affected by alignment? I think it'd be odd to see a Beastman or even an Angel using necromancy but I'm not sure if necromancy in this game is inherently evil. Your thoughts?
RE: Leaving a group by mistake
@Specter So, uh, could I be added back into Emissary please.
Leaving a group by mistake
So, for our tittles we have groups, what if someone leaves a title group by mistake? Can they rejoin somehow?