Primitive weapons
It has been stated, that Primitive weapons will have damage about 20% lower than metal ones. But as game is supposed to have horizontal progress, is there anything to compensate this ?
Will primitive weapons be, for example, better for enchant (stronger enchant bonuses) or will they be more customizable ? Or will we never ever see any flint dagger two days after game release when everyone will have metal weapons? Would be sad, as "primal feeling" of primitive weapons and clothing - heads of monsters as helmets - is nice. Let´s hope we can at least use them as skin.
i want to see bone age, stone age, then some tiers of metal through out the game. instead of people just straight week 1 having metal. have us, er.. the humans.. research that.
@Jetah agree that there should be a progression towards better weapons or super rare drop from mobs with the missing piece to craft the strong weapons.
i just think it'd be pretty cool to see a game evolve in a way. Eve Online started with a few ships, then added battleships, eventually super capitals, they have tier 2 ships and now have something similar to tier 3.
I'd like to see a game like this be similar to an Age of Empires, where the game starts at bone age then progresses through different ages. it makes the community band together a little to have server progression. there could be combinations of items that starts the research toward the next age. i know it wont happen in Fractured but it'd be a little neat.
@Jetah It would sure be nice, but not everyone knows about Fractured ---> huge amount of players would start playing when the game would be in later stages. Just make everything balanced the way weapon damage is - every weapon has same DPS, just different speeds so each of them has different playstyle. Therefore each tier of equipment should be endgame viable (of course with some kind of enchatmnet or something) or whole tier of weapons will disappear in few days.
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
It has been stated, that Primitive weapons will have damage about 20% lower than metal ones. But as game is supposed to have horizontal progress, is there anything to compensate this ?
Will primitive weapons be, for example, better for enchant (stronger enchant bonuses) or will they be more customizable ? Or will we never ever see any flint dagger two days after game release when everyone will have metal weapons? Would be sad, as "primal feeling" of primitive weapons and clothing - heads of monsters as helmets - is nice. Let´s hope we can at least use them as skin.Only thing I know, is that for metal weapons, there should be a town and that town needs a blacksmith facility, what will take some serious effort as far as I have understood so far (it was in one of the video's if I recall correctly).
But yeah after a while even starting player would have direct access to metal one then, so not sure what the purpose of primitive weapons will be, besides for the journey from starting point to next town.
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
@Jetah It would sure be nice, but not everyone knows about Fractured ---> huge amount of players would start playing when the game would be in later stages. Just make everything balanced the way weapon damage is - every weapon has same DPS, just different speeds so each of them has different playstyle. Therefore each tier of equipment should be endgame viable (of course with some kind of enchatmnet or something) or whole tier of weapons will disappear in few days.
they could have servers start up every 3-6 months. they could offer 'seasons', where the servers are up for 1 year then reset, although they'd have to have some type of 'reward' for that.
@Jetah Honestly - would you like to grind for all the abilities (and their customizations) again ?
I sure wouldnt, I´d grind all i need and then hop into pvp.
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
@Jetah Honestly - would you like to grind for all the abilities (and their customizations) again ?
I sure wouldnt, I´d grind all i need and then hop into pvp.
well if balancing was done you might want to swap to another build for the next season or knowledge could remain and thus carry over to other seasons.
@Jetah allright, but then what would change - it takes 2 hours to build a house, 1 hour to make primitive equipment ... if knowledge was persistent, this would only reset economy...which would start way faster, as everyone would know what to do and also would start "at max lvl". This would change things....for day or two
Mmos like this probably should remain persistent imo.
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
@Jetah allright, but then what would change - it takes 2 hours to build a house, 1 hour to make primitive equipment ... if knowledge was persistent, this would only reset economy...which would start way faster, as everyone would know what to do and also would start "at max lvl". This would change things....for day or two
Mmos like this probably should remain persistent imo.
the character and knowledge would be persistent. Crowfall will try to do just that--persistent character and knowledge with having worlds that are temporary. it prevents (or suppose to) big guilds from owning and completely dominating others for years. Eve Online had that problem with B.O.B. There's speculation that some of the Eve Online developers actually join these mega alliances to try to break them up.
Crowfall can have multiple worlds going simultaneously while offering each world with different play rules. IE 1 death and you're removed from the world. double or even triple resources. higher rare materials but lower common. half health. double magic damage. double physical damage. etc.
half health. double magic damage. double physical damage. etc.
Please dont
Being one shotted from invis would be no fun in full loot game.
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
It has been stated, that Primitive weapons will have damage about 20% lower than metal ones. But as game is supposed to have horizontal progress, is there anything to compensate this ?
Will primitive weapons be, for example, better for enchant (stronger enchant bonuses) or will they be more customizable ? Or will we never ever see any flint dagger two days after game release when everyone will have metal weapons? Would be sad, as "primal feeling" of primitive weapons and clothing - heads of monsters as helmets - is nice. Let´s hope we can at least use them as skin.Hi @asspirin! Since primitive weapons are easier to craft and to obtain they will be just weaker than the metal ones.
@Znirf Thanks for reply. It does make sense, it´s just sad that primitive weapons will be useles after few days, no matter
Casters won´t need them anyway (stats on weapons will not affect casting in any way, right? Hope so ... for unarmed casters).
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
half health. double magic damage. double physical damage. etc.
Please dont
Being one shotted from invis would be no fun in full loot game.
those weren't 1 set of rules for a world. those can be each rules. that's why i used the period and not a comma.
@Jetah Yep i got it
, but then only one thing would happen - nukers would go full tank, gankers/backstabbers full damage, meta would totally change and everyone would go same build. But idea is good - why not set such rules for "asteroids" - maps you can visit for some challenge. They would last only as long as you visit asteroid and would add to challenge.
@asspirin i don't think there will be many "meta-builds" since we will have a ton of skills and schools to choose from, i believe we will just have a few "must have" skills for certain playstyles/groups
@Jetah please no seasons like in crowfall, it's a really bad concept for a mmorpg in my eyes
Remember, you can loose your weapons by getting killed. So since wooden weapons are faster to craft, you will always craft those first, and use them each time after you die, until you can get your hands on metal again.
So wooden weapons (even if weaker) will be constantly used.
@Gothix said in Primitive weapons:
Remember, you can loose your weapons by getting killed. So since wooden weapons are faster to craft, you will always craft those first, and use them each time after you die, until you can get your hands on metal again.
So wooden weapons (even if weaker) will be constantly used.
Have you played Albion? Nobody is using t1 items, no matter how poor they are, because in short time the economy reaches a point where everyone can afford mid-level items.
@Razvan please don't put albions crafting or tier system in comparsion to fractured, literally everything about it was pretty bad for a full loot pvp game, beside that your argument is valid