Community Call - Translation Help Needed!


    @kralith said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    German Translation
    The (#) on some words are explained at the end.

    Forum texts:

    • Stelle dich der Fractured Gemeinschaft(1) vor!
    • Diskutiere über Fractured und lass uns deine Vorschläge und Ideen kennen lernen.
    • Hast du eine Frage? Frage die Entwickler von Fractured und die Gemeinschaft(1)!
    • Bewerbe deine zukünftige Gilde oder lasse die Welt wissen, dass du nach einer suchst.

    AD1 Texts:

    • Das Dynamische MMO
    • Das erste Open-World-Sandbox-MMORPG mit Action Combat(2), interaktiven Umgebungen, ohne Grind, Spieler basierter Wirtschaft und Universumsbesiedlung. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
    • Melde dich HEUTE an, um einen PRE-ALPHA KEY (3) zu gewinnen!

    AD2 Texts:

    • Das erste Sandbox MMO-ARPG, bei dem deine Rassenauswahl einen echten Einfluss auf dein Gameplay hat. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
    • Menschen: Der totale freie Wille
    • Tiermenschen: Leben in Harmonie
    • Dämonen: Blut und Terror

    AD3 Texts:

    • Vergiss alte MMORPG-Klischees und betritt eine Welt, in der jeder Gegenstand von Spielern hergestellt wird. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
    • Handwerker und Händler
    • Bauern und Hirten
    • Bergleute und Holzfäller
    • Jäger und Sammler

    AD4 Texts:

    • Müde von MMOs, in denen der Spaß erst 80 Stunden nach Start des Spiels beginnt? Nimm an der Revolution teil!
    • Begib dich direkt in die Aktion
    • Auf Wiedersehen Grind, Willkommen Wissen!
    • Jeden Tag ein neues Spielerlebnis

    In general i still think i was translating too much, because some words we germans use english... Okay, maybe some words totally wrong, for example Handy for Mobile 😉 ... but i think here are more germans and can get some hints, what we better not translate, or they have maybe better Ideas not to let sound it too stiff.

    Here some of my unsure translations:
    (1) We also can use "Community" here, because we say this more often in gamer slang than the word "Gemeinschaft".
    (2) I would not translate this, because there is no real uncomplicated german word for it and gamer know the meaning of Action Combat. Maybe we could say Action-Kampf, but that sounds silly. Maybe other germans have a better idea for.
    (3) Also no translation needed i think.

    very good translation mate 🙂

    i would consider not to write "join the revolution"
    it sounds really strange in german xD
    maybe better "erlebe die Revolution" (its experience the revolution or feel the revolution)

    the 3 points you dont translate will be fine
    i wouldnt translate them as well

    @Prometheus ad4 is way too long, in english as well as in german
    especially the join the revolution thing
    i know you want to show you do something completely different, but this seems ... old and already known

    join the action
    jump into late game in the first second

    i dont know, but these saying just seems off

    have a great day
    Lohen 🙂

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    I'm going to talk in Spanish because this boy thought it was a good idea to look down on my work and also employ without coherence and sense between words that he has put. By the way, I got help of 3 more guys, including me, (spaniards obviously) to translate the text; I hope we aren't machines (even if it sounds amazing 😖).


    ¿De verdad piensas que mi traducción está sacada de Google Translate? Si he usado las mayúsculas es porque el texto original las llevaba, no es por no haberlo revisado y creo que, ese asunto, es más cuestión del desarrollador que de ti.
    Cada día una nueva jugabilidad es every day a new gameplay, game en español es JUEGO, si no te gusta la palabra jugabilidad, como he mencionado antes se puede dejar como gameplay.

    No es por despreciar (como tú estas haciendo) tu trabajo, pero la traducción que has puesto del español parece un copy paste de TODO lo que ha puesto el GM en el post principal.

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    ingresados ​​allí en un mundo de objetos procesados ​​por los jugadores.

