Intemization system
@eurav Right, it's been stated there may be buffs, potions, etc with +attribute but to hit a 20 "naturally" is via base attributes and talents (and only then do you get the level 20 bonus).
Dug up this old thread where Specter and Prometheus give some more insight -
I still think equipment with +attributes might be quite rare if it even exists.
Well to this question
"So humans having no affinity are stuck at the general cap of 18 in all their attributes and thus miss out on getting any of the special bonuses for getting an attribute to 20? Or are there equipment or consumables that can raise attributes? What about buffs or curses? Can they, semi-permanently, effect attributes?"
Japoco answered "All the things you've mentioned can raise attributes,..." so.. there should be gear to raise attributes, but it won´t give you the 20 bonus.
He also mentioned
"The cap on the final value of each attribute is 25 - even if you try stacking buffs from spells, potions and all, you can't get above that :slight_smile:And on a side note, even if the cap wasn't there, trust me that it'd be really hard to see characters with 25+ on an attribute. If you have a natural score (basic points + talents) of 20, it's already very unlikely you can reach 25 with temporary bonuses like the aforementioned spells and potions."
Not mentioning gear here
So.. it seems like if it exists there won´t be much gaining of attributes from gear, which is great
Think on that same entry where it talks about stats for nerds,there's a point chart that goes to 25 and has the relevant point costs to it.
@kniknack said in Intemization system:
Think on that same entry where it talks about stats for nerds,there's a point chart that goes to 25 and has the relevant point costs to it.
How does a point chart to make 25 make any sense, when you can only use points to get to 21?
@eurav There are some ways to get attribute points beyond the ones set on character creation, for example from talents. However, the stats on gear in Fractured are different from those in for example WoW. You won't find a +20 strength/+15 constitution bodyplate or anything like that in Fractured.
TheRippyOne TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Nov 28, 2018, 6:55 AM last edited by TheRippyOne Nov 28, 2018, 6:57 AM
@eurav Off the top of my head, I don't think it makes much sense, either XD It was suggested, at one point, that becoming Angelic/Abominable would create a stat change (a +2 con, -2 Dex, or something like that), which might cause a stat go over 21...but that wouldn't come up as part of the creation table.
As to your question of how someone hits 25 in anything, I'd tend to point at the temporary buff options - Alteration and alchemic potions of stat boosting. +5 has been listed as the soft cap on temporary bonuses (possible, but so difficult that +6 is functionally impossible), so if someone gets an 18 naturally, use a passive to +2 to 20, and then take all the possible temporary boosts, you get there, even as a human. Sure, it's not permanent, but it might last just long enough...
@therippyone said in Intemization system:
As to your question of how someone hits 25 in anything, I'd tend to point at the temporary buff options - Alteration and alchemic potions of stat boosting. +5 has been listed as the soft cap on temporary bonuses (possible, but so difficult that +6 is functionally impossible), so if someone gets an 18 naturally, use a passive to +2 to 20, and then take all the possible temporary boosts, you get there, even as a human. Sure, it's not permanent, but it might last just long enough...
Yeah I understood that
@specter said in Intemization system:
@eurav There are some ways to get attribute points beyond the ones set on character creation, for example from talents. However, the stats on gear in Fractured are different from those in for example WoW. You won't find a +20 strength/+15 constitution bodyplate or anything like that in Fractured.
I don´t know if you just came late to the party, maybe just wanted to clarify it, but I will assume that you wrote this to my last post so what I meant was:
First of all, I would not trust a point chart not coming from Specter or Dynamight Studios
A point chart, would show the character creation points you would need to get to a certain attribute level. And in character creation you would maximum be able to get to 21.
And I assume in game you won´t get "creation points", where you need maybe like 20 to get to 22 attribute points, but a potion which gives maybe +1 int, so a point chart above 21 does not make any sense. Because I assume you will get attribute points directly, not "creation points" through potions / gear / whatever.
@eurav A point chart beyond 21 indeed wouldn't make sense.
So basically equipment:
No stats increase
No skills multipliers
No rng attributes
Weather resistanceWeapons:
Different resistance based on material
Flat damage based on weapon type /family
No RNG attributes
No skills multipliersForgot Something?
@j4po We don't know about skill multipliers on equipment, it hasn't been brought up by devs. Same goes for stat increases, but I'm making a distinction between stats and attributes.
We can infer that attributes likely won't be on equipment because they're supposed to be relatively immutable, but I don't think the same can't be said about stats. (and what I mean by stats are all the stats in this image that aren't the six attributes). I think it's highly unlikely that all those stats are entirely derived from attributes and buffs.
Flat damage based on weapon type /family
I would also say we don't know that much. Weapons might just be a modifier for skill damage (i.e. your sword auto attack skill is the main determinant of your damage when auto attacking and your sword modifies that damage). Though, we do know that there are different types of physical damage from the image I linked above, so we can assume different types of weapons will do different types of damage.
What we do know:
- there are primitive items and equipment that anyone can craft easily
- no RNG when crafting
- equipment can be enchanted with gems
- different materials can be substituted in the crafting process to have different stats
- equipment will affect survival mechanics
- some skills require or are disabled by certain equipment
- there are different weight tiers of armor (light, medium, heavy)
- equipment has durability
- all races can use all equipment
For gems enhancements we know something?
At the moment there aren't voices about an items insurance system right?
@j4po I haven't seen anything about item insurance, and I wouldn't expect it. Equipment is supposed to be relatively expendable.
From the crafting Q&A:
You can enchant items with potions, spells and gems.
Some types of enchantments are related to your alignment and/or the god you worship.
@j4po said in Intemization system:
items insurance
Why ? You break or you loose your item, you recraft it no ? it's one of the big point about horizontal game.
So the thing to do is :- survive
- gather mats
- build house
- build box
- gather mats again and again : hoard crafting material
If an item is little expensive in craft mats so be it, but the item won't be so powerful (It say expendable, no greed mats, ...)
If you craft one, craft twoto be sure to have one more at disposal...
Yeah this looks like UO pre AOS equipment overhaul.
Mrchipps TF#8 - GENERAL AMBASSADOR Dec 1, 2018, 2:21 PM last edited by Mrchipps Dec 1, 2018, 2:22 PM
@j4po is this a good thing? I never played AO so im trying to get a sense of where you feel it is. More positive or negative?
@mrchipps well good or bad is a jeopardize concept.
Every mechanic should be analyzed in the global game design, for what we know actually about the game i think this is a good thing considering the full loot. Moving away from the concept that equipment is central for character progression devs shift the focus on skills unlocking and character campfire preparation based on what the player want to do in the session.
Theme park mmo as WoW considers the equip central for the character growth (without a certain kind of items, in fact, you can't progress in pve content). In fractured skill gain /increase will become the focus for character progression shifting the effort on doing things instead of repeating content until the desired item drops.