End-Game content


    What will Fractured's end-game content look like?

    I know this is a sandbox game and end-game content is not always so relevant in such games, but still what are those activities players can do, experience and goal for in higher level? What has been announced? What there will most likely be? And what kind of wishes people have?

    In PvP, is there some kind of territory warfare, castle/city sieges, guild wars or something else?

    In PvE, is there dungeons- and raids- and world bosses? Instanced, open world or both? Or something else?

    Mostly I am interested, will there be something unique? πŸ˜‰

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    In PvP, is there some kind of territory warfare, castle/city sieges, guild wars or something else?

    You can siege towns owned by other players/guilds on Syndesia and Tartaros and take control of those cities/territories.

    In PvE, is there dungeons- and raids- and world bosses? Instanced, open world or both? Or something else?

    There are going to be dungeons and bosses, and also other endgame content like asteroids (zones that only appear for a certain amount of time and then disappear forever or return after a while) and the labyrinth, a hardcore survival challenge in a procedurally-generated dungeon.

    Exploration is also important if you want to gather all the skills and knowledge points.


    End game content will make or break this game. It is extremely important to get it right.

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    • sieges yes, trade wars yes, conflict around resources yes
    • everything open world (not sure about all asteroids though)
    • whole game is unique!


    YA@Specter said in End-Game content:


    In PvP, is there some kind of territory warfare, castle/city sieges, guild wars or something else?

    You can siege towns owned by other players/guilds on Syndesia and Tartaros and take control of those cities/territories.

    In PvE, is there dungeons- and raids- and world bosses? Instanced, open world or both? Or something else?

    There are going to be dungeons and bosses, and also other endgame content like asteroids (zones that only appear for a certain amount of time and then disappear forever or return after a while) and the labyrinth, a hardcore survival challenge in a procedurally-generated dungeon.

    Exploration is also important if you want to gather all the skills and knowledge points.

    Okay sounds quite good. I am personally interested of this asteroid and labyrinth mechanics, because these sounds kind of unique and fresh ideas. Even I sometimes enjoy do some solo content, gather, craft and things like that, I still like to do group content as well. I am interested of raiding what it comes to PvE and I am a huge fan of open world PvP. Moreover, I prefer large PvP sieges. Seams like there is going to be lots of interesting content to follow.

    @Meiki said in End-Game content:

    The freedom for players is also important so it is not hard to create your own content. That's also the nice thing about sandboxes - you are free to create "events" of your own, given the sandbox allows you to do that with the freedom it allows.

    Freedom of sandbox games are a great bonus, but unfortunately that by own can not carry the whole game and keep most of the players within the game. That is why I see the "end-game" content as important part.


    @Tuoni said in End-Game content:

    the "end-game" content as important part.

    Hi could you define what "end-game" is to you πŸ˜‰
    For some it's high level dungeon but like here you are stronger from the beginning...


    @Gofrit I know Fractured goals to be game with less grind and with horizontal character progression. That makes its easier to new players hop in straight in action and be at least somehow competitive against veteran players. Even so, players needs some goals, something to achieve, because they should not get everything straight away or they get bored very quickly. Some games' end-game is in raiding and others its in territory wars for example. And because Fractured's design will be something different, I am also courious, what there is to goal for? Can it be somehow related to knowledge system? Can that unlock new possibilities?

    To me end-game content means activities what I can not do from day one. Something great and big to achieve. Something where I need to put some effort and work hard to get there. Content which still challenges me after months of playing. I actually like the concept of less grind and horizontal character progression. That is why I am interested to know, what is the catch what keeps players going?


    I wonder, why the discussion ceased weeks ago. To be successful a game has to offer content, that keeps players logging in. Some are happy with just pvp, but most players aren't. Even big fans of PvP like to enjoy other types of MMO content as well. The game offers ways to unlock certain skills and levels of the skills. But is this all what keeps you logging in?

    There will be a time, all skills you can achieve have been finished. Some Beastman will never attempt to visit Tartarus, it is not their type of game/playing. One type of randomized dungeon will wear off fast. I've read something about events. Any more news to that? Asteroids: what reason other than curiosity do you have to visit them? Are Asteroids free for all PvP lands? What type of fun can groups of 'fully" skilled PvE players hope to encounter in Arboreus?

    Is there some story about all planets and races waiting to be discovered in the game?

  • In this case there is goal fulfillment like skills, feats, acheivements, exploration, knowledge, titles, dungeons, raiding, and probably mount/pet/costume collections.

    You can also start a guild, do trade runs, mercenary work, gain a God's questline, play a demon to become an angel, start an interplanetary war, roleplay, find game secrets, make a wiki, gain YouTube followers, do any and all storylines.

    If all else fails, make some game suggestions on your ideas to the dev's for storyline content after they've fleshed out the sandbox experience. At the end of the day, the end game of a sandbox is what you make it.


    I personally see "end game" here as larger scale fights for control of cities and zones. Guild vs guild fights for dominance.

    This will require players learning a decent amount of skills first, because even if 1 vs 1 can battle out since the start, for guild to actually be competitive, will require it's members having some game play knowledge and guild getting organized, it will require acquirement of assortment of skills and resources, which will require some play time.

    This is why I see this as "end game" in some sense. This will also determine who can harvest what, and where, social conflicts and all.


    You can do many kinds of PvP playing. Everything mentioning Demons belongs to PvP. Not everyone is fond of that, at least not every time we log in. I am looking for PvE content which keeps the player to log in again and again ... for more than some months.

