PVE loot mechanics
Looked through forums and FAQ but could not find... will the lost system be typical rpg style in which each mob must be looted / harvested for resources or will the loot / drop system be like an arpg where equipment spills onto the ground with each kill?
@Terragdagreat I doubt there will be a dropsystem like PoE, where all things spread out over the whole place. It would not fit into the environment, if you watched the Videos for Kickstarter, you know what i mean.
But you can find something about Loot Mechanics all around the forum, answered by Prometheus.
Pretty sure you have to loot corpse by corpse. You generally won't get gear from drops, so the loot pinata concept wouldn't make much sense.
@Terragdagreat Each mob needs to be harvested/looted. They generally don't drop gear anyway, certainly not like in ARPGs like Diablo and PoE.
Yeah i don't think any game would get close to poe's item amount Haha. But I was just thinking for the fluidity of an ARPG it makes sense in my head after killing a mob that there's a chance a single item might drop that is player based. So other people couldn't see each others loot. That way you could loot and keep moving.
But thanks everybody for all the information and helpful links!
i see it on the ground i can take it...such is the demon way of life.
@Terragdagreat said in PVE loot mechanics:
(...) the fluidity of an ARPG (...)
Then again in that kind of game you are supposed to walk through hordes of enemies time and again to 'grind for your gear', which is opposed to the concept of fewer, but more meaningful encounters and no grind in Fractured, isn't it?
@Specter said in PVE loot mechanics:
@Terragdagreat Each mob needs to be harvested/looted.
Which raises the question, am I the only one who can harvest my kills?
I wonder how group play looting will work. If only the top DPS can loot, loot is divided or everyone get their own loot drops?
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grofire TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jan 25, 2019, 12:33 PM last edited by grofire Jan 25, 2019, 12:34 PM
@Meiki said in PVE loot mechanics:
...the one who dealt the most actual damage ...
and what about healers ? they will not get loot ? this is very bad way.
drop should be individual, base on RNG %.In a party play, you should definitely have the option to set the rules to free-for-all, round-robin or master-looter.
only a player should decide if he want to share his loot with the party, or not, in all the games i seen the party leader decide, it been abused. and usually it made people to not want to play together.
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@Meiki Elder scrolls online has this kind of loot system I believe and it works great for world bosses and the likes. Actually, come to think of it eso has a great overall loot system.
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@Meiki said in PVE loot mechanics:
So everyone will get at least 1 hide and 1 meat for example.
But an animal just has 1 hide, 2 eye, 4 hoofes, 2 horns per example.
How you will give each party member 1 hide, if the animal just has 1 hide?
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@Meiki i think the Animals should give that material that it has not more not less.
There can be some roll based system to share loot, possibilities to manage the loot by one person or even democratic based till a free for all.
But there should be some Knowledgebased looting.
The one who knows about Medicine will take maybe a bladder or gland, when the one who don't know about just see a big bunch of flesh and blood.Btw. i like logic in games, especially in such environments.
Sure, in a game is much more possible than in RL same as in RL is much more possible than in virtual world, but i think we all know why we are playing and not just going outside
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@Meiki said in PVE loot mechanics:
What would be a nice compromise would be a personal loot - i.e. loot is still in its base RNG, but everyone gets a roll on it and everyone can get something from the corpse
that what i meant... an RNG option that one will get an item, until the max item for a monster.