Character Customization?
@demilich said in Character Customization?:
Also I personally don't get why bdo's customizator is supposed to be so great
i find it lacking compared to others
Because even the smallest details were customizable, down to the face structure which was almost free form (hair style was pretty free form as well). People spent hours (days) working on their characters to create a truly unique character that would be only their own without any real chance of someone making exactly the same one.
People even created pretty realistic looking celebrities by playing with character creator.
Check this out.
I mean I know the cahr editor, made one or two myself. But its not all that great still ...
I could do almost just as good with the dark souls char creator, except with that I could go more grotuesqe as well. In BDO I couldn't make proper sunken cheeks for example and when I went to far with the jaw suddenly the insides of the mouth clipped through
Just saying that despite how highly its praised its not all that great in my oppinion. Still good ofc, better than most but to limiting for my taste.
@jetah Actually you can even on Albion which is what @Prometheus saw as competition has a basic character creator
I'm not a game dev, but I don't think changing eye or skin color takes up to much time or resources. I mean, I do see your point, its just I personally cannot get as involved playing a game, knowing I look like everyone else, especially since, odds are, everyone will be looking the same with armor.
That is a "me" thing though.
@zenopo even a game like Albion that weights 2GB had their own CC.
i don't get emotional towards my characters. they're for games and to have fun. if they look the same or not doesn't matter to me. to me the build and visual of the armor/cosmetics will make each character more unique than eye color, mustache, hair color, etc.
truthfully I never understood why people like to spend so much time creating a character. to me its the most annoying part of starting a new game (or new character). I have played games where every character did look the same (expect for clothes of course) and it still felt attached to the character. after investing 100s of hours of game play that he was unique even if he did look like all the other knights. more important to me than looks which you usually cant see anyway (expect maybe in cut scenes) is how I can customize the initial character set up, how that plays into my characters backstory, if he has one, and I plan to develop that character. this is the same when I tabletop when I never see my character except in the 'theater of the mind'.
@jetah @Gibbx devs think it's important enough for some of us to put it as a stretch goal
While I don't RP in MMOs I'm pen'n'paper roleplayer for over 25 years and I treat my in game characters like every other character - that's why the more customization options the better
Which is understandable, but there are some people who get emotional towards their characters. I mean, I wouldn't care TO much if they didn't do skin tone or eye color, but instead did other customization like, how I mentioned before, having four arms instead of two (Demons) or different legs for different Beastmen variants (horse, wolf, cheetah) and...well actually, humans would be the ones that would need the skin tones since thats the only thing to really make them stand apart from one another =/
Customization is good. I don't need an extreme amount, but I do like not having every person look exactly the same!
if they don't then i doubt some people would even back it. money talks and i believe it's yelling when it should be quiet (on this reward tier).@Zenopo
outside of skin color, what you wear makes you stand out more. I'd prefer more cosmetics available from the funds gained than eye color (as one example).
But little portrait of you and your teammates as in Neverwinter Nights would be nice (just like in prealpha demo). If these would keep minimal size, and everyone could have only up to 3 characters, maybe everyone could upload their hand made portrait. And to character customization - iΒ΄d understand it in 3rd person game, where you can see your avatar from close, but in isometric game? GRIM DAWN has the best character customization even with 2 guys - woman and man, thatΒ΄s it. ItΒ΄s armor you see from above, not moustache, tatto and piercing. More armor skins >>>> more 0,00001 pixel tattoos on my character.
And if game does well, why not add "face skins" like in ESO as vanity items for those who demand them. But later, lets now concentrate on important things.
i could see portraits using customization. there you could see facial features, hair, eyes (maybe), etc. they could even sell portrait borders similar to Path of Exile.I could see character customization on the character select screen but other than the portrait i wont be looking at my characters close enough to remember what color their eyes are or even what, if any, piercings they have.
More choices are always welcome, unless you suffer from Aboulia ofcourse. But yeah, with the isometric approach not as import as in other MMO's.
Although it would bug me if I am surrounded by 20 people all looking kinda the same. Especially in the beginning of the game I do not expect a lot of variation in armour and/or cosmetics, so there will character customization will help to feel "unique"
@Yitra for 10 minutes, before you make helmet
@asspirin said in Character Customization?:
@Yitra for 10 minutes, before you make helmet
Lol, In my case I expect that to take 2 days: First day I will get lost at least 20 times and probably drown in even the smallest stream I can find. In between getting killed even by deer and rabbits over and over again.
But day 2 will be glorious !
i'd love an option for Vitiligo skin tones for my demon!
Customization options are in the best interest of the devs for making money. The more they provide the more people will buy from a cash store later lol.