    Starting a guild is no content and most times leads to more work than fun πŸ˜‰ A costume collection would not get me start playing a game either. Make a wiki or gain youtube followers? Seriously?

    I don't look for a game to play it for some weeks. In the long run it has to offer more than exploration, survival and crafting to be successful for the average PvE player. For the PvE part of the game, there are several types of gameplay entertaining players for more than some months. Exploration is not limitless and a single procedural dungeon won't do the trick alone. Artien mentioned raids. I have not read about PvE raids of any kind yet. Are there news about this? Dungeons, nice but single player, as far as I read about them. I do enjoy single player dungeons, but when I join (or start πŸ˜‰ ) a guild, I want to do stuff with the mates together. PvE stuff. Multiplayer dungeons, world bosses, raids, difficult foreign lands/islands, in which you can't survive on your own. And what about lore and stories told by well crafted questlines?

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    @Goemoe This is one of those "ask 10 people, get 10 answers" sort of question - it's going to depend on the person and what they find "fun". Some people keep logging in for the social aspects, some to PvP, some to explore and do achievement type things; even if it's only a personal achievement of "own all the costumes".

    I actually do work on the Fractured wiki and that's fun to me, but I'm a data type guy (my work also revolves around gathering, parsing, interpreting data).

    Why do so many people continue to play Path of Exile? Every time you start a new character you have to run the same stuff over and over and over. It's likely because there are so many ways to build a character by combining skills and matching them with different strategies and gear.

    Even games with end game content (the WoWs and EQs of the world) get boring after a while so having end game content does not guarantee fun. It can be fun for a while, but that strategy means a game has to keep "one upping" itself and pretty soon you have players with 100k life to battle the big bad boss with 1M life - just a never-ending treadmill. This also means early content everyone just wants to skip to get to the end game content and soon 75% of the game is empty and not really played.

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    @kellewic absolutely right, just in one point i have to correct you, β€žask 10 people and you will get 11 anwers - at leastβ€œ πŸ˜‰

    Why i was so long hanging on WoW was not the game, it was my raid group and the Roleplaying on the wonderful Realm Forscherliga.

    Some searching the kick in a game to be first with the most shiney armor, others love it to do their trading business, and others again like the social interacting or kicking others asses, do politics in several ways, and others want just to dive into exploring and crafting, doing their numbers.

    All in all i want Fractured, because it promise to combine some of the most wanted gameplays to a whole.
    A game, and very important its community, needs to catch my eye and my interest, then i am sticked on it. πŸ™‚

    As for the β€žEndgameβ€œ, i donβ€˜t know where it comes from, but call it like this sounds a bit like a bad behaviour from Themepark games. I like games, where you have a steep learning curve and a long time motivation. Especially for an MMO is the old phrase more than actual "The journey is the reward"



    this game, having full loot, and friendly fire, will remove 90% of the population. I don't see DS wanting it to become a very popular game but to have a well established base.

    they're also hoping that the raids on the beast planet keeps some of the population that hates pvp.


    @kellewic Sorry, I didn't want to insult any person working on a wiki. I bow to all you people doing this kind of work for the community, really. But I don't consider this content for a paid game πŸ˜‰

    I didn't write anything in opposition to any PvP content, or any sometime released game. I am not here to argue. All I want to know is, what type of PvE content is planned for this game. All currently known won't be enough to get many pure PvE fans onboard. Since this game is quite early in development, there might be more on the devs roadmap. So I hope there will be answers to this topic from a dev sometime. πŸ™‚

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    @Goemoe said in End-Game content:

    All I want to know is, what type of PvE content is planned for this game. All currently known won't be enough to get many pure PvE fans onboard.

    Why you think it is too less PVE content planned?
    I would like to understand your concerns.

    In my opinion, there will be much PVE content: discovering Knowledge, Crafting, Building, Exploring, go to hunt Animals, fighting bigger Creatures Packs and Bosses all around the world, going to Labyrinths.

    Not to forget Farming, Gathering, Mining.

    If you expect Themepark PVE content, you are maybe on the wrong game.
    That will be a sandbox, playerdriven game. Usually there will be less predefined quests nor big questlines.
    The Game environment and your personal favorite gameplay will drive you and give you the content you want.

    If PVE Player just would stay, if there is masses on content as in games like WoW or FF14, then such games like Minecraft and its siblings would never be that successful πŸ˜‰

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    @Goemoe I'm not insulted at all - was just pointing out different people find many different things fun. I don't see this game as one to lead players somewhere - like quest lines or paths of progression in other games. Fractured is a sandbox MMO so thinking about it as something similar to WoW will likely lead you to disappointment.

    Looking at your initial list:

    Multiplayer dungeons, world bosses, raids, difficult foreign lands/islands, in which you can't survive on your own. And what about lore and stories told by well crafted questlines?

    1. Multiplayer dungeons are a thing - the Labyrinth with 3 levels so far.
    2. World bosses - unknown but would be cool to have huge creatures in the world that are hard to kill - reminds me of Secret World
    3. Difficult foreign lands/islands - yes since there are 3 planets and it's been mentioned asteroids could come into play
    4. Well crafted questlines - it's been stated there are no quests beyond the divine quests


    Asteroids are suppose to be the 'procedural generated content' but if there's any pvp on them i'm not aware. I could imagine some being pve only and some being pvx.

    raids and dungeons are planned. just dont expect WoW quality and quantity.

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    @Goemoe Fractured will have PvE content like dungeons, world bosses, recurring PvE events, etc. Arboreus is mostly a PvE planet specifically for PvE players, and won't be any worse than the other planets. That means you don't have to go to a PvP planet to obtain "endgame" items.

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