Account guard was a great touch

Best posts made by Vortech
RE: Will this game be P2W in the future?
Things change, but the devs have provided enough thoughtful commentary for me to believe they have good intentions. I'll fully against p2w but I do support pay for convenience. Time is the most valuable asset we have in this life.
RE: Python or Javascript
Python, it's been on the rise for years all the while it continues to rise. Some of the highest paying careers utilize Python. That being said, it's also one of the easier to learn as it is a higher level language.
Can't go wrong with either, but if I picked one to start with.. today, it'd be Python.
RE: Week 116 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Congratulations winners! Lots of activity this week, I spot some new names.
RE: Will Animation Cancelling become a combat mechanic one day?
Seems like I'm in the minority here, but I support increasing the skill cap.
RE: Volunteer GM Program
Professional is the way to go. AO made this mistake with community in-game chat and discord moderators.. Needless to say, every other day there's posts about undeserved global mutes, chat bans, and guild loyalties causing abuses. A professional paid group won't be able to be tarnished by such accusations. Don't skimp on support IMO.
RE: how to help with Carona
Thank you, I hadn't thought about folding to help. I'll direct all my resources to it.
RE: Get ready for Closed Beta!
@Logain said in Get ready for Closed Beta!:
As far as I recall, the 'example' he gave was conditional, as in parting if the project didn't turn out to be 'successful'. This is a very ambiguous statement, because it doesn't specify what success means, nor the financial details, nor the data migration.
IF, let's say, the contractual penalty is half the invested money and there's no details on the data migration, yes, 'on paper', it's still possible for DS to part with Gamigo, but it's simply not realistic because it's not financially viable.
Hence why @Jetah (correctly) claimed that it depends on the contract details.
Remember... this is not Gamigo's first rodeo and they have experienced lawyers, but it's DS first attempt (on that scale) and I doubt that their lawyers can cope with Gamigo.@Logain said in Get ready for Closed Beta!
I'm not a big fan of 'common sense' usually, since it doesn't scale and hence can be misleading, but in this scenario, I'd argue that a partner who invests enough to 'double your staff' is going to have a significant control over a project in order to secure the investment.
No need to speculate, this information was made available back in December 2021..
- Dynamight will retain ownership of the game and the IP- 205s
- Dynamight did not relinquish creative control - Second video 426s
- Gamigo secured global distribution rights, they earn a portion of the profits from revenue - 432s & 3286s
- Upon a contract exit, Dynamight will retain full ownership of - 488s
- Gamigo is not here to change the vision of Fractured - 1323s
- Dynamight retains creative control, IP, and monetization - 322s
Source Videos:
It's a mutually beneficial partnership. I suggest folks watch the two videos in their entirety.. Questions were repetitive, but representatives from both sides made it pretty clear. This forum software does not embed videos with time specifics URLs.
I get the cynicism towards Gamigo, but this is a different arrangement than what we're accustomed to. Gamigo didn't buy the husk of a previous developed game with the intentions to zombie it. Fractured is still very much in development.
RE: Adv Smelter Appears to eat resources
A little update: With the patch that released 05/04, discussion started about the advanced smelter fix previously mentioned by Jacopo on Discord. About a week ago on 04/27 @Prometheus had mentioned possibly having a patch that addressed this out by Friday 04/29.
Jacopo provided an update and the discussion ultimately ended with him committing to "get on it personally ASAP".
So I wanted to update the thread and contribute my own findings in the event it helps track things down. Our smelter plot in Braavos is made up of 8x basic smelters and has a row of 4x advanced smelters in the back. I had only recently placed the advanced smelters a few days ago as people mentioned having some luck with them. I had heard that the first batch always worked.. So I decided to load one up with 10x Iron ore, 3x coal, and 1x, charcoal. I loaded the ores first, finished with the fuel, and then pressed smelt. The first batch in all four advanced smelters worked fine. The second batch was also successful, it was10x tin ore and 1x coal in each, the batch was started and completed after the server restart the morning of 05/04. The third batch was going to be tin again (10x tin ore, 1x coal in each) but it bugged, similar to what @DarthJafo explained. On pressing the smelt button, the temp indicator line falls to the bottom but the temp of the fuel stays present. The fuel and ore all disappear but the smelt buttons turns in to a cancel button. One difference about my situation was the ore still read 5/5 and 5/5 but the ore is gone. The issue occurs right when you hit the smelt button, instead of the gray overlay covering the ore sockets and the timer starting.. your ore just vanishes. The timer never starts but the advanced smelter begins smoking and the cancel button remains for the full duration. At the end of the batch nothing is in the smelter.
