Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs
Do you think prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?
YesWhat pack would you be interested in?
PioneerIs there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?
Reduce the total number of pledge packages from 22 to 11 and reassess the number of custom armors and houses, it's quite likely that some tiers will only be purchased by a few people and the cost associated with designing unique armors or housing for that tier may become an economic lossDo you think Foundation Points should be included as reward?
@prometheus if you resell it then fine.
@derwaldapotheker You can buy the pledge packs on the website after the Kickstarter.
@specter thx for your the fast answer
patrol for the price
immortal for access to forum develop
@kibit I think you might mean Patron? And if so. This is absolutely correct in my mind. I know a lot of games in the past have that 100$ tier of pledging or pre-ordering so that is a pretty standard price location.
The Immortal is just where the value skyrockets for someone that is absolutely interested in the game.
Hey! I'm excited to contribute what little I can to this game! I do have one question!
With the packages for Kickstarters I've noticed the different teirs. My question is.
Could I make multiple donations to equal one?
For example of I put up $50 here and $50 there would I be awarded with the $100 package? Or do these packages all have to be purchased as an item?
I'd really like to know if someone could get back with me please!
I think the prices are in line with most other kickstarters. Your price point for lifetime vip is on par with Ashes of Creation.
I am thinking either Founder or Patron, I will figure it out when I see your full presentation.
I think that some starter packs would be good. Say a starter pack of crafting material, food, or a few exclusive plans and such. Start it at the Pioneer level.
Foundation points would only confuse most people, but if you do decide to offer them in packages reward those of us that have been here by at least giving a multiplier to those reward points in the package. Fair is fair.
@vluxie I also second this question. I am wondering if an early donation could be upgraded further as well. I am not super familiar with how kickstarter actually works.
the Immortal pledge look good :3
@mazikar Would giving people some amount of foundation points possible make people join into the conversation if they didn't know it already existed to attempt to get more foundation points?
Do you think prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?
It seems like the standard fare for pricing. It is fine.
What pack would you be interested in?
I would most likely purchase the Pioneer pack!
Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?
Name change vouchers.
Do you think Foundation Points should be included as reward?
I would love to see this. It will entice more players to join. The only thing that keeps any game going, is a player base.
I can understand why some would not like this, but in the long run, it will be for the best!
kickstarter is setup so it's an all or nothing thing. if you want the 100$ tier then you'll need a credit card or bank account with 100$ on it (or whatever the exchange rate is for your country). It might be possible that DS allows a layaway system on their website post-kickstarter so you could pay over time for a package, however, you won't receive the package until after it's fully paid for.
if you have 50$ now, you can back that tier, then before the campaign ends if you have another 50$ (for 100$ total) then you can upgrade your tier to the 100$ tier all within kickstarter.
Do you think the prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?
Prices seems fair, the currency exchange is what killed me. -
What pack would you be interested in?
I'd go somewhere between Recruit and Founder, yet to decide. -
Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?
Someone said player lore could be troublesome (Lord British LOL). I'd say 18 players is too much, but if we consider them "sponsors with creative rights" I guess that's ok for the price. -
Do you think Foundation Points should be included as a reward?
No. Maybe you could include foundation skins on some packs, but definitely not the titles. Let the newcomers run after foundation titles by making their name known in the community like the old ones did (and keep the community fresh and active as a result).
I noticed the Arboreus and Tartaros 5,000 euro tiers are missing
Personal contact with the dev team – be informed and discuss all game design choices
Looks great.
@guanchen-bob said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:
Is there an option for paying with PayPal?
Apparently not:
How many players have a credit-card? I don't have one...
You will lost some potential and a big part of your community can't pledge.Edit (argh, i should read the completly thread before posting):
@specter said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:@derwaldapotheker You can buy the pledge packs on the website after the Kickstarter.
Sounds good!
Do you think prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?
Not at all. First of all the prices should have been in $ imo, and second of all 250€ i.e., like 300$ for Alpha-1 access and 100€ i.e., like 120$ for Alpha-2 access is way too overpriced. The prices should have been like 100€ for Alpha-1 and 40€ for Alpha-2. I think you took inspiration from some AAA titles Kickstarter packages while making these, which is wrong and does not suit here.
What pack would you be interested in?
If there is a 30-40€ pack with access to Alpha-1/2 then I'll be interested to buy one.
