Why we need attribute respec options.

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    Why we need attribute respec options.

    Fractured has a big focus on exploring and finding new abilities to throw into your build. This allows for some unique builds and combinations. These abilities scale off different attributes. For instance strength may increase the damage of an ability while charisma increases the duration of a buff and its intensity.

    The single most important decision you will make in Fractured is at the creation screen when you allocate these attributes. This sets players up for failure. They have little to no knowledge of the game at this point let alone what abilities are out there and how they scale.

    If a player decides that they enjoy playing a support kind of build they may find that multiple buffs they wish to use scale with charisma that they originally thought was not going to be needed. They now need to start a new character after investing potentially 100s of hours into their character.

    The game is all about adventuring out into the world, finding new abilities and trying new ways to play your character. The attribute points are an ever looming disappointment to players who find an awesome ability that they learned scales with their lowest attribute making the ability nearly useless to place in your build.

    I am not suggesting a quick attribute reallocation at a campfire, this should be something that is difficult to earn and highly sought after. An attribute reallocation point may be earned at Knowledge Point intervals such as every 20k or 40k knowledge. Perhaps from a rare spawn or by crafting and extremely expensive potion.

    To recap: The fact that most players are unaware of the abilities in the game causes a great burden on attribute allocation at the creation of your character. This hinders the AMAZING ability learning system in Fractured and cheapens the build customization experience.

    What do you guys think? Would you like to see an option to earn attribute respecs?

  • Being able to reallocate points would be great but I agree that it shouldn't be an easy thing to do. Killing a rare or earning them at certain knowledge levels or anything OUTSIDE of a safe spot. Just make it something that means you have to go out and interact with the world and by proxy, other players as well.


    I think this subject has been debated recently fairly hard in another thread. I for one am for it because people have regrets over decisions they made sometimes in hast. With that said I think it should be used as a cash purchase for real money. Gives the devs a way to make cash beyond the release. I think there should be a delay between respecs to prevent players from trying to gain advantages for special circumstances.



    I am on the same page as you. Make it once a month that should fix the problem for most players and also exclude missusage of the respec possibility.
    I also don't see a problem to sit 1 hour at the character creation to just calculate the right attributes.
    Did that in Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate too was actually pretty funny.
    They just have to make the explanation for the attributes better so that the players can see what one point difference in an attribute actually does.

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    @LilCassiopeia said in Why we need attribute respec options.:

    I also don't see a problem to sit 1 hour at the character creation to just calculate the right attributes.

    That's not an option when you don't know what abilities are in the game waiting for you to learn. You don't know what attributes they scale from.


    @Farlander If they make it a cash shop purchase there should be no delay between respec. Adding this to a cash shop however puts the game into a pay to win state i don't think they want. They really need to have an ingame way of exchanging points.


    My opinions on this topic are a bit mixed. On one hand, I agree that new players would probably not make the best decisions at the character creation screen, and would have no way of "fixing" their attribute allotment mistakes. On the other hand, I think being able to re-spec would be too easy to possibly abuse, unless it was heavily heavily limited and monitored.

    I put quite a lot of thought in to what I think the re-allocation option should be if there is one. If it's a cash shop item as @Farlander suggested then it could possibly turn the game into Pay2Win, which none of us wants. If it's too easily obtainable in game, (as a "crafting station" or "shrine" somewhere) then it is too easy for everyone to be doing that all the time. And then the developers would have to deal with some type of time cooldown, like a day, a week, a month, a year? It starts becoming tediously ridiculous. If the re-spec was an "item" gained either by cash shop or quest reward or even spawned with character creation or a loot drop, players would just abuse it by trying to farm lots of it and sell it to other players or hoard it, or by creating new characters and "trading" the re-spec item to their main character. If the re-spec option came at a large Knowledge Point cost, that may be slightly better, but as far as I understand the game at the moment we will not get infinite Knowledge Points. Those are limited by the amount of the actual game environments. If someone messes up and keeps using their knowledge points for re-allocating attribute points, then next they will ask for some way to re-allocate Knowledge Points since they spent all of theirs on re-specs and can't learn all the abilities! It honestly just seems like a potential mess.

    With all that in mind, this is my suggestion.

    Maybe the re-spec option could be ONE specific quest that each character would only be able to complete ONCE. As part of that quest, they get to "finalize" their attribute points at the end of it, and then they can never do it again. There should be warnings that that's it, after completing that quest then their character attributes are finalized. Maybe the quest can be triggered by the character learning their 15th or 20th ability, or something like that, so that it is far enough along in gameplay for the player to have a good idea of the attribute system. Then, anyone making mistakes after that point should just create a new character 😊


    there should be hard decisions when you make your character and they can offer a delay before those attributes are permanent. IE you place those points in on launch day and you have a month to 3 months before they're permanent. this would give you plenty of time to decide of that placement is good enough for you. and it allows an eventual permanent decision.

    we have multiple character slots so each character can have a specific use. there's no need to have a best at everything character.

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    @Jetah said in Why we need attribute respec options.:

    we have multiple character slots so each character can have a specific use. there's no need to have a best at everything character.

