Can you live without coffee?
Hey, its kinda of a lifestyle now. Everyday a coffee. The amoubt depends on my mood, but I dont drink coffee to keep me awake it s just a drink that tastes good. You feeling the same?
@bluger I live without coffee. It's not so healty so I dropped it few years ago.
The real question is, would that be a life worth living?
I actually never drink coffee because I don't like the taste. Also I really do not feel like I would need it anyways.
I don't drink coffee and I'm still alive.
No, no longer
Caffeine doesn't have much of an effect on me. I like a coffee aroma though, so I do moderately drink it, to enjoy the taste.
I've drank coffee about two times in my entire life. I don't like it one bit. I basically only drink water and occasionally fruit juice.
Don‘t talk with me before my second coffee!!!
Usually it is not to get me awake, because that wouldn‘t work, its to get my mood up
I guess i could live without coffee, then there is another drug that pushes us.
Life is all about the kick, whoever you got them.
Some with a good coffee in the morning, some with being 2 hours in a fitness studio, other when they sit in the nature and breath them.
impossível viver sem café
Coffee is a must to wake up at morning and stay a wake at work.
Without coffee.. without life
I honestly go into withdrawal if I miss my morning coffee for whatever reason.
It's easy to live without coffee, to live without milk - this is really difficult.
I used to work in a coffee factory and there is no coffee like coffee made from freshly roasted beans of the best quality.
All other coffee just doesn't cut it and so since I left there I haven't drank any coffee since.
@bluger you can but what would be the point?
Really depends on the coffee.
When i make it, early in the morning, is nice.
When i take it, early in the morning, it can be bad.
But when i drink it, late in the evening, is full of joy.
If there is no coffee, there is no life.
I can live without coffee. Sometimes I get a headache but otherwise i'm pretty good. Though most days I have some amount of coffee. It's free in the office and is decentish quality so I'll usually grab some even if I intended to not have any during the day.
I'm Italian and that might sound like a stereotype but I could not live without it