Race and Attribute Points

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Hey, I was just reading over the newest dev spotlight and had an interesting question. The max points in a specific attribute is apparently capped at 18 unless affected by racial and family affinities. However, humans have no racial affinity according to the chart provided, so does that mean that all of humans’ attribute points are capped at 18? Does this then mean there is no way for humans to get the special bonus for getting an attribute to 20 despite getting 20 extra points to spend?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    You have 18 to sort out except for humans that have all attributes balanced. that's all what I got from there

    • You start with minimum value of 6attr and you are supposed to spend like 100AP for Beastmen or Demons and 120AP for Humans.
    • Attributes that will stay under 10attr will gain malus.
    • If you mind to cap to 18attr you need like 30AP (so higher attribute levels requires higher AP).
    • Affinity (-3 to +3) gives extra cost or cheaper cost to AP (so if you have -3 affy you need more AP to level up)
    • If you cap all attributes over 20attr you will gain a new unic bonus.
    • The bonus provided by attributes grows with the attribute level esponentially, so 20attr is more than double of 10attr 😉


    Just because your character has base ability scores doesn't mean that equipment, achievements, and status effects can't change them.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Rereading the spotlight it looks like we start with a minimum of 6 points in each category and a set amount to increase the attributes however we like. Demons and Beastmen get 100 points while humans get 120. Then the natural affinities of the races makes it both easier to increase a specific attribute depending on race and also increases or decreases the max value of the effected attributes. So humans having no affinity are stuck at the general cap of 18 in all their attributes and thus miss out on getting any of the special bonuses for getting an attribute to 20? Or are there equipment or consumables that can raise attributes? What about buffs or curses? Can they, semi-permanently, effect attributes?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @Morridin We don't know what kind of bonus the armor wil provide to us

  • Moderator

    @finland said in Race and Attribute Points:

    • Affinity (-3 to +3) gives extra cost or cheaper cost to AP (so if you have -3 affy you need more AP to level up)

    That's not how affinity works. Every race starts at 6 in each attribute and the cap on attributes is normally 18. However, depending on your (sub)race, some attributes might have a higher or lower cap. For example, the Chadra has +3 to DEX, raising the cap on DEX to 21. However, the Chadra also has -1 to INT, lowering the cap on INT to 17. In addition to that, every race except for humans has an affinity. The affinity reduces the amount of creation points you have to spend on the attribute to level it.

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    For example, if a Chadra wants to level his DEX to 21, normally it would cost 42 points to do so. However, because DEX is the Chadra's affinity, it will only cost 27 points to do so.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @Specter Thanks for the tip I missunderstood it ;). Anyway how is possible to reach 25attr? with equip?

  • Moderator

    @finland Talents can increase attributes. I'll have to ask Prometheus if he meant the caps with that aswell.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    @specter Ah, thank you. That was what I was wondering. If talents or other things can’t increase the cap then humans can never get any of the attribute bonuses at 20 points i think

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @morridin said in Race and Attribute Points:

    So humans having no affinity are stuck at the general cap of 18 in all their attributes and thus miss out on getting any of the special bonuses for getting an attribute to 20? Or are there equipment or consumables that can raise attributes? What about buffs or curses? Can they, semi-permanently, effect attributes?

    Very nice question - I shall add the answer to the spotlight itself.

    All the things you've mentioned can raise attributes, but to get the level 20 bonus, you need a Natural Score of 20. The Natural Score is determined by your base score, plus the points coming from talents. Because yes, each branch of the Talent Tree is linked to an attribute, and always contains talents that when assigned grant a max of +2 in that attribute.

    So yes, humans can get to 20 too! 🙂


    @prometheus said in Race and Attribute Points:

    @morridin said in Race and Attribute Points:

    So humans having no affinity are stuck at the general cap of 18 in all their attributes and thus miss out on getting any of the special bonuses for getting an attribute to 20? Or are there equipment or consumables that can raise attributes? What about buffs or curses? Can they, semi-permanently, effect attributes?

    Very nice question - I shall add the answer to the spotlight itself.

    All the things you've mentioned can raise attributes, but to get the level 20 bonus, you need a Natural Score of 20. The Natural Score is determined by your base score, plus the points coming from talents. Because yes, each branch of the Talent Tree is linked to an attribute, and always contains talents that when assigned grant a max of +2 in that attribute.

    So yes, humans can get to 20 too! 🙂

    will stats have a cap?

    If 50 (random number) is the cap then we can find different routes to it. otherwise we'll just stack 1 or 2 stats for the most benefit.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @jetah said in Race and Attribute Points:

    will stats have a cap?
    If 50 (random number) is the cap then we can find different routes to it. otherwise we'll just stack 1 or 2 stats for the most benefit.

    The cap on the final value of each attribute is 25 - even if you try stacking buffs from spells, potions and all, you can't get above that :slight_smile:

    And on a side note, even if the cap wasn't there, trust me that it'd be really hard to see characters with 25+ on an attribute. If you have a natural score (basic points + talents) of 20, it's already very unlikely you can reach 25 with temporary bonuses like the aforementioned spells and potions.




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