I hit cancel on the first one and it did not return anything. I posted my results to the #debate_tavern channel on discord where we can post screenshots. Someone asked if I had tried moving one of the smelters to another place on the plot and then trying again. I decided to give it a try and it worked, the fourth batch (10x tin ore, 1x coal in each) worked. The third bugged, I moved the smelter to a free spot and then back to the original place and it successfully started and later completed a batch. After seeing this I decided to move another advanced smelter to see if it would work. This smelter had NOT consumed ore prior to me moving it but after moving it the third batch bugged and it consumed all ore. So moving an advanced smelter after it bugged a batch restored it for at least the next batch attempt.. However, moving a non-bugged advanced smelter before attempting a batch did not prevent it from bugging out the same as the others.
Hopefully this information is helpful.. We lost some ore testing this so we will not be using the advanced smelters again until an official fix is released.
RE: What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?
@mae said in What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?:
Depends on what the endgame is.
Also, each planet is like it's own separate game.
Beast planet will be like runescape. (full of skillers)
Demon planet like ultima online. (gankbox)
Human planet like BDO. (guild vs guild drama)These are my thoughts exactly. I was just having a discussion about this on Discord.
RE: Get ready for Closed Beta!
@Gibbx said in Get ready for Closed Beta!:
If I stick my hand in the fire I expect it will get burned. This is certainly the same. I admire your optimism. I prefer realism as it frequently leaves me less disappointed with how things turn out. I hope that you are right and I am wrong but realistically I don't believe that will be the case.
@Logain said in Get ready for Closed Beta!:
Most unfortunately, the devil's in the details. Reread my post, there has been no mention of contractual penalties, there has been no mention on the necessary data migration, there has been no mention on the financial details.
These details aren't public facing information, heck these sort of details are often even misunderstood by one side of the contract. But they matter, as plenty of people had to find out the hard way.Is there a chance this could turn out the best and a truly merry relationship? Certainly.
Is there a chance this could end up bad for DS and the player base? Possibly, unless we know the exact wording of the contract and the exact plans for the data-storage one can only speculate and be careful.You've got the CEO of Dynamight and a high level Gamigo rep both answering questions from the community.. It isn't going to get more straightforward than that.. It isn't going to get more transparent than that. Your claims indicate you still haven't watched the videos.. So I'll just say this, startups don't typically suffer penalties to their investors when goals are missed.. To the contrary, the startups usually double down and make a request for more capital. The risk is on the investor and they've even gone so far to clarify specifics as in the IP rights. In this case as I stated above, this is a mutually beneficial partnership and I don't think I should have to spell it out any further than that..
I made it about as easy as one could.. These are private companies and IMO your expectations are beyond reality.. So, we'll just have to see how things turn out.
RE: Ranking against total population
Earlier on the community was smaller and less active.. Which resulted in the same people winning and getting massive bumps. I've only won three drawings and been active for over 8 month. The four months prior to me joining were critical for those in the top 100 from what I can see. Now that the community is much larger, the odds are very different and points awarded spread out over more people. Some drawings one person would win multiple times. I'm in the 130s and have no referrals or anything, just doing my part and trying to stay active. I'm 4,000 points away from top 100.. So 4 wins or a combination of ambassador and a few drawings.. Or as little as two ambassador wins. For perspective.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 45, 2018
Really enjoying the content pills, thanks for the update. I'm feeling this art style a bit more then the things I've seen previously
RE: Become a Fractured Online volunteer today!
Surprised Pikachu dot png
Wow, this is an incredible opportunity! A coalition of support is exactly the sort of mix a niche game like this really benefits from. Having players embedded in the support and community teams will enrich communications and message effectiveness.
Good luck to all those who submit an application!
RE: Games Without AH
I really like the idea of the NPC vendors being paid a wage.. I just hope that whatever the implementation there is an API that allows us to pull data and compare without manually walking to each stall. If not, we just need some sort of information in game.. Where to find what type of items or something.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 37, 2019
@Znirf said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 37, 2019:
Treants and the Sproutlings
Loving the art on these, nice update!
RE: #FracturedOnlineCreations Winner!
Congratulations to all the winners, everyone showcased was extremely talented!
RE: Crafted Items / Unidentified Items
It's gotten pretty deep and it looks rewarding to. Check
for crafting. He's been going pretty hard on it. -
RE: Patch Log - b.0.7d (Server War Playtest)
Has there been any consideration to the specific reagents used in the legendary altars regarding the addition to additem?
@Prometheus said in Patch Log - b.0.7d (Server War Playtest):
@DarthJafo said in Patch Log - b.0.7d (Server War Playtest):
What about not being able to unload a wagon without logging?
Can you elaborate more on this issue? @spoletta @GMLordSkykal
ticket 5364
When removing heavy materials from a wagon or handcart such as a stone block, after the user has placed the first heavy material, if the user selects another heavy material item from the wagon/hand cart inventory window (specifically which they kept open) then the user becomes unable to interact with any heavy material items in the wagon/handcart inventory until they relog.
It seems this occurs when the user is automatically walked/pathed to the cart. This does not occur if the user is close enough to the cart and the target location of the heavy material item to spin back and forth. This does not occur when the user is automatically walked/pathed to the cart after clicking on the cart and reselects storage from the modal (leaving the wagon inventory window open has no effect on this specific method).