Everyone loves a free extended weekend!

Best posts made by Vortech
RE: Relaunch Pretest Free Play Event
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
Albion isn't perfect, but it's better then it's been for a while. It is most definitely NOT a failure, lmao.
Those reviews don't even scratch the surface.. in detail or time played.
RE: Patch Log - b.0.6g (Free Play Event)
Some great changes in there, team is doing a great job turning patches that matter out. Keep up the great work!
RE: Free Republic Of Braavos - Home of The Iron Bank
We're at 13 of 15 now, we just need 2x more A2T3 players to lock the territory in place.
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
I might mix it up this time and go mage at the start with my main
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
@FibS said in What albion did wrong- not a bash thread:
In my experience with Albion, I found it to be a fake game. It's a clever trap that separates players into two groups, deriving from asymmetrical gameplay (which is normally stuff like "one player is the monster and everybody else is the survivors".)
The richest 10% of players, who are the most willing to pay to win, are the only players that really matter. The game is designed so that all "high-level" play requires PVP and is therefore subject to pay to win, thus drawing whales as the primary desired demographic.
The other 90% of players are not actually players. They're just like the foxes and the ores - sources of materials, elements to enrich the experience for the elite.
Many PC or console MMOs have ascribed to a similar elitist model, and it has not helped the long-standing criticism against the genre.
Even without the elitist system, we still have the problem that Albion is linearly designed - all "endgame" content is necessarily open world PVP. Fractured will not have this flaw.
I'm unsure what's asymmetrical about the gameplay to you.. I'm also unsure about your monster and survivor example. The only thing I can think of is gatherer (survivor?) vs pvp oriented players (monster?).. I could possibly see how a survivor in this scenario could perceive black zone pvp as asymmetrical.. but I'd rather you explain before I go off in the wrong direction. IMO if I was close, I think the dichotomy is perfect as it is now. Risk = reward.
I might be considered in the richest 10% of players.. and I didn't pay to win. People I know who have wealth earned it, ground it out.. None of them payed to win. I don't really see how that's possible with mastery system in place. Everything requires grinding.. from PVP, to gathering, to refining and crafting. Sure you could buy a piece of 8.3 but you could just as easily die with it.. Now that gold you converted to silver is gone, didn't win jack.. Sure you could buy 7.3 but you have no mastery.. Someone with 6.1 and more mastery would have more item power and do more damage then you. So please elaborate on how albion is pay to win.
The elitist point is a thing.. No lifers grinding out pvp fame and utilizing alt accounts to maximize learning points and crafting focus.. those make up some of the elitist groups in Albion IMO. But they earned that right, they didn't pay for it.
Have you played Albion recently? There are dynamic dungeons spawning all over, roaming mob camps, elite resource mobs dynamically spawning.. You've still got arena macthes and hellgates to choose from. Endgame is what you want it to be. Sure, it is a game focused on PVP.. but the theme park is vast and totally what you choose to make of it.
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
There's a lot to unpack here but I'd like to address the complaint regarding the lack to solo.. I've been in large guilds, small guilds, and run some.. I've been playing the game since pre-alpha on and off.
The game has never been more friendly to solos then it is in current form.. Further, since the game went free-to-play.. people are even using the group finder.. arenas are always jumping.. factions are always going.. and the royals are alive. SBI is releasing solo dungeons and gathering dungeons in the future.. I don't really see what more you could want from a full loot pvp open world game then the compromises they've made. Personally, I don't feel solo should be the focus in an MMO, but they've accommodated and will continue to do so as it seems.
Group and zvz content is why people play mmos. Open world pvp is the foundation of AO. The vocal minority here seem to want to log in to a living world.. only to play an the role of online hermit keeping to themselves. Lots of adventures to be had solo.. I do some of my best ganking solo.. lots to gather now.. lots of roaming mobs to kill.. It will only continue to get better for solos. Unfortunate so many have made up their mind, missing out.
The good news for Fractured is, the ground work has been laid.. Working systems implemented and fleshed out.. All they need to do is take the best aspects of AO and potentially improve on them where you feel SBI have come up short. The different worlds and their rule sets are an attempt to compromise.. The question is, how will it effect the number of players and does it potentially segregate and already niche games player base.
RE: People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday
@Pluto said in People who buy a founders pack today get more than yesterday:
The real outcry is that packs were sold for 100 less during the going away sale, compared to what they were available at during the Kickstarter.
That was your opportunity to upgrade, the value was incredible.
RE: Next test phase
Very exciting news in this thread, I'm glad I revisited it.
