Community Call - YouTubers You Know
Well, most of the famous Youtubers were already posted
But not Gronkh ( yet^^ As far as I know him from his videos, he likes MMOs and was especially a big Fan of Ultima 9 an other Ultima Parts of the series. So he might be interested
I may throw in myself, since I am doing Let's Plays (allso MMOs) since a long time^^ So I already promoted the Kickstarter Campaign on my channel, I don't know, how many of my small community of Followers came to donate. But I am part of!l/eng_gb/games, they might also be interested in presenting Fractured and helping in the Kickstarter Campaign, since they are focussed on short information videos about Eastereggs, Gimmicks or also Upcomming games
I am looking also forward to see the goal of Kickstarter reached
- - Ser Medieval, he was in my guild in Bless Online and also an Emissary for the game. His videos was great and honest, and very detailed at that.
I'm bored checked all your channels you offered and there is 1 indirect problem. I believe it is better not to send channels Let sPlay-Mens (I don't know how to persuade this word in English):
- the game yet and they have nothing to rent
- your mnogogranniki will ask you a lot of money
- if it Let sPlay-Mens, it is desirable they should do an MMO, not solo games. ( I did not offer Kuplinov or SHIMORO only due to the fact that they are mostly doing solo projects).
Someone has suggested the gaming news channels, but the trouble is the top that the audience 10-100 thousand people will be typed to a few people.
I'm not saying that this should not be done and again allegedly show himself king of the forum, I'm just talking about obvious errors that are visible.
For the french part, there is Game Guide, they talked about the KS launch and a bit about the game, but nothing more (and we already have @Onidra , a member of the staff, but she's not active ^^ )
There is too, it seem they've never talked about Fractured.
I don't know any youtubers that can promote the game
OK So a really good community to go to and post about in my opinion is CGN
Its a really good gamer/streamer/youtuber community and also for devs like your self.
You should definitely reach out to Rhykker, he does everything ARPG-related and he gave another upcoming game - Wolcen: Lords of chaos - a huge boost in popularity even if it's in alpha at the moment. Overall high production quality so it would surely be a huge plus to the games exposure if he'd do a piece on it.
For the German community to reach this dude might be helpful.
I just found him recently while I was looking for MMORPGs on the internet and he convinced me for a game already.
He does not have tons of followers, but the ones who follow, probably would like "Fractured" as well, because he does Let's Plays for UO and LoA.
dm21gaming would likely qualify
The Town Crier doesn't have 2k subscribers, but might be worth the attention and can be reached though email (just send me a message)
I also vote for Cohh.
We already got a shout-out from
.@grofire said in Community Call - YouTubers You Know:
cohh carnage Is a twitch player with 16k viewers stream daily that play different mmo's, he done some sponsoring in the past
Look into a fellow by the name of Wings of Redemption
For french communities, never talk about the game.
Some Brazilians:
G4merXtrem: Youtuber focused on MMO - 12.000 subscribers
Canal LetsPlay Videos: Youtuber focused on MMO - 80.000 subscribers
Deathweaver: Youtuber focused on MMO - 50.000 subscribers
O Barbudo: Youtuber focused on various games - 115.000 subscribers
Canal TecGamer: Youtuber focused on MMO - 32.000 subscribersAnd there's my channel, which is not focused on MMORPG but I can implement it. QIN - 3.700 Subscribers
Check out Hex doing a free promotional type video! She has a solid fan base here in Australia!
maybe ziggyD , he is mostly know for his path of exile content and other arpg's but occasionally does other PR aswel like he did for Conan exiles (sandbox)
Spaniard gaming channel, records long gameplays and has uploaded lots of multiplayers online games.
Has 1,4 million subs
I think BaronVonGames would be a good fit. He enjoys fantasy games, and loves working with game devs on stuff like this.
Another Russian channel you can ask for (but I'm not sure)
I know you search more Youtubers, but the only Streamer i know closer is Mr.OrkMork, a german Streamer at Twitch. was talking with him today about, if he would be interested in Testing/Streaming Fractured, if it is in Alpha and he said that he is open to take it in his Streams, when it is playable.
He has over 1700 Follower and he likes to show and talk about MMOs, Sandboxgames and such stuff.
I follow checks twitch list ummm...need to go cut this down some...
I follow a lot of twitch streamers. I can recommend 2 that often do MMO stuff is odd, but she does have a huge following, and she's odd in a way that I think would lead to her enjoying this game, and really improving how people see it by just having a lot of fun.
Cap'n Redwolf is much more normal, and will probably be quite happy to buccaneer through the human realm for a while, given a copy to play, but she does have a smaller following.
Quickybaby is a long time Youtuber focused on MMO World of Tanks but lately posts promotions for other games which are not even in the same genre.