Restoration magic and summons


    Have a question on restoration spells and something mentioned in the feature spotlight #4

    Taken from restoration passage -

    Some of the spells from this school have seemingly divine powers, such as the ability to completely heal a creature,
    bring it back to life , or even infuse it into constructs and other inanimate objects – without the
    corruption created by Necromantic spells.

    This mentions infusing restoration into constructs and inanimate objects without corrupting them, so my question is:

    Does this mean that restoration can animate objects into summons or have some sort of summoning spells?

    Restoration and Necromancy is thus linked for dealing with life, so I assume the following...

    can damage life by stealing or decaying
    curse life via blood magic
    and instill life via summoning, but this causes corruption to the life-force manifested.

    can restore life via healing
    cleanse life via purification magic
    and also instill life via summoning, but this differs from necromancy because the life-force is not corrupted.

    I plan on making a character that focuses on restoration, enjoy playing the support role. just curious if besides healing this school will also allow the use of some summons?


    All the necromancy belongs to me.



    🙄😅 Any other speculation regarding this?


    you know the chimera in full metal alchemist?
    that one was corrupted 😛

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Would be interesting to see various summons have both corrupted and pure forms, or going even further have summons tied to a third set of magic for a corrupted/natural/purified setup. The cost, of course, is artwork and differences for them.

    For example, we could take a wolf. A Necromantic summon might result in an undead warg. A neutral summon would just be a wolf. A Restoration summon could then be some sort of 'good wolf', for example a wolf which can heal or harm via restoration (such as bites causing bonus damage against evil, or healing when licking a wound). The balancing would be the interesting issue there, of course.

    I think to make things less extreme, the neutral would either need a lower cost, or more ideally something interesting with regard to the natural end. Maybe, instead of a normal wolf, you summon a wolf with a random elemental power or something.


    Very cool ideas... I guess we can take into account summons from conjuration. They are neutral in a sense. You are not creating them with good or evil magic but rather transporting them from where they exist.

    The creatures summoned can obviously have an alignment based on their own origins.

    Guess its all conjecture until we see some spells released...


    Infusing life into inanimate objects could be interesting.

    It could work like in old RPG-s where if you found some clay or dirt on the ground and casted a spell on it you could summon a clay giant, and if you casted your spell on rock surface you would summon a rock giant.

    Fractured will already have certain ground spots designated as certain type, and spell might be a ground targeted AOE cast and depending where you cast it, you might get different type of summon.

    Clay or rock giants, water elemental, sand monster,... you name it. All by using just one same spell.


    That's cool idea, since the game will have environmental areas that can interact with spells already that makes sense...

    Golem's and elemental's would be cool!

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @azraelius said in Restoration magic and summons:

    I plan on making a character that focuses on restoration, enjoy playing the support role. just curious if besides healing this school will also allow the use of some summons?

    Hi azraelius! That reference is not really about summons, but more about animating items (like a classic Animate Weapon spell) and constructs already built by you or other players, such as the golems/elementals mentioned by @Gothix 🙂


    Thanks for the reply...

    So you'll be able to animate weapons to fight for you I take... Kind of like a pseudo summon.

    But created constructs would be classified as summons, not?

    Restoration magic is obviously support based, I was just trying to see if the school will have any way of dealing damage. Obviously it will be great to go up against undead, animating weapons can deal with living creatures.

    Obviously you wouldn't just have restoration spells... Was just curious how support magic schools will be used offensively in combat, divination for instance will have loads of utility spells as you say... Detection spells but will it have combat buffs? Like predictions that lead to improved crit for instance, foresight😎

    Very hyped for the game... Keep up the good work!



    I loved the cleric in Neverwinter Online. It would do damage to creatures but would also do small healing to nearby melee players.

    If someone knows how to heal they also know how to kill.


    Lots of classes on many MMOs worked like that. Small AOE healing on nearby group members, while being a damage spec, and doing damage to enemies.

    In some instances, it become so OP that devs had to nerf it with patches.

    Leeching is always somewhat OP, specially in PvP, if not balanced correctly.

    In Allods Online, in one of the patches, playing with my Summoner, I could have taken on a whole party of equally geared people, and kill them all. Leeching was so OP. Devs nerfed it with one of the next patches, but it remained like that for a decent time, and many people rerolled summoners just because of it.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Gothix @Jetah Yeah, I always like this sort of character - especially if I have to balance life/mana (like give my life to heal or something).

    My favorite to date is still my Secret World leech healer with an AR where you had to mix DPS with healing.


    To me that Cleric was a new mechanic which I haven't seen. Though it was interesting, it sucked to level up though.

    I did love the Savage in DAoC where you spent HP to empower attack or some just wouldn't work without spending HP. I can't remember if there was an ability that leeched.


    @kellewic said in Restoration magic and summons:

    @Gothix @Jetah Yeah, I always like this sort of character - especially if I have to balance life/mana (like give my life to heal or something).

    My favorite to date is still my Secret World leech healer with an AR where you had to mix DPS with healing.

    I played since release till just before Tokyo released, while 10.5 was top gear. Was hardcore back then, and in top guild (some first world kills) so I had like 6-7 full 10.5 sets before Tokyo released, with gear pieces for like 20 different builds I used.

    But, even though I loved so many of those builds, my favorite one was always my Blade / Hammer solo build with supreme amount of leech, it used passives that chained attacks from one enemy to all enemies around him (for each target hit), and had no target limit, so the more enemies I pulled, the more AOE damage I've done and the more leeching I did in the same time. It was insane.

    I could solo pull an entire quarry (I'm not joking), while it was still an elite area, and AOE it all down. With this well made build, and correct rotation, I was unkillable.

    Point: Leech can be really insane. It's why devs always have to be extremely careful balancing a mechanics involving it.

    Btw. I was Exotica back there, played with Katarina1, SocialSecurity, DumbOx, Misjah, HeadShoty, RocketJump,... (maybe we even know each other). 🙂

  • Wiki Editor

    @Jetah yeah, I leveled up using Blade/Hammer in Secret World and my leech build was elites/raids only - that was nice thing about that game and what I hope Fractured brings back. Honestly, Secret World (the original; not the watered down current one) is probably my favorite MMO I've ever played - a lot of skill involved.

    @gothix lol, yep Blade/Hammer was my "running around" build as well. My leech build was elites/raids only. I leech healed everything, didn't care if mobs had those stupid bubbles or not. I stopped playing a bit after Manhattan raid was a thing. Leech healed that many times. Everyone bailed to Neverwinter due to lack of updates at the time.

    That's really something I have high hopes for in Fractured - bringing back the need/desire to switch builds depending on what you're doing. Like Gothix, I had several builds in Secret World - my solo build, my leech heal build, had a fist heal build, DPS pistols/shotgun build - played whatever role was needed without having to log onto an alt.


    @gothix said in Restoration magic and summons:

    Infusing life into inanimate objects could be interesting.

    It could work like in old RPG-s where if you found some clay or dirt on the ground and casted a spell on it you could summon a clay giant, and if you casted your spell on rock surface you would summon a rock giant.

    Fractured will already have certain ground spots designated as certain type, and spell might be a ground targeted AOE cast and depending where you cast it, you might get different type of summon.

    Clay or rock giants, water elemental, sand monster,... you name it. All by using just one same spell.

    Speaking of golems, it would be interesting if alchemists could build these creatures to defend/attack towns or maybe guard bridges. There could be a specific recipe, and maybe you would have to retrieve specific materials from around the map. This would give a way for alchemists to contribute to town defense, and I think it would be pretty cool.

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