@prometheus Thank you for the clarification! I'm kind of curious about one thing - archers and mages who have cast a spell - I assume you can safely move once the projectile is in flight? ie - The projectile is a separate animation, not tied to you, so you can fire and run without cancelling the hit once it's in the air?
Posts made by TheRippyOne
RE: Will Animation Cancelling become a combat mechanic one day?
RE: Identifying Guilds...
What would be sort of cool, is if the Guild leader could issue a command like "Guild Show" and every member of their guild (in the immediate area) has their armor shift appearance to the guild colors, or get an aura with the guild symbol behind them. It goes back to normal after 30 minutes, or if you get out of range, but, just the idea of having this ragtag bunch of people watching a confrontation between guild heads, and then "You and what army" guild show "This army." And it turns out that most of the crowd are their guldies XD just the effect would be cool XD
RE: Special weekly market
I wouldn't mind seeing an npc merchant show up selling material that you harvested from a location that a) is no longer present, and b) wasn't looted by players - ie, the asteroid left, your corpse left with it, you'd kind of like to have that stuff back, even if you have to pay a premium for it. If someone looted your body before the asteroid left, you're out of luck - that's their stuff now, not yours - but if it just goes out into the aether, no reason this black market guy couldn't have scavenged it off your body, right?
RE: Pinatas, catatonia, and Montgomery Scott (or what matters the most to me in MMOs)
@jetah ah. thank you for clarifying.
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@meninodeouro But it's your immortal soul! At least ask for a cool unique skin, as well! XD
RE: Pinatas, catatonia, and Montgomery Scott (or what matters the most to me in MMOs)
@dragomok I love the idea of good ai, and better group ai. If nothing responds realistically, and doesn't have multiple options for what that response should be - do not aggro into a group of 50 hunters, you dumb not!bunny
XD Unless you are a black rabite, and then oh crud run you fool hunters XD
I also want to see interaction models that do not relate to aggression. If you are kind and feed animals, don't have them aggro you the next time you show up, have them wander up and nuzzle for food - especially don't have one animal be all friendly, and then have another one (of the same type) show up, and immediately attack. To some extent, this is an aspect of the taming advancement, but it seems like a logical thing to include eventually. Lead in further - you friend enough animals of a type, you start smelling like them, and you are marked as a "friendly" to that species, and as a food source by predators that eat them, and as a predator to things that are afraid of that species. lasts until you bathe XD get it back by snuggling the critter again - which its fine with cause it remembers you.
I'd like to see creatures hunt prey, and run from predators - and I'd like them to ignore, flee, or attack players as a consideration of the previous behavior. If a critter is hungry, it's going to be more interested in hunting prey than attacking you. If you are a blood soaked hunter and murderer of their kind, they might choose to skip a meal to flee from you.
RE: Pinatas, catatonia, and Montgomery Scott (or what matters the most to me in MMOs)
@jetah "we had that" - when? Or, more precisely, which "we?"
we who are waiting for Fractured clearly haven't, in that we haven't played it yet...
much confusion
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@specter Thanks for all the hard work Specter. You are appreciated.
RE: 4th planet of angelics: harsh PVE, banned PVP.
@gothix Could be fun, though @Eurav 's idea of making it a semi-permanent asteroid might be more feasible (A moon of Tartaros? Too far from the influence of the gods to be resurrected, the corpses of the fallen bleach away to bones, never to be remembered - ie, if you die there, your corpse is there to be looted permanently (or, at least, until it is looted)).
RE: Game Mechanics I want to see
@althalus if you don't have proper fire protection, it's probably wise to stay in, yes.
but, of course, some resources only grow in Fire Season, so it can be worth it to take the risk - you'll only find a fire egg clutch in a fire storm, for example - they hatch once the rain stops. If you want a Diablos Omlette, you'll need to take a risk. XD Or, maybe the Fire Drake only molt in a fire storm, and cold air turns the shed skin brittle, so you need to get the skin in the storm, if you want to make Fire Wurm armor (while not the toughest, it's capacity to resist heat is unparalleled! ...says the tag line)
RE: 4th planet of angelics: harsh PVE, banned PVP.
@target well, dang. Little disappointed, but I don't mind it too much. get's the explorer cap out
RE: Wat?
@kralith at this point, I sort of assume you just carry an emergency coffee kit XD
RE: Game Mechanics I want to see
@jasperdk I'd like to see seasonal stuff - we already know that there are varied weather options - so seeing snow encroach further towards the equator in winter, and having winter biome plants follow, would be fun.
Of course, nothing says you have to stick to earth seasons - Tartaros having a season where fire falls out of the sky regularly, for example, instead of the normal acid rain.
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
So, interesting snafu - parents just got a new place, and flooded my email with pictures of it - maxed out the box. really hoping that the alpha key didn't bounce while I was cleaning it all out. much XC and paranioa XD
RE: 4th planet of angelics: harsh PVE, banned PVP.
@gothix you're making the assumptions that it's an apples to apples comparison. I'm expecting PvE on Arboreus to be harder, in general, compared to Tartaros - enemies will have more life, hit harder, or have various other minor tweaks to make up for the fact that you can't be ganked from the bushes at a moment's notice. while you're right that a lack of friendly fire and contested efforts against a raid boss will make life easier, I sort of would expect most Arboreus raid bosses to spawn in with minions (or, a lot more/nastier minions, in comparison to the Tartaros and Syn versions of that boss), either generics, or a "team" of NPC that act like an assisting party to the boss, to balance out the difference (and, on wipe, respawn under the same mechanics as we do...except, from the dungeon entrance or one area block away in the case of a field raid - so, they aren't instantly back, but it doesn't take them long, either. If the devs are particularly mean, the re-spawn kicks in when the NPC team's healer goes down)
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@specter I know I know, but...still... hits f5 XD