Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation
Hi fellow Humans, Beastmen and Demons,
work on our upcoming Kickstarter campaign and Alpha 1 is moving on at a super-intense pace here at house Dynamight, but we haven't forgotten to keep you up to date with some exciting news about Fractured! This time it's not a Feature Spotlight we're releasing, though - it's a new expansion of The Foundation, featuring character and guild creation.
Why have we decided to add all of this to the Fractured web portal? Above all, it's been to allow you to:
- Share your future profile with other members of the community.
- Find new friends to team up with for social and/or competitive reasons.
- Gain a couple additional levels right away - we're sure you won't mind that!
So, let's have a more detailed look at what you can do from today on.
Hero Creation
To create your character you just have to open this page, that can also be reached through the Foundation button in the navigation bar of fracturedmmo.com.
When creating your character, you can choose your race/family, the god you worship, and your alignment. Moreover, you're able to add a long background story for your character, if you fancy some good old role-playing!
During character creation, your race limits what gods you can choose, which in turn restricts your alignment options. The combinations available are designed according to the lore and gameplay mechanics we've revealed in Feature Spotlight #1 and #2. In this regard, you might notice that both Beastmen and Demons can choose a Neutral alignment - be it Lawful, Chaotic, or True Neutral.
This doesn't mean your future game characters will be able to start on a different planet or enjoy a special ruleset, but you can use this feature to signal other players that your personal disposition doesn't follow the Fractured's racial canon.
Guild Creation
Once you have created your character, you'll able to make it join any existing guild or start your own. Both guild creation and searching for other guilds are available in this page, which is linked in the navigation bar as well.
When forming a guild, you can choose a unique name for it, a tag, its race, and write a long description explaining its rules, history, purpose - whatever you fancy. Once the guild is created, you'll become its Guildmaster. To share your duties with friends you trust, you'll be able to promote Regular members to Lieutenants, endowing them with powers such as accepting new members and kicking existing ones.
If you want to join a guild, just visit the guild's page through the Search Guild button, or have another player share the guild's link with you (it's enough to copy-paste the url of the page!). Once you've requested membership, you just have to wait for the Guildmaster or a Lieutenant to accept you!
Please mind that, as explained above, guilds are race-restricted - that is, characters of different races can't be in the same guild. Consequently, some options such as deleting your character and changing its race might be disabled or limited when you're in a guild or have requested to become a member of one. This limitation is not set in stone for the actual game, though.
Final Remarks
This is just the first iteration of character and guild creation in The Foundation. In the coming weeks, we're going to expand them with some nice additions such as:
- More colors and symbols for your guild banner.
- Guild ranking in the leaderboard.
- Some formatting options for hero backgrounds and guild descriptions.
- A preview of the attributes that you'll be able to assign to a new character when you create a real one in game.
Of course, please mind that the names, tags and descriptions you upload must comply with our Terms of Service. Violations of the terms might lead to profiles being edited and the underlying accounts suspended.
What's next? Something HUGE: the much awaited Feature Spotlight dedicated... to the Knowledge System!
Stay tuned and enjoy Fractured!
Original Article: Here.
Seems like this is becoming a text game, still not a video, a screenshot (except the background one), game we know is totally based on texts and ideas...
Too much hype required....
@meziljin said in Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation:
Seems like this is becoming a text game, still not a video, a screenshot (except the background one), game we know is totally based on texts and ideas...
Too much hype required....
I feel your pain Mez - it's ours too. However, you need to understand that making an MMO - one with Fractured's scope especially - is no small deal. Screenshots and video footages will be available once they are good to be presented to the public and the press, since many players fail to understand the idea of "alpha graphics", sadly.
Please mind that, as explained above, guilds are race-restricted - that is, characters of different races can't be in the same guild. Consequently, some options such as deleting your character and changing its race might be disabled or limited when you're in a guild or have requested to become a member of one. This limitation is not set in stone for the actual game, though.
Is this still relevant then or should I remove it from the compilation thread? https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/145/dungeons-guild-info/3
@vengu said in Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation:
Is this still relevant then or should I remove it from the compilation thread? https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/145/dungeons-guild-info/3
Still relevant. Guild creation in game will be more sophisticated :slight_smile:
Yay an update to the foundation this is news i want to hear after a hard week of work.
So, you visit the forum and discover there's a new feature: Hero profiles. Like any other starving foundation point addict, you rush to your profile for your glorious new quests to raise your internet points to higher levels. Unfortunately, one of those quests require you to create a guild. This is not hard to do, but why would you waste 3 precious clicks on making a guild of your own when there's a much better solution! Without further ado, let me introduce to you: Foundation Point Inc! The one guild for all your foundation point needs. With just one click, you can claim your precious points for free! This is 2 clicks less compared to making your own guild. Join now: https://fracturedmmo.com/guild-profile/id/14/ THE solution to all your foundation point needs.
(In all seriousness, better to have one guild for the foundation point addicts than hundreds of 1 member guilds.
Nice thing you added there @Prometheus
But one question, I remmember reading somewhere a while ago that guilds wouldnยดt be race locked, which means you could have a guild with different races on it, but now only players from the same race can join the same guild. How will it actually work after all? ^^
@frost said in Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation:
Nice thing you added there @Prometheus
But one question, I remmember reading somewhere a while ago that guilds wouldnยดt be race locked, which means you could have a guild with different races on it, but now only players from the same race can join the same guild. How will it actually work after all? ^^I asked that question a bit above you.
Prometheus answered it already: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/414/hero-and-guild-creation-now-live-in-the-foundation/5
@vengu Oops, I read your comment but didnยดt press the link so I thought it was something else.
Sorry ahahNevermind my question then
nice but we need video for game thx.
Waiting for my guild to pick a race before we make a guild... but that Foundation Point one is tempting @Vengu . Are there cookies?
@greenfire said in Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation:
Waiting for my guild to pick a race before we make a guild... but that Foundation Point one is tempting @Vengu . Are there cookies?
Of course, we have plenty of cookies.
It's mostly just a place to get the foundation quest done though.
@prometheus oh yes I love this
@prometheus said in Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation:
I feel your pain Mez - it's ours too. However, you need to understand that making an MMO - one with Fractured's scope especially - is no small deal. Screenshots and video footages will be available once they are good to be presented to the public and the press, since many players fail to understand the idea of "alpha graphics", sadly.
I agree. Too many times games had problems because of alpha graphic footage and stu... not wise enough people that didn't understand the term alpha. Probably too many gamers were spoiled with games releasing open beta and calling it closed and then released as "open beta". Now a lot of people expect that games at alpha are playable
omg omg omg omg
breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out
scrolls back up to read
One suggestion: Would it be possible to add a feature that would allow us to send a forum PM to all members of our guilds?
Of course, please mind that the names, tags and descriptions you upload must comply with our Terms of Service. Violations of the terms might lead to profiles being edited and the underlying accounts suspended.
Everybody always trying to keep Pedos Anon down
Is this just a forum thing, or will names and such be reserved for the actual game?
Nice update! Was hoping something like this would be released. A tad confused with the alignments, but I'm sure more will be explained later. Keeping an eye on the guilds
This is awesome!