RE: Player generated quests (work orders)
@Razvan said in Player generated quests (work orders):
Could you give some examples of what kind of player-generated quests existed in ECO?In ECO they are contracts, and they can be almost anything.. The contract is built with variables, see below:
More here: https://eco.gamepedia.com/Contracts
RE: Ability List
@Fibulator Screenshot using the clipping tool or something like LightShot https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html and I'm sure the community would help out. Use the integrated image hosting or upload a free solution of your choice.
RE: May 3 City Progression & PvP Q&A Livestream - List Your Questions!
You can find the livestream Q&A with @Oxfurd here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/610057625?t=03h15m13s
RE: Lore Locations and a Map (on world anvil) by Dordolio
Excellent addition to the community. It would be excellent if you could add resource spawns, POI, and mob types etc.
RE: YOWZA! What's YOUR favorite part of the 3d Update?
Surprisingly excited for the farming changes.. Big support for campfire change. Mounts are life.
RE: "Fight the good fight!"
The first step to fixing ranged is homing auto attacks like AO. Rangers for example, feel pretty awful in pvp and their potential is limited by this clunky implementation. Save the skillshots for the abilities..
@spoletta said in "Fight the good fight!":
Auto targeting for ranged: This would go against the intention of the devs. It is intended that you need to manually aim the target.
A bit excessive.. Allowing homing auto attacks within a reasonable cone doesn't take anything away from requiring skill shots on all abilities. It just fixes the clunk/jank ranged users have to deal with trying to land chip damage and move around.
Looting on Syndesia: I agree with no gear loot for anyone, but there must be some kind of penalty for reds. If we add (as sorely needed) an equipment wear on KD/Death, then reds could suffer more from it.
Lineage II PVP and karma system would work really well here with just a few tweaks IMO.. Could even incorporate your item wear in place of their progression loss.
RE: "Fight the good fight!"
@GamerSeuss said in "Fight the good fight!":
@Tuoni They have said that the click combat system they have now is what they intended. This is the design they want for combat flow in FO. I think a lot of us are okay with this, even if there are a few decenters out there.
You assume that this sentiment encompasses all forms of play.. Your interpretation is that they will strictly apply this to everything.. Some of us clearly feel ranged combat would greatly benefit from homing auto attacks allowing more movement in combat.. Still taking nothing away from "skillful" click combat for everything else. Positioning is important, and all the stand time in this game just makes combat feel clunky and slow to some.@LordSkykal said in "Fight the good fight!":
@Tuoni You have to keep in mind that there are sync problems at the moment, which according to dynamight should be fixed in further patches and that many players play with too high a latency, which affects this.
In the final game, combat will play much more smoothly.Sure but @Tuoni is speaking to the mechanics of positioning as a ranged user while having to aim auto attacks/chip damage.. This by itself, is extremely clunky.. Latency as you mentioned surely exaggerates things, but the issue is with the core mechanics of having to choose between movement and chip damage as a ranged user.. Kinda goes against being ranged.
RE: Can't separate Stacks. Bug or nor yet implemented?
This gets me all the time. Especially with enchanting being a thing now. It helps to keep a few stacks of certain things.
Hopefully we'll see splitting soon.
RE: Can't separate Stacks. Bug or nor yet implemented?
@Prometheus said in Can't separate Stacks. Bug or nor yet implemented?:
@Vortech yes, it's coming during this test!
Great news! A very highly anticipated feature for me. You should see my chests right now.
RE: Repairing? Kind of.
@spoletta said in Repairing? Kind of.:
That's why I proposed an alternative to the repair system, which costed only resources.
A repair system is meant to INCREASE the resource sink in the game, not decrease it.
Another game did this and switched to a currency sink due to player feedback. Ultimately it was a more of a time sink than a resource sink and players did not enjoy the mechanic. Asking the player to pick up odds and ends to repair their gear quickly became a back and forth chore.. Cherry pick the resources to place them in your inventory for repair at a station is just a big ask. The developers converted it to a currency sink and never looked back.
Repair in any form, if introduced.. must to be part of a larger economic vision. IMO.
RE: Enchanting system balance and tweaks
I'd like to see the seasons eventually effect the reagent sources and their availability/drop rates.. This would allows the devs to take things in and out of focus/favor for periods of time.. adjust drop rates.. balance enchantments, etc..
Each enchant has a few "BIS" combinations, some "better" than others.. This would keep players on their toes, allow values of reagents to rise and fall with availability and keep the market exciting. It seems like the game is close with all these complimentary systems but they just need to pin in on the back of the roadmap for a later date and make this a reality.
Depth, variety, market impact, and logical complexity all packed in to an already great system.