Just WOW
Hey guys,
I think that's THE game I've been waiting for soooo long. The Idea is great. An interactive World oft crafting, farming, trading and no forced PVP.
Just love the Idea
This game has so much potential
Welcome Paddy
I had exactly the same thoughts when i found it.
This is why I'm keeping tabs. The potential is great
Hello PaddyO91!
@PaddyO91 Hello and welcome aboard
I couldn't agree more
Welcome @PaddyO91
yes those are exactly my thoughts
we'll see how things works out
Don't forget to fork over your cash to buy the game now.
Hello and Welcome
Welcome to Fractured!
I hope you're going to enjoy the game
Thank You for that warm welcome.
I am excited to see how the game will develop.@TekNicTerror im on it
Hi! Welcome!
Hey and welcome
Hey there @PaddyO91!
I loved that it's not only a place where people who prefer PvE can enjoy that without being called 'farmers', but where buying the game gets you the whole game - so I'm not going to be taking marching orders from whales w more $$/time than god, and who (having dumped boocoo bux$ into the game) feel entitled to pitch forum tantrums if the devs make changes that don't suit them.
I can't even imagine what that's going to feel like, after years of 'freemium' gaming, but I'm looking forward to finding out.
Please take a look at my Guild page if you are thinking about setting up housekeeping in Arboreus
Well welcome too the community young one
Or look at my guild page instead.
Demons who want to be angels are way cooler than fuzzies. (No offense, @PeachMcD )
Hello and Welcome
I love the idea of being an explorer for all the maps, looking for treasures and unique things, that's why although I have not tried it, I still want to see the effect of luck and perception