How much time will you spend playing?
Just curious. When this game is available to you, at whatever package you signed up for, how much time will you invest? How much time do you play? What if you "love" the game? Personally, I've been on another alpha and have liked the game, so I spend about 30 hours a week on it.
it'll depend on my mood and how the game develops during the testing phases, how the developers treat the players, if there are loot boxes, etc.
Depends how much i like this game. Can vary between less than 5 and more than 30 hours per week.
Testing games is one of my biggest hobbies, the amount of time spent on testing this game will mainly depend on how many other games I am testing. It will also depend on the testing window of this game and the other games.
When you enjoy playing the game, it does get easier to put more time into testing it. But I can put in anything between 1 hour and 7 hours a day.
Exactly 5 hours and 37 minutes each day.
14 hours a day.
As much as I can of course but that might not be as much as I would like it to be... Depends on how real life stuff happens to limit my time
Maybe 2-4 hours per day and more during the weekends
@misery said in How much time will you spend playing?:
14 hours a day.
I want that.
For me, I am planning on "all the free time I have", which would be around ~4h / day and ~ 15h on weekends soo 50h / week
I hope i want to waste... errmm i mean spend a plenty of time into the game.
And i hope for a game i am stucking for loooooong time, hopefully years.
Probably for an hour or so, hopefully whenever I want. I'm not big on long sequential sessions, and I like a game where I don't have to feel tied to a schedule.
Since I travel for work my play time will revolve around that. When I'm traveling I'm usually doing 12ish hour days working and hotel WiFi is rather bad for playing games. When I'm home I could spend several hours at a time.
I wish I could see the future but if the game launches when I am in a lull it can get some serious action. If however I am playing other games it will get its time, around an hour or so, enough to get some stuff done and build progress. I am sure if it is as good as it should be it might even clear out other games time. I will no doubt play the heck out of it, I tend to obsess over one game until I find another.
I will not have a specific time to invest in the game, everything will depend on the day and my mood.
I have no idea how much free time I am going to have in 2020/2021, so I can't really tell.
Hopefully more than 3h/week than I currently have on video games...
If nothing changes about 20h to 30h per week
I'm planning on using what ever free time i have to play, with a minimum of 21 hrs a week (3hrs every day)
sadly i'm on studies so not that much time but since alpha 1 is in late january if i'm not mistaken (which fall on the sweet mid-year university break) prolly full time
I am limited to about an hour if free time every other night. So this game is what I plan on doing with that free time once it finally releases. Might not do alpha or beta though because too often I play beta and then get too bored by the time full release comes out. Sounds like grinding will be minimal so that helps me with casual play.
My time investment depends on a number of things. I have only so much free time outside work. At work, I do have some downtime where I can potentially play, but I am always on call at a moment's notice. So likely any game that doesn't have an option to quickly and safely AFK is a no-go.
So depending on how much I might be able to do in a town safely at such times on Sydensia, I might be able to play there some then. Otherwise, if I play Fractured during those times, it would be highly limited to very close to home or in Arboreus.
Depends on what it turns out like , if I enjoy 10-15 hrs per week but work and real life plus also depends on what else I am playing