Bit worried where the Kickstarter is


    I DO want want to back Fractured , and have been thinking about it for a couple of days , I like the game idea

    I backed Star Citizen in the past and it leaves me hesitant on the amount i want to back though

    I Liked the idea of getting a game slightly cheaper and saying yeah , this is gonna be cool i want it I like your plan.

    But 4 years later the game is not finished, has left me with a indecisiveness (so i have not backed instantly)

    there is possibly a couple of people in similar mindsets as me (could explain the slower rate of backing)

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @greenfox said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:


    PS: Alot of people still don't know this exist. Spread the word.

    More ppl should take a look at my sig. If your account is too new/low activity for the hype meter. Then make some posts/replies is Fractured related treads and articles till you can.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Made a new tread in the subforum for Fractured:

    I suggest ppl here start doing the same, or atleast reply to mine to start with.


    @benseine said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    (...)If your account is too new/low activity for the hype meter(...)

    How do I see if I qualify (or what I'd have to do to qualify)?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @logain try the hype meter. If you are unable to use it with your account then you need to post/reply some on their forum.


    @xzoviac said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    I DO want want to back Fractured , and have been thinking about it for a couple of days , I like the game idea

    I backed Star Citizen in the past and it leaves me hesitant on the amount i want to back though

    I Liked the idea of getting a game slightly cheaper and saying yeah , this is gonna be cool i want it I like your plan.

    But 4 years later the game is not finished, has left me with a indecisiveness (so i have not backed instantly)

    there is possibly a couple of people in similar mindsets as me (could explain the slower rate of backing)

    I hear you, but surely you must see a huge difference between this and Star Citizen?

    For the first year or two, Star Citizen was trading on specially made adverts, that had no gameplay in them (because there was no gameplay), and sold JPGs of what ships might look like in game.

    Here we have a game world and models already fleshed out and working in the engine. The game will pop out a lot sooner than Star Citizen could have ever dreamed of.

    But again, I hear you on how the 'Star Citizen experience' has wrecked it for some people.


    Star Citizen lol they promised soo much is now what 6 years afteR? we still waiting



    Yeah ofc I understand the difference, and I have backed this game (like i said it wasnt about if i was going to but how much i was willing to "risk")
    I hope this game gets threw its kickstarter stage , and if it does not then I hope it wont effect the game progress too much

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I haven’t yet because of the timing with the steam summer sale.


    @plume said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    I haven’t yet because of the timing with the steam summer sale.

    Has there been anything good in it? I haven't been too impressed by Steam Summer Sales for several years.


    @xzoviac said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    I backed Star Citizen in the past and it leaves me hesitant on the amount i want to back though

    Not trying to do a hard sell on you or anything, basically just using this as an excuse to rag on Star Citizen. 😛

    I didn't back Star Citizen because it just reeks of being too ambitious to ever possibly succeed. They were trying to do way too much, way too soon. So far, history has backed me up on that prediction. I look forward to paying full price for Star Citizen after it is released.

    One of the things about Fractured that makes me like it so much is that the scope of the project Dynamite is proposing is ambitious but also grounded in what could actually be achievable, and Dynamite has been very restrained when discussing which features will or won't be likely to be delivered on release. Also, the timelines that have been proposed seem entirely reasonable - none of this "We'll go from alpha to full release by Christmas this year." nonsense.

    Having worked as a project lead on enough software projects in the past, you get a feel for when someone's estimates are grounded in experience and competent project management, and when they're a delusional optimist. Dynamite's plans pass my smell test.

    However, the irony is that precisely because they're being so measured and responsible with their promises, that makes them underwhelming on the marketing front when compared against the kind of wild over-promising and subsequent under-delivering that is the norm on Kickstarter.

    For example, Dynamite have stated outright that their stretch goals will not involve core features. That is exactly the right move to make if you want to deliver your vision on time. Kickstarter campaigns that involve core features are basically introducing scope creep as a marketing strategy, and scope creep is poison to project delivery.

    The problem is that precisely because Dynamite are level-headed and serious, their marketing seems lackluster next to all the other projects that wildly over-promise. Many people have fallen for Kickstarter hype before and been disappointed. So when Fractured comes along and is making an appeal that is presented in more of a rational "thi-is-what-we-can-actually-achieve" style and less of an emotional "this-is-why-our-promises-are-amazing" style, it doesn't press the same buttons on the amygdala. So people have a chance to engage rationally - and the rational skepticism based on prior disappointment actually gets a chance to be heard, and executive function says no.

    So the very fact that Fractured's scope and campaign strategy are achievable ends up working against Dynamite because of how many other game studios have poisoned the Kickstarter well with over-promised feature-creepy delusions.

    To be clear, this isn't a criticism of the people that aren't investing in the Fractured campaign: It is reasonable to be risk-averse given the overall landscape that we're all being presented with.

