Not enough slots


    @KocaineBlaKK i think it depend on what class you take, this game was built in a D&D state of mind. there, some classes have many slots (such as wizard) and some have a few.
    i do not like the 8 slots for all.
    and in any case you can't blast spells as a tank since some magic can't be cast while wearing armor.

  • @grofire

    very large battles with many participant, that can take long time, and 8 slot might be too few of a skill slots.

    In big fights one does his role

    tank: charge + suck + aoe stun = all he needs
    healer: heal + get out of dps = all he needs
    nuker: nukes + get out of dps = all he needs
    assassin: invis + melee nukes + invis again = all he needs

    AO also had very limited slots and it was enough. And according to devs it should have moba-like gameplay. In first gameplay it had like 4 slots only, it´s already an improvement. 8 seems fine


    @Tyrgrim I know WOW has spoiled everyone.


    @asspirin said in Not enough slots:


    AO also had very limited slots and it was enough. And according to devs it should have moba-like gameplay. In first gameplay it had like 4 slots only, it´s already an improvement. 8 seems fine

    AO is a shit game, and since they did it, it surly say we shouldn't.

  • @grofire

    it IS shit game, but is closest to Fractured 😛


    @asspirin that why we need to be very careful not to make the same mistake, and 8 slots might be a mistake.

  • @grofire

    Well, how many would You like? Personally Im fine with 8 slots, I don´t play the piano.

    Im glad one has to make ability choices (like in moba game) and cannot have hundred of abilities (like in WoW).
    Also low int characters would probably not be able to fill 10 and more slots.


    @asspirin and the usage of memory points guarantees you won't have as many abilities as in wow.
    But quick slots are not just used for abilities, but items as well. So even a low inteligence character can probably fill 10 quick slots. And if not? That's fine too. It's not a requirement to fill them.


    @asspirin as @Silynx said already you a memory points limit, why we need 2 limits?
    let you put all the skill and items you can use, and let the memory be the limit.


    @grofire said in Not enough slots:

    @asspirin said in Not enough slots:


    AO also had very limited slots and it was enough. And according to devs it should have moba-like gameplay. In first gameplay it had like 4 slots only, it´s already an improvement. 8 seems fine

    AO is a shit game, and since they did it, it surly say we shouldn't.

    tbh the skill limit was one of the things that weren't a problem in the game 🙂

  • @grofire

    let you put all the skill and items you can use, and let the memory be the limit.

    Then maxed INT will be mandatory, few races will not be so competitive.
    And with mana maxed, more nukes will be slotted. And with more nukes slotted, pve will be even easier (more nukes to kill enemy faster) and pvp will be less balanced (imagine having nukers like Lion or Lina from dota have twice more nukes - if they land their CC, enemy is dead). What exactly (except carebearing the pve and possible breaking pvp) is benefit of having 10, 12, 999 slots? In first Fractured gameplay there were like 4 slots, It sure was too few, six would be soso, but 8 is fine ... 10 doesn´t seem necessary to me, but it´s probably matter of taste.

    So even a low inteligence character can probably fill 10 quick slots. And if not? That's fine too. It's not a requirement to fill them.

    Its not requirement to fill them if youre going pve. If you go pvp, then guy with 10 nukes will deal 2x bigger dmg than dude with 5 nukes. It´s not requirement to wear an armour neither, but everyone will.


    @grofire said in Not enough slots:

    @asspirin as @Silynx said already you a memory points limit, why we need 2 limits?
    let you put all the skill and items you can use, and let the memory be the limit.

    I like this idea. 🙂


    If at least there were two additional slots reserved for Bandages and Medicine I would be happy! But I agree, why make 16 slots to save spells when you can only use 8 - bandage slot (;-; )


    @asspirin said in Not enough slots:


    let you put all the skill and items you can use, and let the memory be the limit.

    Then maxed INT will be mandatory, few races will not be so competitive.

    its much more logical, and immersive, the more int mean your smarter and you can use more skills, int will not need to be max every time, but as wizards get str or con for survival, warrior should get some int.

    And with mana maxed, more nukes will be slotted. And with more nukes slotted, pve will be even easier (more nukes to kill enemy faster) and pvp will be less balanced (imagine having nukers like Lion or Lina from dota have twice more nukes - if they land their CC, enemy is dead). What exactly (except carebearing the pve and possible breaking pvp) is benefit of having 10, 12, 999 slots? In first Fractured gameplay there were like 4 slots, It sure was too few, six would be soso, but 8 is fine ... 10 doesn´t seem necessary to me, but it´s probably matter of taste.

    just need to adjust the spells.

    So even a low inteligence character can probably fill 10 quick slots. And if not? That's fine too. It's not a requirement to fill them.

    Its not requirement to fill them if youre going pve. If you go pvp, then guy with 10 nukes will deal 2x bigger dmg than dude with 5 nukes. It´s not requirement to wear an armour neither, but everyone will.

    everything can be adjust so it won't be too strong, but lacking slot is not the way to prevent it...

  • @grofire

    Well so far Fractured looks more like DotA (one mostly autoattacks, fewer spells but with big impact), you seem to be in favor od LoL approach (many spells on low CD, spells can be spammed as much as autoattacks but are lot weaker). Matter of taste then.


    I reckon 8 slots is fine. I would like to be able to use the bandages, medicinal herbs and minor potions and so on from my inventory. Anyone that hardcore wants 8 slots, can the have them simply by opening their inventory and right clicking an item to heal or recover ailments. For those that are happy using slots for items, they can slot them for faster and easier access. Then you can have the best of both worlds for players wanting to maximise their slots and players like myself, that almost never use them otherwise. As an archer, i only have like 2-4 useful skills ever. I played for like a week before i even slotted 1 skill.

  • @Xzait

    Well, using items from inventory during fight with fixed amount of ability/item slots is imbalanced. Other than that you´re right, one does not need many slots to be efficient.


    @asspirin how is it imbalanced? The items are in your inventory regardless. It is pretty standard for you to be able to use potions by right clicking them in your inventory in most MMORPG's is it not? You'd do that at risk of spending time going into tour invetory while being attacked just to save a single slot tho. It is arguably worth not slotting it for a single ability. But why not let those that are willing to risk it, risk it?

    If anyone really thinks this is a bad idea... just think, as it is currently, you could have 7 types of potions (if that many were implemented) and be able to use them all in just a single slot anyway... have open inventory use first potion, quickly drag second to replace it, use secobd potion, drag third and so on. It is basically the same thing!!!

  • @Xzait

    person 1: 8 slots for nukes only, inventory opened during fight for potions to heal, buff etc.
    person 2: 4 slots for nukes, 4 slots for heals, buffs etc., cannot inventory during fight

    Same self healing potential, 100% difference in damage.

    I know not everyone would use this, but in serious pvp even small advantage can be deciding. But in ZvZ scenario you´re basically right, nukers will only nuke, tanks will tank and healers will heal, my scenario is mainly meant for duels 1v1 or 1v2 gank.

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