Do you think Foundation Points should be included as reward?
@prometheus said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:
- VIP membership includes bonuses such as additional Learning Slots, increased Knowledge Point gains, discounts on Store items and unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time. It's only time savers and cosmetic stuff - we're not selling power there!
Excuse me, but what?????
How are you not selling power? Knowledge is power. Like, literally, for your game.
I am in favor of subscription, I am on the record on that, but not optional subscription, if it gives power. Sure, a VIP membership that gives discounts and unique cosmetic rewards, won't be p2w, as long as it won't be possible to be traded in-game.
And that brings the question; Will it be possible to be traded in-game for in-game items?
Is there anything missing
Yes, explanations as to what "VIP membership" is and what the "Carpenter NPC" does.
Speaking of, the "Carpenter NPC" needs to go as well.
Your game will have a player driven economy. This means that anything that will give a boost at quality of life (such as the carpenter), in exchange for real money, will be pay2win.
See it this way. I don't pay for the carpenter, and I will have to deal with the decay issue "normally". Whether this is doing a quest to recruit a carpenter, buy the carpenter with in-game gold, do the repairs myself, etc, etc. Regardless, I will have either less time to play other parts of the game, that will give me power (e.g. exploring and acquiring knowledge points), or I will have less in-game gold, which will mean that I will have to buy 1 axe and not 1 axe and 1 shield.
In the long term, mechanics/features like that, became pay2win, especially if these will be found at the cash shop as well. If they are limited to the kickstarter campaign, their pay2win potential will be minimized by the fact that they will be rare. It will be there though, don't fool yourselves.
And this becomes absolutely clear when you offer the "Lifetime free Carpenter NPC contract". For 375 euro, someone can just skip a mechanic/feature of the game, which is designed as time and in-game gold sink.
Similarly, the
Construction Plan for an exclusive “Founder Cottage”
Construction Plan for an exclusive “Founder Villa”
Construction Plan for an exclusive “Founder Palace”
Construction Plan for an exclusive “Founder Manor”
Construction Plan for an exclusive “Founder Castle”These need an explanation as well. Generally, you offer things which you are not explaining what they are. We (forum lurkers) have questions about them, imagine people who will learn about your game now.
1 additional character slot
Explain people, explain. How many slots will we have for free? It is one thing to have 10 for free and quite another to have only 1. Also, will character slots be available at the cash shop?
1 set of Crafting Stations to be placed and used in your plot of land
cough pay2win cough
Your game will have a player driven economy. Depending how easy it is to make/acquire these crafting stations, this item can be turned into pay2win. Also it depends at how the crafting station works. For example, does the crafting station produce an item while "un-manned", or is it required to be "manned"? If the crafting station does not require to be manned in order to produce an item, then I can totally imagine a whale, buying 10 ARTISAN packs, paying 750 euro and getting 10 crafting stations! Voila, right from the beggining the whale will have a great advantage, at becoming rich(er). And as your game will have a player driven economy; rich = powerful. The rich (in-game) person will be able to buy gear with stats easier than the poor (in-game) person. If you link somehow fake money to real money, then you will also get; The rich(er) (real life) person will be able to buy gear with stats (advantage/power), easier than the poor(er) (real life) person. And that is the definition of pay2win.
1 Mule mount plus a Wagon to carry heavy materials
Your game will have a player driven economy, stop giving people things that will make them richer. You are gifting power for real money. That is called pay2win.
Do you think prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?
They are absolutely fair.
What pack would you be interested in?
I am not sure I am interested in the game anymore! I hate pay2win(ish) games.
Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?
I am not seeing anything missing. I consider the pay2win elements "too much".
Do you think Foundation Points should be included as reward?
Yes, although they should not be given excessively. For example, they should range from 500 to 5000 (x2.5 of the ambassador weekly drawing) the most. Also, if someone buys three packs (one that gives 5k and two that give 1k), he/she should get only 5k points. Each person should be awarded once.
prices seem in line with other kick starters
foundation points should not be included in founders packs. if the game is not going to be P2W why make the foundation so?
also wondering exactly what is included in the VIP membership. scanning thru the posts I saw finland say something but he did not site a source so I could tell if there was an official source or he was just spouting opinion.
will titles come with any stat boosts?
Will probably go for the founders pack but might go a little higher after I have a chance to review the post more thoroughly.