AFK activity in game ? (ex: fishing)
I agree that for this game afk fishing or something similar wouldn’t do well here in fractured
But maybe shop or something like that (depending on how they are planning to make the trading/shop system)
There should be no AH so AFK trading in safe zones sounds ok. Shops with only active trading are no fun for me and a really big waste of time.
Bad idea for any game is not important if is pvp or pve the people that can let their computer all the day AFK have a clear advantage to the one that not, and i tink that seen like 30 or 60 guys selling in a city takes a lot of beauty of the game.
@gothix Thank you. This exactly why I wouldn't want a character progressing. I always felt the desire to keep the game going, but no thank you.
i hate the asian style player shops. i hate the lag they produce, the constant spam and the eyesore they produce. I'd prefer to list my goods at an NPC by my house, which could be searched from a broker (in a nearby town).
@jetah i very much like this idea. It would be cool to have a bazaar of some kind that you could either set up as a guild / group or have an NPC in territories that would list your items. I think having something would be nice. I don't know if / if not having a world auction would be the best bet. I think it would be better by city or planet.
DAoC has housing instances where each house could employ 1 NPC vendor. the items were posted on a Broker at the entrance of the zone. You had to hop zones to search for goods.
I'd prefer a master Broker where you could search and buy but had to visit the house to pickup!
I hope not, means the more you burn your pc and leave the game on the better you become. Stupid way of getting stronger, might as well make it p2w at that point.
@chrightt i can't see how fishing would make your character stronger.
Dont really mind it tbh
@jetah if it doesn't why the heck would you fish? It always translates to exp, gold, etc. Doesn't matter what it is if there is an afk activity that you can just leave your pc on 24/7 like black desert to get stronger, then its just a crap system. If you still can't see how afk activity gets you stronger just refer to those phone games where you can farm by doing virtually nothing. It is literally the same thing.
i hate those afk games. no point in playing if the game plays for you.
Yeah I would like AFK activities
I think a big thing with afk mechanics is that it disconnects you from the world and the game. When you know you can just let the game play itself it takes value from actually playing. You can play all you want but in the end the guy afking every day will do better.
You also feel less value because you get things that you didn't earn yourself, you could leave and come back 10 levels higher. It detracts from the effort reaps rewards.
When I talk about afk activity I do not mean something like in mobile mmo where you can almost play the game without seeing it
but more like something you can do when you don’t have the time to be actually and that won’t make a huge difference in progression between someone who do the afk activity and someone who don’t.
But the thing I didn’t like of afk mechanic was that you never know when people are truely there or not and sometime it make the guild feel empty.
@muker true but it would be kinda cool to just let your character chill for a little by sitting down and fishing
I dont think fishing would be the best option but maybe something else
I feel like this promotes not only "the grind", but the idea that people can advance in the game by not playing it. I feel like the game will be a lot more enjoyable is AFK activities were kept to a minimum, so people were more focused on actually exploring the content.
since there is no grind, there is no need for afk leveling, but player stores should be open 24/7 regardless if the player is on or not, that my opinion.
you'll grind for resources. you'll grind to replace gear you lose. you'll grind for those skills!