Foundation Top 100's Top 10.
sadly most friends are interested in games they can play
I'm in the 40s. And true - I'm not trying that hard
Just give it some time, after the Kickstarter and more available information, it's going to be a lot more tricky to be in the top 100!
The Kickstarter tiers will grant foundation points aswell. The top 100 is going to look completely different then.
Yes, still it does not affect what does not
Heh, I can't believe I've been able to keep the top spot for a while, tho @StarDust took the first place for a while after I was too busy IRL to do the daily quest for a while. Lucky for me some of my recruits have leveled up, gotta thank @Mazikar for hitting lvl 50 and awarding me extra 250 points
@rofus your welcome!
HolyAvengerOne TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Oct 22, 2017, 6:47 PM last edited by HolyAvengerOne Oct 22, 2017, 6:47 PM
@specter said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
@holyavengerone said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
@specter said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
Holya's advance is legit. That's all I can say about it.
What is legit and what is not anyways?
I meant he didn't make a bunch of alts to cheat himself to the top.
That's also the only way one can cheat the foundation.
The only way that you guys are aware of and/or are ready to talk about, no doubt
There's also a limit to how much you can detect alts. If I were you, I wouldn't act too snug or confident about it
@warhard said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
@holyavengerone said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
he is bombarded that he is not number one?
I'm not sure what you meant by that, sorry
@firefiite said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
I've managed to wiggle myself up to the 80s, soon to be 70s
Gg! Keep it up
HolyAvengerOne TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Oct 22, 2017, 6:56 PM last edited by HolyAvengerOne Nov 3, 2017, 2:02 AM
This week in your top 100's top 10 :
As of 2017/10/18 :
Source: comments:
- Holya continued his ascension, clinching the 3rd spot, passing Grimilde and Frost as he scored an average of 167.5 pts/day over the last 4 days. Some major social activities going on there, Holya!
- Mata secured his position in the 7th spot as he increased his advance on HolyAvengerOne by 150 pts.
- Mazikar was passed by Garlic securing the 9th spot by a narrow 10 pts.
Gg, Fractured players!
- Holya continued his ascension, clinching the 3rd spot, passing Grimilde and Frost as he scored an average of 167.5 pts/day over the last 4 days. Some major social activities going on there, Holya!
how do i see the ranks?
@jessejane said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
how do i see the ranks?
@vengu Thanks man. Added the link in both posts.
@rofus said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
50 and award
@Rofus i'm really unlucky with my recruits, they are too lazy xd
@stardust I'm not too lucky with them either, Mazikar is the only really active one, couple of them have hit level 10 and rest are inactive
Oh my, and @Holya just passed me and took the top spot
@rofus yea men, this is the end of the world as we have known it so far.
@rofus said in Foundation Top 100's Top 10.:
@stardust I'm not too lucky with them either, Mazikar is the only really active one, couple of them have hit level 10 and rest are inactive
I have trouble recruiting people AT ALL
I hope that's going to change when the Kickstarter and video footage are out sighs
@HolyAvengerOne @Holya @Mata @Lomacil @GamingIce @StarDust @Logain @Lohen @chrightt @Vengu @ryota1382 @warhard @Firefiite @tulukaruk @Rofus @Mazikar @JesseJane @00 I'm tagging you all since you seem interested in how to rank well in The Foundation.
First of all: there is no way to "game The Foundation" - all the existing quests are in front of your eyes, and they're really simple! :slight_smile: The only way to "cheat" is to create fake accounts to complete all the referral-related ones. However, fake accounts are very easy to identify, and we end up flagging a few as such almost on a weekly basis. Once flagged, they no longer accrue points to the referrer.
In the next iteration of The Foundation, we're going to make it so that accounts flagged as fake are kicked out of The Foundation entirely and the abuser is notified that happened when he opens the website.
That being said, if someone is gaining a lot of points (which are not explained by social and news-related quests) there can be one reason only: this person has referred a hundreds of accounts (not hard for some people, especially streamers/youtubers/journalists), or has referred dozens and those ended up very engaged and got a lot of levels. I said "has referred", not "is referring", because it takes months before an account reaches level 10 by passive points alone... so it takes months before you reap the rewards of your contribution in growing the Fractured community :slight_smile:
Speaking of passive points, they are a nice perk to give as reward, but they have the major drawback of allowing never-active accounts to slowly gain levels. By never-active I mean accounts of players who have confirmed their email address and never cared about Fractured again - never opened a newsletter, never read an update, never opened the forums - nothing at all. If those accounts didn't exist at all, it wouldn't make a difference for us (and for you). I'll discuss the matter with our designers and some changes might come in the next iteration of The Foundation there too.