    Si le dijeras esto a un español pensaría que vienes de fuera de haber hecho un cursillo rápido con el profesor amargado de turno en español. Cero coherencia.

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    ¡Pregunta a los desarrolladores de Fractured en la comunidad!

    En inglés dice, pregunta a los desarrolladores Y (AND) a la comunidad, no EN (in) la comunidad.

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    Vive en armonía.

    Vive es live, viviendo es living, en los humanos te refieres a un colectivo y en los hombres bestia no? Huele un poco mal eso.

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:


    "La" es un determinante, como dudo sobre tus conocimientos acerca del español te explicaré para que sirve por si acaso, los determinantes son partes de una oración que acompañan al nombre para concretarlo y limitar, su significado aportando informaciones como género, NÚMERO, situación en el espacio, posesión...
    Que yo sepa no van a dar solo UNA clave pre-alpha si no varias, por lo tanto esto estaría mal traducido y sería: Ganar una clave pre-alpha (o prealfa, no hay ningun problema en utilizar préstamos del inglés, estamos en 2018).

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    en el como la elección de raza tiene un impacto real

    No he visto un google translate peor usado en mi vida.

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    Olvídate de esos viejos clichés sobre los MMORPG

    No solo sabes copiar de Google Translate si no también de algo que no se le ocurriría a muchos en español (y más viendo la calidad de tus traducciones).

    @zopek said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    Et bien si sa te plait pas t'as qu'a demandé à un autre français de traduire tu verras bien le résultat.

    As Zopek said, you should contact to a Spaniard and tell him to translate this text and you will have the outcome.

    Por último, si sigues pensando que he hecho copy paste, creo que usar albedrío refiriendose a free will es lo último que pondría el Google Translate.

    Un saludo, Rehmius.

    If you want this post to be entirely translated too I could do it, just wanted to show that he was cheating pretty much.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @Rehmius @zopek great, all clear, thanks again. 1,000 Foundation Points to both of you too!

    @Baslak I can read French and Spanish (the latter I can speak too actually, just not well enough to trust myself for something public). They didn't use google translate. Their translations were good.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    @prometheus thank you a lot Prometheus, my friends and me are very hyped, Spain is waiting for this great game to explode (in a good way). Keep the good work and such fantastic ideas!

    @IamMole being toxic doesn't lead to anything good, we have to make this community something positive and affable.



    Just click the "close tab" button on the top right. GG.


    Just checking, were the translations okay? I forgot to mention earlier, but we assumed "shepers" is supposed to be shepherds. Let me know if we got that part wrong.


    This post is deleted!


    This post is deleted!



    Textos del foro :

    º¡Presentate a la comunidad de Fractured!
    ºDebate en Fractured y haz saber tus sugerencias o ideas.
    º¿Alguna duda? ¡Pregunta a los desarrolladores de Fractured en la comunidad!
    ºPromueve tu futura hermandad o hazle saber al mundo que estas buscando una.

    Textos AD1 :

    ºEl MMO dinámico
    ºEl primer MMORPG Sandbox de mundo abierto con combate de acción, entornos interactivos, sin rutina, economía impulsada por los jugadores y colonización universal. ¡Únete a la revolución!
    º¡Regístrese HOY para tener la oportunidad de GANAR LA CLAVE PREALFA!

    Textos AD2 :

    ºEl primer Sandbox MMO-ARPG en el como la elección de raza tiene un impacto real en jugabilidad. ¡Únete a la revolución!
    ºHumanos: Con total libertad.
    ºHombres Bestia: Vive en armonía.
    ºDemonios: Sangre y terror.

    Textos AD3 :

    ºOlvídate de esos viejos clichés sobre los MMORPG ingresados ​​allí en un mundo de objetos procesados ​​por los jugadores. ¡Únete a la revolución!
    ºArtesanos y Comerciantes.
    ºCultivadores y Pastores.
    ºMineros y Leñadores.
    ºCazadores y Carroñeros.

