Schools of Magic
What school of magic/combination of schools of magic are you planning to focus on? Personally, I think I'm going for conjuration and invocation.
Well, my first is going to work with divination and illusion (answering the eternal question of "what is that?!" and then keep everything distracted while I get to it) - Deific communion also sounds fun.
But, honestly, Enchantment/Alteration interest me more, in general. I Like Crafting, so, get the good stuff, craft the good stuff, make the good stuff better XD (possibly pester someone with divination to find out what the good stuff is...)
I'm thinking some combination of necromancy/conjuration/illusionism.
I really love illusion magic, but that depends on how the devs will implement it, big diffirence between throwing out some clones or crafting illusionary buildings etc.
Necromancy/Enchanting definitely. BUFF THE ZOMBIES
Depends. I must test which school kills RPers the best.
I was thinking of testing out Necromancy/Conjuration mixed with either assassination or possibly warfare
super excited
A demon with Necromancy.
Sounds like a party.
How can you go wrong with thsi combination.
@wolfkomodo46 Of course, to study everything. No grind? I'll find him!
Martial Arts/ Necromancy or Divination/Illusions/Musicianship
I'm looking to try something I've never done before so I think I'm going to try a combination of Marksman/Musicianship/Restoration
I'm going for a melee/tank hellfire demon type of build. So if I have 8 abilities, I'd expect to fill them something like:
- 5 slots: Warfare abilities, with an emphasis on mobility first, CC second, damage third.
- 1 slot: Fire-based invocation damage spell.
- 1 slot: Context-dependent abjuration spell.
- 1 slot: Context-depended divination utility spell.
I think I'm going to Enchantment and Alteration. I want to be a seller of magical goods. I'm one of the Elk people, and I think they're the most magically tuned of all the beastmen but I hope they can also blacksmith with at least with some effectiveness.
@jahlon sounds good to me
I think Abjuration, Restoration and Invocation => Defense, Healing + Pet, Offense.
I planning to learn Necromancy. I think, that in the Fracture System of Knowledge it may be the finest Necromancy ever made in MMO
something to amplify melee , so can be a lot of things damage shields weapon enchants etc etc or healing go paladin mode
@ufke Sounds like Alteration and Enchantment, plus a side order of Restoration.
So many possibilities! How could i ever just choose one? I vote Switzerland on this one lol
@yesper Come to the Beast-side - we have super-magical deer!