    I agree. No character should ever be the best at everything. An attribute respec option does not provide this.

    @Harleyyelrah said in Why we need attribute respec options.:

    My opinions on this topic are a bit mixed. On one hand, I agree that new players would probably not make the best decisions at the character creation screen, and would have no way of "fixing" their attribute allotment mistakes. On the other hand, I think being able to re-spec would be too easy to possibly abuse, unless it was heavily heavily limited and monitored.

    I agree 100% that respecs should be limited. Each character may only be able to obtain 1-2 NON-TRADEABLE respecs for the characters lifetime.


    Attribute reroll possibility is simply a must, from new player point of view but also if there will be notable balance changes between "classes" and roles, and in addition if players just want to try something else out, perhaps test out new abilities they have unlocked. The reroll system can be somewhat limited but not too restrictive.


    Thats always good option for new players.


    @Lemdul81 I respectively disagree this becomes pay-to-win adding respec to the cash store. That implies changing your stats gives you some advantage in the game. It is just a redistribution of the points you already had. Just because you get something for cash does not make it play to win. It has to give you an edge over other players. They are already selling ingame items in the cash store such as pets and furniture so the idea that they are making money off ingame items is already there. I see no problem with cash purchases in lieu of a sub to make money on their product. I would be one of the loudest complainers if they added items to the store that gave people advantages in the game.


    don't blur QoL and P2W.

    Just because you get something for cash does not make it play to win.
    yes it does. unless DS is selling cosmetics only, character slots. any means of paying for an advantage is p2w.

    if they want the SUB that's fine but any more "qol" will be p2w. a person who can change their attributes with cash means they can counter 99% more than someone who doesn't pay.

    They are already selling ingame items in the cash store such as pets and furniture so the idea that they are making money off ingame items is already there.
    do those pets and furniture give an advantage in the character? do those furniture give a faster recovery rate for something. if the furniture just sits in the house and grants nothing then it isn't the same as an Attribute adjustment.

    honestly most new players will find a META build to run so they can feel powerful.

    the only time an Attribute adjustment should be given is when spells/abilities are changed enough to grant that.

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    @Farlander Well..it COULD be pay to win if a player is allowed to respec his attributes in order to adjust his/her build for specific content or situations. If we had a cooldown imposed it wouldn't be so bad though.

    2 week maybe 4 week cooldown on the respec use?

    This way a player can't run into 10 players then rebuild his/her spec for attributes that support more aoe skills.

    I understand the need for continued funds during an MMOs life span. I hope that the cosmetic cash shop does the trick. If the team deems that the cosmetic stuff isn't pulling in the needed funding I would be open to this respec option being added to the cash shop IF and that's a BIG IF there is a cooldown imposed to negate the spamming of it.


    I would welcome respecs when updates come out. In many games, new updates end up making certain attributes more or less useful. Having to reroll every update would seem a lot of work.

    At the current stage, I think it's almost good that there is no respec option. It requires you to regain the knowledge you need (and once you know what skills that are, it's actually not too much work) and offers options for new players to find parties somewhat more easily.


    @Nekrage If you look above in the first post I did say with a cool down.

    @ Jetah I also can't see how respecing would be pay-to-win with a huge delay between respecing. If there was a month between respec purchases how are you taking advantage of the option to counter a specific situation such as a pvp event? BTW are we even forgetting all the arguments that a player straight out of creation is not much different than a well developed character? That argument has been beaten to death. You are speaking in what if situations. Can you describe in detail a situation that makes you worried about others being able to repec with say a month between respecs?

  • Content Creator

    @Farlander said in Why we need attribute respec options.:

    @Nekrage If you look above in the first post I did say with a cool down.



    i say: lets wait for the june test and see how the skill tree is working
    think you can compliment or correct your starting attributes strengths/weaknesses

    maybe you can think about a one time change of the attributes but ... hell man just see how the knowledge system is working out
    atm we have only a fragment of whats coming^^



    Also, the only real attribute adjustment enchant they had in this game was luck. I am sure they will add the rest in later. With that said, if you want to adjust your attribute stats you will just need to load yourself down with enchants that increase those stats.

    Or, just remake a new character. We do get the ability to make several alts just so we can get all the flavors once we "learn" what is out there.

    As for buying respecs with money, I think they devs are trying not to make cash shops. And I would shiver if they did do that, cause that's just opening the door to P2W. No one will get character creation perfect on their first try. Its why we can make more characters and delete some if needed.

    Just my two pennies worth of thought 🙂

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    @Ostaff said in Why we need attribute respec options.:

    No one will get character creation perfect on their first try. Its why we can make more characters and delete some if needed.

    And 100 hours into your character when you find abilities you NEED for your build that scale with different attributes? Just delete that character and start over?

    500+ hours into your character when they add additional abilities with updates that scale with attributes that you have very low points in...just start a new character?

    There needs to be an option to respec attributes. It's really a no brainer.

    On the topic of additional character slots. I think that needs to go. You should OWN your character and name. You are ONE character, ONE alignment, ONE guild. The ability to spy is too great and this game's competitive scene will suffer for it.

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