Jacopo, considering this new publishing deal are there any plans to be providing refunds as Fractured has not launched yet? Personally, I'm sorry.. I believe in you and Fractured but I cannot in good faith contribute or participate in any project associated with Gamigo or their other companies.

Best posts made by Vortech
RE: Gamigo Publishing Deal Q&A - List Your Questions!
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
FYI - Backer number is in the KS confirmation email titled "You just backed".
Immortal - Early Bird Backer #94 checking in!
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
I like the idea that the more you have the more things cost you.
If a guild has multiple territories, resource plots, etc.. what have you.. they cost more to feed. In AO you feed territories, it's always seemed so obvious to me.. but SBI never went down that path. If you increase the maintenance costs, then things will find a balance. Guilds will determine what amount of effort they can afford. Same applies to alliances.. The more subjects aligned, the more it costs to exist. Be it food, items by value, or outright currency.. there should be scaling costs associated with growth. dynamic costs proportionate to size.
By implementing systems like this, the developers would introduce passive checks and balances to the open world.. They could tweak these variables as need be to impact the world and it's events. They could even take it a step further and intentionally impact the open world, food shortages.. natural disasters.. Spinning up the economy in different ways as time goes on to keep things interesting.. keeping players engaged.
RE: gamigo Data Transfer
ugh.. yet another reminder of the stain that is Trion. I used to get excited when I saw Fractured news, lately it's just disappointing.
RE: What's your motivation for your pledge pack?
My motivation was lasting value.. I think the Immortal package is the best value to support the game. That being said, I went Governor. I wanted to give in a way that the effect is felt for as long as the game is playable. I'm looking forward to trying my hand at running a town and I'm excited to participate in this style of game play. I'm excited to test things out through alphas and in to beta.. As I've grown older, I find equal enjoyment in economic play as I do PVP.
RE: Is this game using these Unity Asset Store assets and why?
Small independent team.. Ask yourself, do you really want them spending time on a login screen at this stage?
RE: Firendly fire?
Coming from Albion, I'm in full support of friendly fire. It's one of the things this type of game could really benefit from. Take a look at the large almost mindless zerg vs zerg battles from AO castle fights etc. While there is some strategy at a higher level, the majority of fighting was more about lag and mindless clicking then anything else. Friendly fire would be a great addition IMO.
Free Republic Of Braavos - Home of The Iron Bank
Join Us On Discord: https://discord.gg/wSsBC9Eav4
Location: TBD
What is Braavos?Braavos is home to the Braavosi and the guild Iron Bank.
What We Offer:- A unique advantage for both economically minded and PVX players.
- A comfortable yet, semi-serious when necessary environment.
- Organized crafting/gathering specialization and support.
- Genuinely supportive residents and guild.
Join Us On Discord: https://discord.gg/wSsBC9Eav4 -
RE: The Fractured Store Is Live!
Congrats on the store launch, not pleased with Xsolla platform but I got my money in on KS
RE: I suggest to continue the Foundation program
@Jetah Great suggestions.
Personally, I'd like to see it stay and serve some purpose.. I think it's a well designed system that has seemed to work well. The community engagement during such early design stages has far surpassed anything I've seen around other new ip or projects with similar resources.
RE: Alpha 2 - Test 3 Postponed
All good @Prometheus , you guys handled well. The community handled it well, it happens. Please do some sort of notice so we can plan accordingly. I want to make sure I don't hold anyone's progression up in my territory and get those plots down at launch.
RE: Would love to see mob loot drops tied to knowledge
@Roccandil said in Would love to see mob loot drops tied to knowledge:
oddly so (how come most rabbits I kill don't have feet?)
love this, so true
@Manaia said in Would love to see mob loot drops tied to knowledge:
where the higher you get (three ranks) the more efficient you are at gathering
This is more inline with what I would suggest.. As you increase in rank/tier/experience, possible chance to gather rare item(s) increases.
I get we're in for a grind, I'm okay with it. I would rather be rewarded with efficiency and more time to do more entertaining things with my experience. I'll put in the work, just want some reward. I think this describes a fair logical mechanic that gives beginners something to work towards and veterans something rewarding enough.
RE: Unable to use Character/Stuck on Loading Screen
Sounds similar to my situation (https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/11601/character-stuck-loading-world)
Using another character on the account works in the meantime. Deleting isn't an option for me, my character is the governor of a city.
RE: [One Sentence] What turns you off playing a game?
Toxic communities, rng, overload unnecessarily grindy grinding, and micro-transactions or pay 4 power
I support pay 4 convenience, not pay 2 win through pay 4 power
RE: Week 44/45/46 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Congratulations to all! There are some great contributors there, well deserved.
RE: How do people get so many points?
Those drawings were key for most IMO.. 2,000 and 1,000 points are nothing to laugh at when you consider level 70 is only 14,000 points total.
When the community was smaller, the pool of winners was smaller. Combine that with 20+ daily points and another 50 points for posting each day and one month can be 2,100+ points for these folks.
RE: Strength of Player Factions?
On the topic of guild and alliance sizes.. I like the concept of an upkeep cost.. think of it as a size tax. Be it resources or food.
This could be applied to territories and or guilds/alliances themselves. As your territories increase, they require something.. This something (maybe resources or food) scale as more territories come online. Same concept with guilds/alliances.. Sure, you could have an unlimited number of members or territories.. Is the upkeep worth it? Maybe the upkeep to maintain the guild hall or something scales as people join. imagine tiers with multipliers of resource requirement.. < 100 Members 0.25 resources per 24 hours. 101-200 0.35, etc etc..
I'm very interested in how this all plays out.. Many old friends in AO left because of these very types of systems being so poorly designed and the indirect negative play style they force.
RE: What are you playing until release?
Albion Online, it's come a very long way
RE: Weekly drawings batch 3 - Week 56/57/58/59
Oh man, it just keeps going! Grats again to everyone fortunate in the drawings and special shout out to @00 cleaning up those Ambassador drawings!