    Textos AD4 :

    º¿Cansado de MMO que comienza la diversión 80 horas después de haber empezado a jugar? ¡Únete a la revolución!
    ºSalta directamente a la acción.
    º¡Adiós a la rutina, bienvenida al conocimiento!
    ºTodos los días un nuevo juego.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @baslak said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    @prometheus Seriously??
    I am Spanish by birth

    do the translation with google translate the same goes.

    It bothers me that you trust in the translation from a French to a Spanish.
    I leave it there

    Let alone there is nothing inherently bad in a translation done by a non-native, if skilled enough... @zopek translated the texts to French, not to Spanish. What the heck did you see? Drop the glass! 😄


    The problem is that I have the automatic translator in the networks,
    and he translated it into Spanish only

    and I thought that he translated it into Spanish

    I like this game too much and the minimum jump, just that, I realized later, I'm sorry.


    This post is deleted!

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @nelchael said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    Just checking, were the translations okay? I forgot to mention earlier, but we assumed "shepers" is supposed to be shepherds. Let me know if we got that part wrong.

    You got that right! Thanks to you and to your friend. Rewards added! 😉

    @Gothix thanks and rewards for you too, we could make use of that!

    @muker I've noticed you've added some words / sentences in the translation that were not there originally. They're not bad, but they've made the texts too long. Could you make the translation more literal please? 🙂

    @Baslak no worries, but please stay calm next time and don't go full nationalist - that's never a good thing.


    @prometheus no problem, it's just"localization"
    This is done

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @muker said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    @prometheus no problem, it's just"localization"
    This is done

    Hmm I assume you didn't really get what I've meant... I asked if you could fix the translation making it a little more literal without the added parts! 😅 Thank you!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Damn, @zopek stole my translator job 😕


  • Wiki Editor

    @lohen said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    very good translation mate 🙂

    i would consider not to write "join the revolution"
    it sounds really strange in german xD
    maybe better "erlebe die Revolution" (its experience the revolution or feel the revolution)

    the 3 points you dont translate will be fine
    i wouldnt translate them as well

    @Prometheus ad4 is way too long, in english as well as in german
    especially the join the revolution thing
    i know you want to show you do something completely different, but this seems ... old and already known

    join the action
    jump into late game in the first second

    i dont know, but these saying just seems off

    have a great day
    Lohen 🙂

    "Erlebe die Revolution" is great! Will change it in my post. Even the Community thing, because it sounds fresher than "Gemeinschaft" 🙂

    He just took btw. just some of the sentences of the Mainpage parts.
    I was more thinking about to translate all these headlines.
    And yes, the single sentences we translates was just a bit stiff, i guess not just in german. 😉


    I'm unfortunately not sufficiently fluent in any language but English but I can give a few tips to make localizing text easier in general for the future.

    • use simple words without any cultural implications
    • use a mostly formal tone
    • avoid second-person speech ("you", "your")
    • place all embedded number variables at the ends of strings (e.g. last logged in 3 days ago --> days since last login: 3)


    @lohen said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:

    very good translation mate 🙂

    i would consider not to write "join the revolution"
    it sounds really strange in german xD
    maybe better "erlebe die Revolution" (its experience the revolution or feel the revolution)

    I'd prefer "experience or feel the revolution" in english instead of "join"..

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @muker oh, you edited the original post, I didn't notice. Thank you! 1000 points added! 🙂

    A couple questions:

    • Is the "Постухи" actually a shepherd - the generic word?
    • Does "боевые действиями" mean "action combat" (the type of combat of ARPG games, like Diablo or Path of Exile)? Because I'm afraid it means "combat actions", which has a very different meaning 🙂

    @Lohen @Kralith what's the big deal with "join the revolution"? 😄 Does it sound strange because it sounds real-life political?

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