Additional Systems Re-post

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    So I orginally put this in questions to hear from devs and other to make sure I wasn't being stupid for posting this here first and since noone answered me I assume it isn't mentioned too much.

    So a few other games have a few additional systems I very much enjoy and was wondering if you guys have considered these systems and what the community thinks of them.

    Aging system- In some games most popular right now, Chronicles of Elyria, have an aging system. This system could easily fit into the current knowledge system set up. As you get older you intelligence may go up but strength decrease. Or you have more dexterity as a kid as compared to an old aged person. Since you have a time system in place already it kind of would make sense to have your characters age, but there is a way to counter this.

    Family system- Again Chronicles of Elyria is a good example. The family system is a way to kind of "fight against" the aging system. As you get old an die you could take control of your child and as with real life the child would have similar knowledge of its parents, but not exactly the same. So you could continue on with "life". It again would make sense to have with the aging system and time system.

    Marriage system- So a few other games have a spouse system or marriage system, usually eastern made games. Usually you can get a small buff from working with your spouse or have a few added bonus like sharing property or a bank, but for the most part it doesn't give a major boost, but it is nice system to have just to say "Yeah that's my spouse."

    So, thats all I got for know. Obviously you can have marriage without family but hard to have family without marriage. Have you the developers thought of these things? What do you think about it community? I know these things are not easy to program, but again this is the very early stages of the game we have time. With enough votes on a specific system, or enough people comment or "upvote" a specific one, we can discuss a more in-depth look on how they could be in game.

  • It sounds like a lot of work and money for systems that don't offer any gameplay value.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Depends on how you define gameplay value and also these are just a quick overview i didn't go into detail about how these would affect gameplay. There are many "gameplay values" as you call it to these systems. Which I will gladly go into detail about individual systems if people seem interested.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    #1 Havoc, you smoking or something, or are you just a serious RPer?

    #2 None of that shit need to be implemented, you can easily roleplay it out or use your imagination to do that stuff.


  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @sparky said in Additional Systems Re-post:

    #1 Havoc, you smoking or something, or are you just a serious RPer?

    #2 None of that shit need to be implemented, you can easily roleplay it out or use your imagination to do that stuff.


    1. semi-RPer. even pvp has some rp value. look at the lore of the game.
    2. there are benefits to it go look at chronical of elyeria they made it work
    3. whats wrong with RP?
    4. why you so toxic?
    5. you have to make a balanced game for everyone. I am more of a pvper but also a crafter. so i am somewhat in the rp side
    6. why you salty?
      7)Its just a suggestion to devs and community so back the fuck off

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    1. Disgusting, you a roleplayer roleplaying as a PvPer.

    2.There are no benefits from this use your imagination.

    1. Nothing wrong with RP, but once you make a full on cringe post about adding stupid shit to the game. Then, there's a problem.

    2. I was dropped on my head and I became a toxic bitch.

    3. The game is balanced, so you silly roleplayers can just RP that shit out or use your imagination. There's no reason to waste time on developers.

    4. How am I salty? I'm just expressing how I feel about this cringe shit.

    5. Ooooooh the RPer wants me to back off. Fuck off, you cringe kid.

    Also, I love the voting.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Don't care whether there is marriage in the game. My SO and I don't need an in game marriage.
    Don't care about a family system. Alts being in the same family is fine I guess.

    Actively hate aging systems. I want to play my character, not the descendants of my character.



    Headhunting - kill your opponents, cut their heads off and decorate your housing space with them.

    Torture - capture the enemy and torture him with various machines that you have built in your housing space.

    Public Defamation - make photos of your victims and post them on BBs of towns and villages, so people can laugh at them.


  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @gothix said in Additional Systems Re-post:


    Headhunting - kill your opponents, cut their heads off and decorate your housing space with them.

    Torture - capture the enemy and torture him with various machines that you have built in your housing space.

    Public Defamation - make photos of your victims and post them on BBs of towns and villages, so people can laugh at them.


    Thank you for taking this post like it is supposed to be unlike @Sparky who is just a 13 yr old kid being immature. I think these could be some good systems to implement. What would be the use of torture? Though, and how do you suggest you the developers could implement it?



  • Moderator

    @sparky @HaVoC Keep it civil please.


    behave childrens

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    For aging, it has been said there will be not this system. For marriage, I think if you do it as a RP, it could be fine ^^ But for family, why not ? I remember the SWtOR system, where you can choose the links between your differents characters, but why not do it with friends or whatever ?


    Like and voted for family because in Archeage 😄 it was a little limited but funny.

    A family could be formal (you could live/eat/use/sleep/sharing stash in the same house) or informal like party's partner
    It could also be a role-play things like in Revolution, where you could do special quest to marry or to train disciple since you're his/her master.... It could be also a branch family... "under a guild" like mafia ^^.... So you could imagine lot of things.
    And it could be virtual, completely role play...


    @havoc when you knock out an enemy player, you would have 3 options:

    • steal stuff from their bag and become a thief
    • finish them off, steal their gear and become a murderer
    • capture them and transport them to your personal dungeon if you have one, and become a kidnapper

    If you chose to capture them, they could still be rescued during transport by their friends or just a honest passers by that would chose to come to their defense.

    If you transported them to your dungeon, a timer would start (people would not be captured permanently ofc, cus that would suck) but some amount of time that can be discussed. During that time, you could use torture machines (if you built them) to extract info from them, it would be like a mini game, where you press buttons and stuff, and if successful game would automatically give you some info about where's that player been roaming in last X time (that would be tracked) and what transactions he made (trade), where is his house if he has one, and stuff like that, depending how successful are you in mini game.

    Meanwhile captured player would play his own mini game to get released from machine, if he is successful, he would get released early and teleported to some nearby location.

    How does that sound? 🙂

    (Yes I know it would be a lot of development work, but we are discussing here for fun anyway, so why not share ideas, even if they will not be implemented?) 🙂

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Gothix would be interesting for sure. I am not entirely sure of how it would work but the concept you have definitely is interesting. I don't see what use that information is, but maybe if the info was how to do a skill or something or weakens a fortress your race tries attack of a opposing guild fortress that would be interesting.


    @havoc said in Additional Systems Re-post:

    I don't see what use that information is, but maybe if the info was how to do a skill or something or weakens a fortress your race tries attack of a opposing guild fortress that would be interesting.

    Yeah, you could also possibly get a short insight into his guild members current positions on map, or something like that, so it could be useful for GvG. Or info about his guild, how many players, treasury gold amount, etc.


    hard to kidnap someone when chat still functions.

    remove their ability to communicate within the game, only allow a local /say or if they are gagged then remove that!

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