    It's just an acknowledgement of the underlying mechanics as I see them. It's a damn shame that the signal of Dynamite's professionalism against the background noise of unprofessionalism is actually working against them. Markets are weird.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @canterbury I like Titan Quest so I picked up the anniverary edition for myself and a few friends, as well as World’s Adrift for friends. The sales are good. Today it looks like there are a lot of franchise sales with the most notable being Civilization.

    Actually, Titan Quest Anniversary is a decade old ARPG remastered to work better on newer systems. I’ve always found it a lot of fun and I saw a multiplayer option although I haven’t tested it yet. It’s similar enough to Fractureds premise to play while waiting for it to release. ^_^

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    I know a bunch of people who created an account and then gave up because the game wasn't released yet, bunch of morons if you ask me.


    @baconbr said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    I know a bunch of people who created an account and then gave up because the game wasn't released yet, bunch of morons if you ask me.

    actually this is something you can check in yearly until there's something more tangible.


    @plume said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    @canterbury I like Titan Quest so I picked up the anniverary edition for myself and a few friends, as well as World’s Adrift for friends. The sales are good. Today it looks like there are a lot of franchise sales with the most notable being Civilization.

    Actually, Titan Quest Anniversary is a decade old ARPG remastered to work better on newer systems. I’ve always found it a lot of fun and I saw a multiplayer option although I haven’t tested it yet. It’s similar enough to Fractureds premise to play while waiting for it to release. ^_^

    Cheers for the update. I will take a closer look later today. At face value (the pop up window thingy), I wasn't seeing much.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @canterbury I didn’t see all that much either, but they’re changing the sales daily so you might get a happy surprise? Tbh the sales aren’t as good or amazing as when they first started this. It’s the highest price cuts I’ve seen in a while.


    So almost halfway through the month, and we've only just limped past 500 backers, and are still halfway to the target.

    Someone new to crowd funding might conclude that's OK, as we'll get the second half in the second half of the month.

    However, that's not how successful crowdfunds work. Especially for such a tiny amount of money, we should have been smashing that figure in the opening 2-3 days, tops. In terms of numbers, we should have at least a couple of thousand people interested now; a drop in the bucket versus how many are here in the community (unless there's a lot of sock puppet accounts, of course).

    Does this mean I think it will fail? No, presumably it will keep growing and if anyone involved in the project, or a big backer, has any common sense, if there's 20K left in the last 24hrs, it makes sense to drop a 20K pledge in to unlock the 150K worth of money (talking in US$ terms here).

    So I think the crowd fund will get there, but I think the support level is WAY too low,


    @canterbury as I said earlier.

    First impression counts for most people.

    Devs already asked what should be done to get a better first impression, we came up with suggestions as roadmaps etc., they noticed it and still "only" add new skins (i.e. drawings or artworks at this stage) to Kickstarter updates as their main focus.

    Q&A is nice, especially for people like us who are already convinced in supporting, but not for newcomers, who do not want to spend hours in watching a Q&A for a game they hardly know.

    And to be honest, skins/artworks do not draw my attention at this point at all, especially, if these skins are more focused for the higher tiers of backers.

    Of course, every new backer who is willing to pledge this project for a couple of 100$ is welcomed more than people only backing 20€, but as far as it has been on Kickstarter, I would try to convince the lower tier backers first, who might form a mass of mini pledges.

    I am not angry with devs at all, still supporting it, but it feels like Kickstarter promotion was and still is a bit underestimated by the devs.

    In metaphorical sense:
    Do not try to sell your most expensive exotic parrot which can talk in languages fluently of your petshop first. Hamsters are also fun and can entertain even though they are cheaper and you need to sell way more of these to compensate one parrot.

    I know weird example, but I hope you know where I'm getting to...

    I can just repeat myself, time is running fast, every second (still) counts, so keep on throwing content on Kickstarter as much as possible and start selling your hamsters to the people as well ;).


    @holyhong said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:

    I am not angry with devs at all, still supporting it, but it feels like Kickstarter promotion was and still is a bit underestimated by the devs.

    this seems to be a key thing. I believe DS was looking at the 31,000 accounts registered and assumed at least 50% would be putting down some cash. They ignored the sub 200 active accounts.

    There are mentors and companies that help with KS campaigns to be successful, maybe DS can look into it next time if this campaign is short.

    honestly I believe skipping KS, should it fail, and just sell the backer packs on their website. sure they'll lose the merchant fee but they'll get a constant flow of cash as people see ads. DS could post sales during holidays where certain individual addons are cheaper or include more Dynamight Gold. They could also post some packages in limited quantities separated from the other packs.


    It's starting to worry me a bit now. Over half way through and the figure isn't moving much

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