An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?

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    @ladyrowan Monsters drop resources, not gear. Those resources can then be used to craft items.

  • Wiki Editor

    @specter said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:

    @ladyrowan Monsters drop resources, not gear. Those resources can then be used to craft items.

    But I must assume gear from rarer resources must be better than gear that is not - better could be all sorts of things as in +to hit, +to armor, better resists etc. If it's not then honestly there's no point.

  • @kellewic said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:

    But I must assume gear from rarer resources must be better than gear that is not - better could be all sorts of things as in +to hit, +to armor, better resists etc. If it's not then honestly there's no point.

    I imagine easily acquired gear will have very middling stats. Rarer resources could be used to craft equipment with more extreme tradeoffs, making them coveted by people min-maxing their builds.


    I've been waiting for a new game like this. It reminds me of Mabinogi, which is one of my all-time favourite MMORPGs - No hard cap levels, no classes to choose, and all you need is enough ability points to master all the skills in the game. I think there's more aspects which allow for freedom here, so I'd love to see where it goes.


    @finland Then make it all a horizontal system. Continue to build on an extremely complex but balanced system now so that there are 400 builds of equal power when the game releases. Of course there should still be room for improvement, but player improvement can be preemptively gauged as one of these improvements.


    so excited for this game! wish i could play already


    A few games I've seen have tried to go with this angle, I really hope the devs can pull this off because the concept behind this game is amazing and looks like it could really carve out a big portion of the mmo market for itself

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @mrchipps there are not 400 builds XD you can mix up every signle ability with consumables so you have more than 400^8


    Guild Wars 1 was a prime example of the things you can do through a horizontal progression system, already retro by todays standards but a good glimpse of the fun that can be had with creative build-tinkering.


    How will this game then work? I would really like to know more about it.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @loki you need to do tasks to discorver abilities (400 skills with 3 levels so a total of 1200 tasks to do). Conside rthe game like a moba openworld and not something where you need to grind to level up or a game where you need to gring to get a better tier.


    @finland I just mean, usually as time progresses everyone tends to gravitate to the FOTM build and or what everyone picks as the best build. There needs to be a way to combat this.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @mrchipps I think it's fine, it's like what happens on moba you mostly play the meta heroes. And it's like what happens on MMORPGS with a class system where hard core players usaully plays the best class with the best build. Every hard core player (like me) will try always to play the best class/build ever.

    Here (on fractured) should be different but we need to see how they will develop the game.

  • @mrchipps said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:

    I just mean, usually as time progresses everyone tends to gravitate to the FOTM build and or what everyone picks as the best build. There needs to be a way to combat this.

    The way to combat this is constant balancing. It was a problem Guild Wars 1 had to deal with, and it's why build customization got neutered for GW2. Hopefully DS can keep up with the balance patches.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Agreed! Not being linked to a specific class has it's advantages. I'm REALLY excited to know how exactly/in-depth spells/abilities can be combined/effect each other.

  • Wiki Editor

    @unsung said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:

    Agreed! Not being linked to a specific class has it's advantages. I'm REALLY excited to know how exactly/in-depth spells/abilities can be combined/effect each other.

    Not just each other but to the landscape - they've already mentioned the ability to freeze water.


    @fibs I agree with what you have said but also take into account there may be times where being able to switch between physical and magic damage could be important. We don't know the full mechanics of the game but I'm sure there are bound to be creatures that have high resistance to a type of damage and having the versatility to switch types could outweigh the loss of DPS. There is also the trade off between a lower DPS for higher survivability. As with all games when you look at things from the perspective of which gives me the highest DPS without weighing any other options then that's when you have cookie cutter builds. Lastly, there is also the fun factor. Some people, myself included, like to make various builds just because it's fun to experiment.


    They mentioned in one of the feature articles something about seasons, and having some sort of survival aspects in the game. I think this could be used as an interesting mechanic to help balance things. Say, for example, you're in a cold environment or it's winter, it may not benefit you to equip the highest defense armors because they maybe they don't keep you warm. They already mentioned also that each season would be a week long, so if the seasons had an impact on what sort of armor you could wear, it would push people to have to change their builds on an almost weekly basis just to account for the weather.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    As long as they can insure a meta of a couple vastly superior builds doesn't pop up this is definitely a good thing.


    @rayzorwire said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:

    @fibs I agree with what you have said but also take into account there may be times where being able to switch between physical and magic damage could be important. We don't know the full mechanics of the game but I'm sure there are bound to be creatures that have high resistance to a type of damage and having the versatility to switch types could outweigh the loss of DPS. There is also the trade off between a lower DPS for higher survivability. As with all games when you look at things from the perspective of which gives me the highest DPS without weighing any other options then that's when you have cookie cutter builds. Lastly, there is also the fun factor. Some people, myself included, like to make various builds just because it's fun to experiment.

    If Fractured is designed so that raw DPS is not a consistently viable strategy (please do I am sick of pretending math class is a video game) then this would count as addressing hybrid viability.

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